23.Britain's biggest tennis hope is 19-year-old Andrew Murray.so his fans never expected that he have failed in the final. A.could B.might C.should D.must 查看更多




Bob: How to make use of part-time job experience to secure a position in a big company?

Olga: How to take advantage of family tradition and build a new brand?

Scott: How to discover market needs and build an online business?

Ann: How to run a business based on creativity and inventions?

David: How to start a small business based on special skills?



James Murray Wells founded Glasses Direct, which is now the biggest online seller of eyeglasses in the world. It sells a pair of frames every few minutes and employs 70 people in its two offices.

This English entrepreneur was still in college when he saw a great business opportunity. He saw that there was no UK online shop selling eyeglasses. He used his college loan money to start just such a business and it was successful enough to earn over $1 million during its first year in operation.

Richie Stachowski, 11, of Moraga, Calif., went diving with his dad during a vacation in Hawaii. Richie was disappointed he could not talk underwater about the many colorful and amazing things he saw.

When Richie got home, he started work on the equipment that would allow him to talk underwater. His invention — the Water Talkies — is basically a phone that allows sound wave to travel about 15 feet underwater. Water Talkies are now offered at toy stores around the country.



Fraser Doherty is an example of a young man with a more old-fashioned approach to business. At the age of 14, Fraser Doherty began making jams from his grandmother’s recipes (制作法) and selling them door-to-door in Edinburgh, Scotland. Developing the recipes and coming up with a name for his product, Doherty quit school at age 16 to work on Super jam full time. Now Super jam has an estimated worth of over $2 million based on current sales of $1 million annually.

Richard is an example of developing and using his skills to earn money. At the age of 15 he learned leather craft at a summer camp. He then made small items he could sell at the only shop in his village.

Because he was determined to produce the highest-quality work, his fame and his profit grew. Soon Richard could buy larger quantities of leather, which he made into handbags and purses. These he sold in a larger shop in the neighboring village.



Dorothy started her business at the age of 14, selling stick-insect eggs by mail order. Less than 20 years later, she is Great Britain’s biggest breeder (繁殖者) of stick insects. Because she had experience with insects and knew she wanted to make a career in the insect business, Dorothy studied applied biology at a university, designing the right kind of insect houses and researching proper feeding facilities for her insects. This greatly increased her ability to supply the whole package to her customers.

Ben’s family helped him turn an after-school job — cleaning swimming pools and mowing lawns — into a successful and valuable service. Because of the skills he developed through hard work, he landed a position with a large company, which paid his college fees, provided him training in a career and guaranteed him a job after graduation.

The company was not looking for a high-powered businessman; it wanted someone who had learned financial knowledge and the value of customer satisfaction — all very important entrepreneurial skills.


A chocolate printer that allows sweet lovers to create 3D desserts by themselves is to go on sale at a cost of 2,500 pounds.
The machine squirts (喷射) out chocolate and, via computer instructions, allows the user to build any shape they like out of the food. But makers Choc Edge have missed the Easter rush. Even so, they hope the printer will be snapped up by retailers (零售商) immediately they come to the market. Britain’s biggest chocolatiers Thornton’s have already said they are interested. Because of the high cost, however, few individuals are likely to buy one. But the devicecould one day allow people to design their own 3D objects after submitting their designs on a website. Dr Hao, founder of Choc Edge came up with a prototype (原型) last year and has only just perfected it so that it can now go on sale. “We’ve improved and simplified the machine, so now it is really easy to use,” he told the BBC. “You just need to melt some chocolate, fill a syringe (注射器) that is stored in the printer, and get creative printing of your chocolate.”     
3D printing is a technology where a three dimensional object is created by building up successive layers of material. The technology is already used in industry to produce plastic and metal products, but this is the first time the principles have been applied to chocolate. The research has presented many challenges. Chocolate is not an easy material to work with because it requires accurate heating and cooling cycles. Dr Hao said, “What makes this technology special is that users will be able to design and make their own products. From reproducing the shape of a child’s favourite toy to a friend’s face, the possibilities are endless. It could be developed to help consumers design many products from different materials, but we’ve started with chocolate as it is easily available, low cost and harmless.” “There is also no wastage as any spoilage (损坏物) can be eaten.” Dr Hao added, “Eventually we may see many mass-produced products replaced by unique designs created by the customer.”
EPSRC chief executive Professor Dave Delpy said, “This is a good example of how creative research can be applied to create new manufacturing and retail ideas. By combining developments in engineering with the commercial potential of the digital economy,We can see the new market prospect (前景)—creating new jobs and, in this case, the chocolate printer is called sweet business opportunities.”
【小题1】Which is the advantage of the chocolate printer?

