determine v.决定, 确定, 下决心 + n. + to do sth. determine + clause + on/upon sht./doing sth. +疑问句+to do sth. You had better determine a date for the meeting as soon as possible. It is unnecessary to determine what each word means while you are reading a passage. I haven’t determined where to spend the seven-day holiday. 拓展: determination n.决心, 决定 determined adj.决然的,果断的 be determined to do下决心干--=make up one’s mind to do give sb. a determined look坚定地看某人 a determined man意志坚定的人 查看更多



1.prefer vt.更喜欢_____过去式______过去分词
2.graduate vi.毕业n.大学毕业生____n,毕业
3.determine vt.决定_____adj.坚决的_______ n.决心
4.____ adj.可信赖的_________v.依靠


1. 不利条件;不便之处n.______       有利条件;优势n.______
2. 毕业vi.______      毕业生n. ______       毕业n.______
3. 组织;成立vt.______    有组织的adj.______    组织;机构n.______
4. 决定;确定;下定决心vt.______      坚决的;有决心的adj.______    决心;确定n.______



1.The college, founded centuries ago, was completely d___________ in the terrible earthquake.

2.You are required to pay for your p___________ before you leave the supermarket.

3.G__________, the whole city was covered by sandstorm from AD200 to AD400.

4.Last night I went to the bookshop and the shopkeeper r_______________ a new book to me.

5.Our school made it a rule that the students should attend the flag-raising

c        with their school uniform (校服)every Monday morning.

6.The newly-built park will be              (有利的) to the people living there.

7.Mr. Fat is an              (有智力的)man because he always can solve the problems when in difficulty.

8.He was back in the office,              (更新)the work schedule on the computer.

9.She had difficulty in               (决定/确定)where to hang the picture in her new flat.

10.Stratford police refuse to make              (评论)on whether anyone has been arrested.



【小题1】The college, founded centuries ago, was completely d___________ in the terrible earthquake.
【小题2】You are required to pay for your p___________ before you leave the supermarket.
【小题3】G__________, the whole city was covered by sandstorm from AD200 to AD400.
【小题4】Last night I went to the bookshop and the shopkeeper r_______________ a new book to me.
【小题5】Our school made it a rule that the students should attend the flag-raising
c        with their school uniform (校服)every Monday morning.
【小题6】The newly-built park will be              (有利的) to the people living there.
【小题7】Mr. Fat is an              (有智力的)man because he always can solve the problems when in difficulty.
【小题8】He was back in the office,              (更新)the work schedule on the computer.
【小题9】She had difficulty in               (决定/确定)where to hang the picture in her new flat.
【小题10】Stratford police refuse to make              (评论)on whether anyone has been arrested.


【小题1】I can’t tell you the __________(确定的) time when I will come.
【小题2】More than 100 million copies of this book have been _________ (发行) around the country.
【小题3】Faithfulness is one of the main ___________(特点) of dogs.
【小题4】It is urgent to raise public __________(意识) of environmental protection.
【小题5】The criminal was sentenced to prison for ________(偷窃).
【小题6】It is c____________ of you not to play the piano while I was asleep.
【小题7】The school organizes its students to do v________ labor, that is without any pay every Friday .
【小题8】College students are encouraged to take part-time jobs to a___________ social experience needed for the future career.
【小题9】My brother is a very s___________ person. Once he has made up his mind, nothing can change it.
【小题10】His speech was constantly i_________ by the audience’s warm applause(鼓掌).

