insist v. (1)坚决要求, 坚决主张 Insist on / upon doing sth.或insist that-clause,从句动词用 do The government insists that waste water be made clean before going into the river. She insisted on our staying there for supper. (2)坚持认为, 坚持说 Insist on / upon doing sth.或insist that-clause,从句动词用陈述句语序和相应的时态 He insisted on his innocence. The farmer insisted that the neighbor had stolen his sheep. 查看更多



1. 这个女孩难以相处。(sth.+be+adj.+to do)
2. 我难以想象与那种女孩子结婚。(imagine doing)
3. 他在办公室时喜欢做一些事情而不喜欢聊天。(prefer)
4. 他们坚决要求每个人都来参加晚会。(insist that)
5. 无论敌人怎么拷打,他都不屈服。(give in)


1) Tom _____   that we____the gift.汤姆坚决要求我 们收下礼物.
2) He insisted that he _____    right and that he ____ treated properly.


阅读下面短文,根据以下提示:1)汉语提示 2)首字母提示 3)语境提示,在每个空格内填入一个适当的英语单词,并将该词完整的写右边相对应的横线上,所填单词要求意义准确,拼写正确。

         The following is the result of a survey on the students’ v       1.____________

on their future job preference. _______ seems to be some differences 2.___________

_________ boys and girls. The most striking contrast lies in teaching: 3.___________

most girls would like to become teachers w    ____few boys want  4.___________

to do this job. _______(有趣的是), many boys want to do business  5.____________

and still some want to become _______(律师) though only a small   6.__________

part of girls s   _   interest in these two fields. The second largest  7._________

group of all the __________(受调查) students, expect to be scientists.8.______

That is, both boys and girls are w        to show their ability in    9.___________

this field. And the third c        for girls is to be        translators.    10.___________




1. “Did you write your diary?” Tom asked Mary.

  Tom asked Mary ___________ she ___________  ___________ her diary.

2. The boy was punished because he was late for school. His bicycle was broken.

The boy ___________ bicycle was broken was punished ___________  ___________being late for school.

3. 就是他坚决要求她去劝说玛丽努力学习吗?

Was it he ___________ insisted ___________ ___________Mary to study hard?

4. 这是他第一次嘲笑别人,所以我们都感到很震惊。

  It was the first time that he ___________ ___________at others, so we felt ___________.

5. 即使我不喜欢他对我说话的方式,但为了提高英语口语,我还是充分利用时间与他交流。

___________  ___________I don’t like the way___________ he speaks, I make full use of time to ___________ ___________ him in English.




1. “Did you write your diary?” Tom asked Mary.

  Tom asked Mary ___________ she ___________  ___________ her diary.

2. The boy was punished because he was late for school. His bicycle was broken.

The boy ___________ bicycle was broken was punished ___________  ___________being late for school.

3. 就是他坚决要求她去劝说玛丽努力学习吗?

Was it he ___________ insisted ___________ ___________Mary to study hard?

4. 这是他第一次嘲笑别人,所以我们都感到很震惊。

  It was the first time that he ___________ ___________at others, so we felt ___________.

5. 即使我不喜欢他对我说话的方式,但为了提高英语口语,我还是充分利用时间与他交流。

___________  ___________I don’t like the way___________ he speaks, I make full use of time to ___________ ___________ him in English.