A.It is easilyavailable, low cost and harmless.
B.It mainly produces children’s favourite toys.
C.The user can build the shape they like via computer instructions.
D.The designs made by it are the same as many mass-produced products.
【小题2】What can we conclude from the passage?
A.The printer sold well during last Easter.
B.The technology of 3D printing promises a good future.
C.The printer was perfected and went on sale many years ago.
D.It’s the first time that the technology has been used in industry.
【小题3】Dave Delpy’s attitude towards the chocolate printer is __________.
【小题4】We can conclude that this passage is a __________.
A.science fictionB.book reviewC.news reportD.travel guide


There were red faces at one of Britain’s biggest banks recently. They had accepted a telephone order to buy £100,000 worth of shares from a 15-year-old schoolboy (they thought he was 21). The shares fell in value and the schoolboy was unable to pay up. The bank lost £20,000 on the deal which it cannot get back, because, for one thing, the young boy does not have the money, for another, being under 18, he is not legally liable for his debts. If the shares had risen in value by the same amount that they fell, he would have pocketed £20,000 profit. It certainly is better than delivering the morning newspaper. In another case, a boy of 14 found, in his grandmother’s house, a suitcase full of foreign banknotes. But they were now not used in their country of origin or anywhere else. This young boy headed straight to the nearest bank with his pockets filled with notes. The cashiers did not realize the country in question had reduced the value of its currency by 90%. They exchanged the notes at their face value at the current exchange rate. In three days, before he was found out, he took £200,000 from nine different banks. Amazingly, he had already spent more than half of this before the police caught up with him. Because he is also under 18 the banks have kissed goodbye to a lot of money, and several cashiers have lost their jobs.
Should we admire these youngsters for being enterprising and showing initiative or condemn them for their dishonesty? Maybe they had managed for years with tiny amounts of pocket money that they got from tight-fisted parents. Maybe they had done Saturday jobs for peanuts. It is hardly surprising, given the expensive things that young people want to buy, such as fashionable running shoes and computer games, if they sometimes think up more imaginative ways of making money than delivering newspapers. These youngsters saw the chance to make a lot of money and took it.
Another recent story which should give us food for thought is the case of the man who paid his six-year-old daughter£300 a week pocket money. He then charged her for the food she ate a few coins for her piggy bank(存钱灌)“She will soon learn the value of money, ” he said. “There’s no such thing as a free lunch. Everything has to be paid for and the sooner she learns that the better.” At the other extreme there are fond parents who provide free bed and board for their grown-up children, While even the most hard-hearted parents might hesitate to throw their children out on the streets, we all know of people in their twenties who still shamelessly live off their parents. Surely there comes a time when everyone has to leave the parental nest, look after themselves and pay their own way in life. But when is it?
Recently one of Britain’s biggest banks _____.

A.bought a lot of shares for a customer and brought him a great loss
B.lost money as its young customer had no money to pay his debts
C.lost much money because the shares they bought fell in value
D.received a telephone order to buy shares for a 21-year-old boy
. The author’s attitude to the example of the two boys who cheated the banks is _____.
The man paid his daughter £300 a week pocket money and then required her to pay for her living expenses because _____.
A.he wanted her to know making money was not easy
B.he wanted to save money for her future education
C.he thought it useful for family members to bear life hardships together
D.he wanted her to learn the value of money
It can be concluded from the passage that the author believes that _____.
A.children should leave the parental nest as soon as possible
B.grown-up children should live on their own
C.children should be taught not to cheat others
D.parents should give more pocket money to their children


There were red faces at one of Britain’s biggest banks recently. They had accepted a telephone order to buy £100,000 worth of shares from a 15-year-old schoolboy (they thought he was 21). The shares fell in value and the schoolboy was unable to pay up. The bank lost £20,000 on the deal which it cannot get back, because, for one thing, the young boy does not have the money, for another, being under 18, he is not legally liable for his debts. If the shares had risen in value by the same amount that they fell, he would have pocketed £20,000 profit. It certainly is better than delivering the morning newspaper. In another case, a boy of 14 found, in his grandmother’s house, a suitcase full of foreign banknotes. But they were now not used in their country of origin or anywhere else. This young boy headed straight to the nearest bank with his pockets filled with notes. The cashiers did not realize the country in question had reduced the value of its currency by 90%. They exchanged the notes at their face value at the current exchange rate. In three days, before he was found out, he took £200,000 from nine different banks. Amazingly, he had already spent more than half of this before the police caught up with him. Because he is also under 18 the banks have kissed goodbye to a lot of money, and several cashiers have lost their jobs.

