第一节:单词拼写.请用15到20单元词汇表上的单词填空(共10小题.每小题1分.满分10分). 76.I am surely aware of the a of Kunming city is about 1830 meters. 77.In most people’s opinion, the more g a person is, the less happy life he may live. 78.Every student could come to a better place because their p is not limited. 79.The c between two sister schools has been greatly developed. 80.The number of the students in Kunming No.1 Middle School is a 3000. 81.John to be easy to angry. 82.The man was of not being frank. 83.Writing articles is an work. 84.They tried their best to save the drowning girl, but eventually in . 85.The carmaker the car for three years. 查看更多



51. Professor Li is very __(热心) about his teaching.                                                  51._________
52. Her teaching is not like that of my __(以前) teacher.                                                     52._________
53. The __(表现) of the students in class shows they like her.                                               53._________
54. The ­­__(少年) felt unhappy because their team failed.                                                     54._________
55. Your listening __(理解) needs improving.                                                                    55._________
56. They looked at the car until it __(消失) in the darkness.                                                 56._________
57. History is not an __(学术) subject.                                                                   57._________
58. Secondary school in the US usually __(包含) seven years.                                         58.__________
59. His __(厌倦) speech made us sleepy.                                                                        59.__________
60. He always __(鼓励) us when we failed.                                                                    60.__________



1.. The building has been made a_______ to disabled people.   

2.Very often, the s_____ of electricity cannot meet the demand in the town.. 

3.The plan received w           support throughout the country.

4.. She         ( 保证) that she will be there on time.   

5.. It is             (荒谬的 ) to drive so fast across the busy street during the rush hour. 






51. Professor Li is very __(热心) about his teaching.                                                  51._________

52. Her teaching is not like that of my __(以前) teacher.                                                     52._________

53. The __(表现) of the students in class shows they like her.                                               53._________

54. The ­­__(少年) felt unhappy because their team failed.                                                     54._________

55. Your listening __(理解) needs improving.                                                                    55._________

56. They looked at the car until it __(消失) in the darkness.                                                 56._________

57. History is not an __(学术) subject.                                                                   57._________

58. Secondary school in the US usually __(包含) seven years.                                         58.__________

59. His __(厌倦) speech made us sleepy.                                                                        59.__________

60. He always __(鼓励) us when we failed.                                                                    60.__________



第四部分: 写作


76. Do you know that a worker ant has two _________(胃)in his body?

77. On Peace Day, no fighting or c________ are allowed. People learn and talk about peace.

78. Young people usually have more e______ than the old, so they can work longer.

79. If I had your ______(脑筋), I could do better in my exams.

80. When a soldier meets an officer, the soldier often s______ him.

81. The fridge does not f________ very well; you’d better get it repaired.

82.When the crops are r_____, they are ready to be harvested.

83. O______ vegetables are those that are grown without chemicals.

84. It was a great h_____ to be asked to speak at the conference.

85. Children are taught to believe in the _____(原则) of equal opportunity for everyone.




第一节:单词拼写 (满分15分)


66. What i_____________ you to choose a career in nursing?

67. It will __________ ____ (吸引) those who love Impressionist and Post-Impressionist paintings.

68. Please remember to take all your personal p______________ with you when you leave the aircraft.

69. The poems may not make sense and even seem c_______________, but they are easy to learn and recite.

70. Did you know that English speakers also enjoy other forms of Asian poetry —Tang poems from China ____ ____________(尤其是)?

71. The s__________ she felt over the death of her dog was almost too much to bear.

72. During adolescence I also smoked and became ___________ ____ cigarettes.

73. Commercial television is an ______________ (有影响的,有效果的) medium for advertising.

74. If you develop AIDS, your chances of s___________ are very small.

75. He had been ill for a long time and c______________ he was behind in his work.

76. On the other hadn, there are those, like George Hambley, who _____ __________ ____ (反对) this view.

77. People should ___________ (拥护、提倡) improvements in the way we use energy today.

78. Having studied volcanoes for many years, I am still amazed at their beauty as well as their _____________ (潜能) to cause great damage.

79. How can I e_____________ his ability without seeing his work?

80. Since your brother ____ ________________ ____ (没有意识到……) his shortcomings, it is you that should tell him.


