14. , John was afraid of meeting his neighbors. A.Dressing in a rag B.Wearing a rag C.Dressed in rags D.Wearing in rags 查看更多





  John Blanchard was at Grand Central Station,looking for the girl whose heart he knew,but whose face he didn't,the girl with the 36 .

  His interest in her had begun 13 months before in a Florida 37 .He was reading a book there and was attracted by the 38 on the margins left by a reader named Miss Hollis Maynell.He 39 to find her address and wrote her a letter 40 himself.The next day he was shipped overseas for 41 in the army in World War Ⅱ.

  During the next 13 months the two grew to know each other throught the 42 .When he returned,they decided their first 43 -7 pm at Grand Gentral Station. "Youll 44 me," she wrote,"by the red rose I'll be 45 on my coat."

  A young girl in a green suit was coming 46 Blanchard.She was so beautiful that he started fixing his eyes upon her,entirely 47 to notice that she was not wearing a rose.Just then,he saw Hollis Maynell,who was 48 just behind the girl.She was a woman well past 40,with 49 hair under a worn hat.

  Blanchard felt 50 .But he didn't hesitate.He said to 51 ,"I'm Lieutenant(中尉) John Blanchard,and you must be Miss Maynell.I am so glad you could meet me; may I take you to 52 ?"

  "I don't 53 what this is about,son," she said,"but the young lady 54 asked me to wear this rose on my coat. And she said if you were to ask me out to dinner,I should tell you that she is 55 you in the big restaurant across the street!"

  You can hardly imagine how happy Lieutenant John Blanchard felt at the moment! 

  36.A.book B.hat C.rose D.letter

  37.A.library B.restaurant C.post office D.station

  38.A.trails B.notes C.signs D.marks

  39.A.attempted B.stopped C.intended D.managed

  40.A.introducing B.displaying C.acknowledging D.claiming

  41.A.business B.work C.service D.research

  42.A.ship B.mail C.line D.telegraphy

  43.A.greeting B.interview C.meeting D.talk

  44.A.memorize B.impress C.run into D.recognize

  45.A.putting B.carrying C.fixing D.wearing

  46.A.toward B.over C.from D.off

  47.A.refusing B.forgetting C.stopping D.managing

  48.A.standing B.wandering C.chasing D.hurrying

  49.A.lighening B.darkening C.graying D.thickning

  50.A.excited B.shy C.embarrassed D.disappointed

  51.A.the girl B.the woman C.himself D.the passer - by

  52.A.dinner B.my house C.the hotel D.the train

  53.A.guess B.believe C.know D.like

  54.A.under a worn hat B.in the green suit C.with gray hair D.standing behind

  55.A.preparing for B.looking for C.teating D.waiting for



完形填空 (共 20 小题; 每小题 1.5 分, 满分 30 分)
“A robbery ...” a voice came from the radio.John was driving home late last night from a trip, and now he was having trouble staying   36   .He turned   37  the radio and tried to fix his attention on the   38  , but his eyes kept on closing.
  It was   39  that he noticed the hitchhiker (搭便车者) by the road.  40  even thinking about what he was doing, he stopped the car.
  “To Midrille?” “Get in.” The hitchhiker got in and immediately John was   41   that he had picked him up.The young man    42   a strange face and long hair.When John asked him questions about himself, he changed the   43  
  John   44  the news.He began to sweat  and his thoughts   45  nervously to all the money he was   46  
  At the next small town he stopped his car and said, “I’m sorry.I’m so   47   that I can’t drive you to Midrille.I think I’ll find a   48  and spend the night.”
  The young man slowly   49  into his pocket.“This is it!” thought John.At that   50 moment he considered shouting for help, but instead of a gun, the hitchhiker pulled out several    51   .“Oh, no.I don't want your money.Just get out.Okay?”
  The young man looked    52  .He insisted on   53  John the money.John watched until his   54  had disappeared from sight, then stepped on the    55  and drove out of town.

A.on B.offC.up D.over
A.outside B.news C.speed D.way
A.there B.earlier C.then D.moment
A.Without B.After C.By D.For
A.happy B.sad C.angry D.sorry
A.wore B.owned C.had D.made
A.place B.subject C.question D.face
A.rememberedB.thought C.heard D.forgot
A.got B.arrived C.changed D.turned
A.paying B.having C.carrying D.borrowing
A.afraid B.hungry C.cold D.sleepy
A.restaurantB.shop C.hotel D.station
A.reached B.forced C.got D.put
A.important B.very C.long D.short
A.knives B.photos C.handkerchiefs D.bills
A.frightenedB.puzzled C.worried D.curious
A.giving B.offering C.handing D.returning
A.driver B.friend C.passenger D.thief
A.door B.gas C.window D.motor


