根据句意及汉语提示.写出各句中所缺单词的正确形式.1. It took the firemen ten hours to bring the fire under . 查看更多



【小题1】I have to  ______ (佩服;钦佩) him for the way he handled the situation.
【小题2】I know you don’t like her but try not to make it so  ______ (明显的).
【小题3】It’s certain that people in that town will  ______ (受益) from the new hospital.
【小题4】The teacher  ______ (限制) her to 800 words for her composition.
【小题5】It seems that some young people don’t have  ______ (耐心) with anything.
【小题6】I’ll see you after school, if time ______ (允许).
【小题7】You didn’t bother me. On the c________, I like to be with you.
【小题8】She was ______ (凝视) out of the window.
【小题9】We must find out our ______ (缺点) and improve it.
【小题10】The holiday may date back to the 14th century, but its exact ______ (起源) is unknown.



1.I have to  ______ (佩服;钦佩) him for the way he handled the situation.

2.I know you don’t like her but try not to make it so  ______ (明显的).

3.It’s certain that people in that town will  ______ (受益) from the new hospital.

4.The teacher  ______ (限制) her to 800 words for her composition.

5.It seems that some young people don’t have  ______ (耐心) with anything.

6.I’ll see you after school, if time ______ (允许).

7.You didn’t bother me. On the c________, I like to be with you.

8.She was ______ (凝视) out of the window.

9.We must find out our ______ (缺点) and improve it.

10.The holiday may date back to the 14th century, but its exact ______ (起源) is unknown.




1.She was ___________  (逮捕) because she refused to stand up for a white man.

2.The two friends sat in a corner __________(闲聊) about prices.

3. It is reasonable for him to ask for his ____________(法定的) right.

4.Both sides were claiming ____________ (胜利) last night.

5. He is among the best ____________ (飞行员) in our country.

6. It puzzles us that he often feels _______________(身体上) sick before exams.

7. He is regarded as the wisest _____________ (皇帝) in history.

8. We need a pipe 20 meters in ___________(长度).

9. Now his opinion ______________ (不同) entirely from mine.

10.Japan is one of the ______________ (亚洲) countries.



1. It took the firemen ten hours to bring the fire under ____________(控制) .

2. Our class is ____________ (分成)into four groups.

3. To our pity, the project had to be stopped for ___________(缺少)of money.

4. The lady was ____________(指控) of killing her husband.
5. Under the doctor’s careful _____________(治疗), your father is sure to get over it.

6. The police finally found some _____________(有价值的) clues about the case.

7. There has been a heated _____________(辩论) about the plan.

8. Will the headmaster attend the opening ______________(典礼)?

9. The ___________(压力) of studies drives the boy to drop out of school.

10.The _____________(文明) of mankind has taken thousands of years.



81. I have to  ______ (佩服;钦佩) him for the way he handled the situation.

82. I know you don’t like her but try not to make it so  ______ (明显的).

83. It’s certain that people in that town will  ______ (受益) from the new hospital.

84. The teacher  ______ (限制) her to 800 words for her composition.

85. It seems that some young people don’t have  ______ (耐心) with anything.

86. I’ll see you after school, if time ______ (允许).

87. You didn’t bother me. On the c________, I like to be with you.

88. She was ______ (凝视) out of the window.

89. We must find out our ______ (缺点) and improve it.

90. The holiday may date back to the 14th century, but its exact ______ (起源) is unknown.

