thanks to幸亏.因为 Thanks to the efforts by the headmaster, I can go back to school now. It was thanks to his advice that I succeeded. 以下短语也表示“因为.由于 之意 because of/owing to/due to具有介词性质.后面要接something或somebody.不能接从句 查看更多



Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.

1. 校园内禁止吸烟。(allow)

2. 我建议你星期一早上早点起床,因为总是会塞车。(suggest)

3. 国际问题应该以和平方式而不是暴力方式来解决。(rather than)

4. 多亏父母的理解与支持,他终于实现了当一名宇航员的梦想。(Thanks to)

5. 应该鼓励学生多参加户外运动,缺乏体育锻炼可能会对他们的成长造成许多负面的影响。(lack)



Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.

1. 校园内禁止吸烟。(allow)

2. 我建议你星期一早上早点起床,因为总是会塞车。(suggest)

3. 国际问题应该以和平方式而不是暴力方式来解决。(rather than)

4. 多亏父母的理解与支持,他终于实现了当一名宇航员的梦想。(Thanks to)

5. 应该鼓励学生多参加户外运动,缺乏体育锻炼可能会对他们的成长造成许多负面的影响。(lack)



81. 我看不起那种通过不诚实手段来达到其个人目的的人。

I ______________ the kind of person who achieves his personal purpose in dishonest ways.

82. 多亏您的帮助,我终于和同学们建立了深厚的友谊。

Thanks to your help, I have finally______________ heavy friendship with my classmates.

83. 他宁死不屈。 He ______________ than give in.

84. 我后悔昨天没在街上认出一位老朋友。

I ______________ ______________ ______________ out an old friend in the street yesterday.

85. 她满意目前的生活,因为她享有很多自由。

She ______________ her present life, for she enjoys much freedom.

86. 他极少出门,和外界几乎完全隔绝了。

He seldom went out and was almost ______________ from the outside world.

87. 这本书是专门给那些想戒掉自己坏习惯的人写的。

This book is intended for those who want to ______________ their bad habits.

88. 笑容如阳光,驱走人们脸上的冬天。Laughter is the sun that ______________ the human face.

89. 我尽力让他先集中精神处理这件事情,但是没有成功。

I tried to help him focus on this issue first, but______________.

90. 他递给她一杯咖啡,让她放松下来。He handed her a cup of coffee to put her ______________



make;  depress ; be modeled after ;  affect ; nor ; approach ;

in advance; in search of ; worthwhile ; prefer ; devote; 

astonish ; be intended for; thanks to


91.I looked carefully at the text and realized that it _________ women in the countryside.

92.I discovered that she had ________ her whole life to her patients and had chosen not to have a family of her own.

93.You may find it ________ that Charlie was taught to sing as soon as he could speak and dance as soon as he could walk.

94.He made people laugh at a time when they felt _____, so they could feel more content with their lives.

95.Tony _________Julia, touched her shoulder and kissed her on the cheek.

96.The amazing, up-to-date information together with many opportunities for hands-on learning ______ the world come to life in a completely new way for visitors.

97.Every area of the park ______  life in the days of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table.

98.All cultures don’t greet each other the same way, ______ are they comfortable in the same way with touching or distance between people.

99.Like so many others, the little tramp and his friend have rushed there _______ gold, but without success

100.He_______ to stay alone rather than gossip with his co-workers in his spare time.



Social networking websites are causing alarming changes in the brains of young users, a famous scientist has warned.Sites such as Facebook, Twitter and Bebo are said to shorten attention spans (幅度), encourage instant satisfaction and make children more self-centered.

   Warnings from neuroscientist (神经系统科学家) Susan Greenfield will disturb the millions whose social lives depend on surfing their favorite websites each day.But they will strike a chord (弦) with parents and teachers who complain that many teenagers lack the ability to communicate or concentrate away from their screens.

    More than 150 million use Facebook to keep in touch with friends, share photographs and videos and post regular updates of their movements and thoughts.A further six million have signed up to Twitter, the "micro-blogging" service that lets users exchange text messages about themselves.But while the sites are popular and extremely profitable, a growing number of psychologists and neuroscientists believe they may be doing more harm than good.

    Baroness Tarot, an Oxford University neuroscientist believes repeated exposure could rewire the brain.Computer games and fast-paced TV shows were also a factor, she said."My fear is that these technologies are weakening the brain to the state of small children who are attracted by buzzing noises and bright lights, who have a small attention span and live for the moment." "I often wonder whether real conversation in real time may eventually give way to these easier and faster screen dialogues, in much the same way as killing and butchering an animal to eat has been replaced by the convenience of packages on the supermarket shelf," she said.

    Psychologists have also argued that digital technology is changing the way we think.They point out that students no longer need to plan their term papers before starting to write—thanks to word processors they can edit as they go along.

    A study by the Broadcaster Audience Board found teenagers now spend seven and a half hours a day in front of a screen.Educational psychologist Jane Healy believes children should be kept away from computer games until they are seven.Most games only excite the "flight or fight" areas of the brain, rather than the areas responsible reasoning.

    Sue Palmer, author of Toxic Childhood, said: "We are seeing children's brain development damaged because they don't engage in the activity they have engaged in for thousands of years.I'm not against technology and computers.But before they start social networking, they need to learn to make real relationships with people."


According to the passage, social networking websites might _____.

    A.make young users more selfish       

B.lengthen young users' attention span

    C.encourage young users constant satisfaction young users communicate better with their families


A neuroscientist may worry that sites like Facebook may ______. children learn to make real relationships with people in society

    B.encourage students not to plan their term papers before starting to write

    C.disturb those whose social lives depend on surfing their favorite websites

    D.make real conversation in real time give way to easier and faster screen dialogue


From the passage we can infer that _____.

    A.Baroness Tarot agrees websites cause small children's small attention span

    B.Jane Healy believes computer games can do good to children's reasoning

    C.Susan Greenfield's warnings have been brought to wide public attention

    D.Sue Palmer's book Toxic Childhood discusses the development of networking


What is the purpose of this passage?

    A.To tell us the conflict between neuroscientists and psychologists on websites.

    B.To present some negative opinions on social networking websites.

    C.To offer advice on the problem of brain damage caused by social networking.

    D.To analyse how social networking websites cause damage in the brains of teenagers.