Should we admire these youngsters for being enterprising and showing initiative or condemn them for their dishonesty? Maybe they had managed for years with tiny amounts of pocket money that they got from tight-fisted parents. Maybe they had done Saturday jobs for peanuts. It is hardly surprising, given the expensive things that young people want to buy, such as fashionable running shoes and computer games, if they sometimes think up more imaginative ways of making money than delivering newspapers. These youngsters saw the chance to make a lot of money and took it.

Another recent story which should give us food for thought is the case of the man who paid his six-year-old daughter£300 a week pocket money. He then charged her for the food she ate a few coins for her piggy bank(存钱灌)“She will soon learn the value of money, ” he said. “There’s no such thing as a free lunch. Everything has to be paid for and the sooner she learns that the better.” At the other extreme there are fond parents who provide free bed and board for their grown-up children, While even the most hard-hearted parents might hesitate to throw their children out on the streets, we all know of people in their twenties who still shamelessly live off their parents. Surely there comes a time when everyone has to leave the parental nest, look after themselves and pay their own way in life. But when is it?


 Recently one of Britain’s biggest banks _____.

   A. bought a lot of shares for a customer and brought him a great loss

   B. lost money as its young customer had no money to pay his debts

   C. lost much money because the shares they bought fell in value

   D. received a telephone order to buy shares for a 21-year-old boy


. The author’s attitude to the example of the two boys who cheated the banks is _____.

   A. objective     B. subjective       C. questioning      D. negative


 The man paid his daughter £300 a week pocket money and then required her to pay for her living expenses because _____.

   A. he wanted her to know making money was not easy

   B. he wanted to save money for her future education

   C. he thought it useful for family members to bear life hardships together

   D. he wanted her to learn the value of money 


It can be concluded from the passage that the author believes that _____.

   A. children should leave the parental nest as soon as possible

   B. grown-up children should live on their own

   C. children should be taught not to cheat others

   D. parents should give more pocket money to their children



Have you heard of the scandal that happened in one of Great Britain’s biggest supermarket chains called Tesco? The British love Tesco as it sells very cheap products and it can be found on almost every corner of a British city or town.

On January 15th 2013 food inspectors discovered 30 % horsemeat in a certain brand of frozen beefburgers that were mostly sold by Tesco in the UK and Ireland.

In times of social media like Facebook and Twitter the news has spread fast and customers have been very concerned about what the food they buy actually contains. Tesco said it had taken away the burgers from the shop shelves immediately, and apologized to their customers. They also promised that they would find out what exactly happened and that they would work harder than ever so this would never happen again. Customers are also able to return the beefburgers and get a refund, that is, their money back.

However, it will be hard for Tesco to get the people’s trust back. Just imagine buying lovely beefburgers that you fry at home and suddenly you find out that you have actually eaten horsemeat! In this case not only horse lovers will be upset!

By the way, why are British people so shocked about eating horsemeat? In history, horses have played great roles as working animals and as an important means of transport. When Britons of today think of horses, they think of majestic animals or cute pets rather than meat.

But this is not the only reason for the protest: Customers also want to be sure that the products they buy contain what it says on the label. Hopefully, supermarkets can avoid mistakes like that in the future. Maybe there should be stricter regulations and more controls of our food? Otherwise we will soon find ourselves eating panda meat instead of pork and parrot instead of chicken. So the next time you are in a supermarket maybe check the ingredients of your food before you buy it or you could get a nasty surprise …

1.What is the scandal?

A. Tesco’s products were much more expensive than they are supposed to be.

B. Tesco didn’t react immediately to a food quality issue.

C. Tesco sold expired food.

D. Horsemeat was found in burgers sold in Tesco.

2.What didn’t Tesco do in response to the scandal?

A. It withdrew the beefburgers.

B. It made an apology to the public.

C. It investigated and found out the cause and effect of the scandal.

D. It returned money to customers who bought the beefburgers.

3.Which statement isn’t among the reasons why customers are furious?

A. People trusted Tesco so much that they never expected a scandal like this.

B. Everyone can call himself or herself a horse lover in the UK.

C. Sellers shouldn’t cheat customers.

D. The horse is humans’ friend.


