Our class is into four groups. 查看更多




1. It took the firemen ten hours to bring the fire under ____________(控制) .

2. Our class is ____________ (分成)into four groups.

3. To our pity, the project had to be stopped for ___________(缺少)of money.

4. The lady was ____________(指控) of killing her husband.
5. Under the doctor’s careful _____________(治疗), your father is sure to get over it.

6. The police finally found some _____________(有价值的) clues about the case.

7. There has been a heated _____________(辩论) about the plan.

8. Will the headmaster attend the opening ______________(典礼)?

9. The ___________(压力) of studies drives the boy to drop out of school.

10.The _____________(文明) of mankind has taken thousands of years.