  John Blanchard was at Grand Central Station,looking for the girl whose heart he knew,but whose face he didn't,the girl with the 36 .
  His interest in her had begun 13 months before in a Florida 37 .He was reading a book there and was attracted by the 38 on the margins left by a reader named Miss Hollis Maynell.He 39 to find her address and wrote her a letter 40 himself.The next day he was shipped overseas for 41 in the army in World War Ⅱ.
  During the next 13 months the two grew to know each other throught the 42 .When he returned,they decided their first 43 -7 pm at Grand Gentral Station. "Youll 44 me," she wrote,"by the red rose I'll be 45 on my coat."
  A young girl in a green suit was coming 46 Blanchard.She was so beautiful that he started fixing his eyes upon her,entirely 47 to notice that she was not wearing a rose.Just then,he saw Hollis Maynell,who was 48 just behind the girl.She was a woman well past 40,with 49 hair under a worn hat.
  Blanchard felt 50 .But he didn't hesitate.He said to 51 ,"I'm Lieutenant(中尉) John Blanchard,and you must be Miss Maynell.I am so glad you could meet me; may I take you to 52 ?"
  "I don't 53 what this is about,son," she said,"but the young lady 54 asked me to wear this rose on my coat. And she said if you were to ask me out to dinner,I should tell you that she is 55 you in the big restaurant across the street!"
  You can hardly imagine how happy Lieutenant John Blanchard felt at the moment! 
  36.A.book B.hat C.rose D.letter
  37.A.library B.restaurant C.post office D.station
  38.A.trails B.notes C.signs D.marks
  39.A.attempted B.stopped C.intended D.managed
  40.A.introducing B.displaying C.acknowledging D.claiming
  41.A.business B.work C.service D.research
  42.A.ship B.mail C.line D.telegraphy
  43.A.greeting B.interview C.meeting D.talk
  44.A.memorize B.impress C.run into D.recognize
  45.A.putting B.carrying C.fixing D.wearing
  46.A.toward B.over C.from D.off
  47.A.refusing B.forgetting C.stopping D.managing
  48.A.standing B.wandering C.chasing D.hurrying
  49.A.lighening B.darkening C.graying D.thickning
  50.A.excited B.shy C.embarrassed D.disappointed
  51.A.the girl B.the woman C.himself D.the passer - by
  52.A.dinner B.my house C.the hotel D.the train
  53.A.guess B.believe C.know D.like
  54.A.under a worn hat B.in the green suit C.with gray hair D.standing behind
  55.A.preparing for B.looking for C.teating D.waiting for


  Years ago a John Hopkin’s professor gave a group of graduate students this task: Go to the slums(平民窟).  31 200 boys, between the ages of 12 and 16, and  32 their background and environment. Then predict their  33 for the future.
  The students, after  34 social statistics, talking to the boys, and collecting much data,  35 that 90 percent of the boy would spend some time in  36 .
  Twenty-five years later another group of graduate students was  37 the job of testing the  38 . They went back to the same area. Some of the boys— 39 men—were still there,a few had died,some had moved away, 40 they got in touch with 180 of the  41 200. They found that only four of the group had ever been sent to prison.
   42 was it that these men,who had lived in a breeding place of crime,had such a 43 good record? The researchers were continually told,“Well,there was a teacher…”
  They pressed  44 ,and found that in 75 percent of the  45 it was the same woman. The researchers went to this teacher,now living in a home for retired  46 . How had she had this remarkable influence  47 that group of children? Could she give them any reason why these boys  48 have remembered her?
  “No,”she said.“No I really couldn’t.”And then,  49 back over the years,she said musingly,more to herself than to her  50 ,“I loved those boys…”
31.A.Take         B.Elect      C.Appoint     D.Mention
32.A.learn         B.inform     C.study      D.describe
33.A.careers       B.statuses     C.promises     D.chances
34.A.checking       B.closing     C.storing     D.trying
35.A.drew         B.concluded    C.decided     D.confirmed
36.A.hospital       B.prison      C.camp       D.court
37.A.offered        B.provided    C.given      D.served
38.A.result        B.accuracy     C.effect     D.prediction
39.A.by then       B.so far      C.as usual    D.soon after
40.A.and         B.so        C.but      D.then
41.A.exact        B.considerable   C.mere      D.original
42.A.What         B.When       C.Why       D.Where
43.A.surprisingly    B.relatively    C.similarly    D.undoubtedly
44.A.deeper        B.further      C.higher     D.wider
45.A.cases        B.samples     C.affairs     D.examples
46.A.workers       B.teachers     C.professors    D.guards
47.A.against       B.versus      C.over       D.through
48.A.would        B.should      C.might      D.could
49.A.calling       B.going       C.thinking    D.remembering
50.A.students       B.relatives     C.roommates   D.questioners


Is this the place_____ John was born?   

A. which                     B. where                C. when                    D. that


