suffer (1)vt.遭受,蒙受(痛苦.疾病.饥饿.损失等) Many provinces in our country suffered a heavy loss in the flood in 1998. 因--而受损失.患--病 She is suffering from loss of memory. 拓展: suffering n.痛苦,苦难 sufferer n.受苦者 考点例题: heart attack for years, he is no longer strong. A. Suffer B. Suffering C. Suffering from D. Suffered from 查看更多



1)suffer for  
2)suffer from  
3) 遭受痛苦受到惩罚挨饿/受损失/遭受失败
4) They____in the financial crisis. 在经济危机中,他们在遭受了巨大的损失
5)Our business has    lack of investment. 我们的企业 因缺乏投资而受损失
6) She was____a headache. 她正经受头疼   之苦。



1.Japan _______(遭受) a great loss in the terrible earthquake.

2.The teacher can easily _________ (辨认出) each student’s handwriting.

3.The __________ (表情) on his face suggested that he was not satisfied with the result.

4.It is a little difficult to __________(使平静)someone when he or she is excited.

5.He prefers to work _______ (在户外), for he can have more time to get close to nature.

6.When he was abroad, his parents were _________ (担心) about his safety.

7.Not knowing a single person at the party, he felt _______ (忽视)by all the people present.

8.We were so_________ (感激) to him for the help he had offered to us.

9.Go __________(直接地) ahead, and you can find the museum.

10.You’d better find a _______ (本地人) to show you the way to the hospital.



Live Earth Announces 2010 Global Event!
This is the web version of the October 15, 2009 Live Earth email to members. Click here to join and receive bi-weekly updates from Live Earth.
Live Earth is pleased to announce the largest worldwide water initiative(倡议)in history to help fight the global water crisis. The Dow Live Earth Run for Water—to take place on April 18, 2010—will consist of a series of 6 km run/walks (the average distance many women and children walk every day to get water) taking place over the course of 24 hours in countries around the world, featuring concerts and water education activities, raising awareness and funds to help solve the water crisis. Jessica Biel, Alexandra Cousteau, Pete Wentz, Angelique Kidjo and Jenny Fletcher will lend their names and their time in support of this global event.
Water shortage is a major issue affecting countries, communities and families all over the world. One in eight people doesn’t have access to safe, clean drinking water. Communities in Africa, Latin America and Asia suffer 1.8 million deaths every year from diarrheal(腹泻)diseases and the death of 5,000 children each day due to inadequate water infrastructure(基础设施). In these areas, women and children are forced to walk 6 km (3.7 miles) each day to get water that is likely unsuitable for drinking. However, the water crisis is not only limited to developing nations. Adding to these existing issues, the effects of climate change are increasingly impacting both supply and quality of available fresh water throughout the world.
In 60% of European cities with populations greater than 100,000, groundwater is being used faster than it can be replenished(补充). By 2025, two-thirds of the world’s population could be living under water-stressed conditions.
You can help solve the water crisis by participating in the April 18th event. Run/walk registration is now officially open! Sign up now at 
Thanks and be sure to visit for the latest on The Dow Live Earth Run for Water, conservation tips, and more!
Follow Live Earth on:
52. Which of the following activities will the Dow Live Earth organize on April 18, 2010?
A. Receiving the latest news from Live Earth.           
B. Putting on musical performances.
C. Calling on pop stars to walk 6 km to get water.     
D. Lending names and time to support the event. 
53. According to the passage, which of the statements is true?
A. You can turn to for water protection tips.
B. Jessica Biel can’t take part in the event even if she signs up.
C. The information on Live Earth is updated every month.
D. Every year 1.8 million people in the world die from the disease related to dirty water.
54. We can learn from the passage that __________.
A. by 2010, two-thirds of the world’s population will be short of water
B. we can solve the water crisis by taking part in the April 18th event
C. seven-eighths of the people in Asia can have access to safe, clean drinking water
D. there are different channels for people to get access to Live Earth


A month went by in this manner , but a month was all I could bear .

The memory of Marguerite accompanied me wherever I went . I had loved that woman --- still loved her --- too much for her suddenly to mean nothing to me . Whatever feelings I might have for her now , I had to see her again . At once .

I knew Marguerite . Meeting me so unexpectedly must have thrown her into a state of great confusion . Probably , she had heard of my departure which had set her mind at rest as to the consequences of our sudden parting . But , seeing me back and coming face to face with me , pale as I was , she had sensed that my return had a purpose , and must have wondered what was going to happen .

If , when I saw her again , Marguerite had been unhappy ; if , in taking my revenge (复仇), there had also been some way of helping her , then I might well have forgiven her , and would certainly never have dreamed of doing her any harm . But when I saw her again , she was happy , at least on the surface . Another man had ensured her the luxury (奢侈)in which I had been unable to keep her . She brought shame both to my pride and my love ; she was going to have to pay for what I had suffered .

I could not remain indifferent (冷漠)to what she did now . It followed that the thing that would hurt her most would be exactly for me to show indifference . Indifference , therefore , was the feeling which I now needed to pretend , not only in her presence but in the eyes of others .

I tried to put a smile on my face , and I went to call on Prudence with whom Marguerite was staying .

Prudence saw me to the door , and I returned to my apartment with tears of anger in my eyes and thirst for revenge in my heart and thought only of finding a way to make the poor creature suffer .

1.This passage is most probably _______________ of a love story .

A. the beginning????? B. the introduction?????? C. a summary?????? D. a chapter

2.According to the passage , the hero(男主角)wanted to _____________ .

A. forgive Marguerite because he found her unhappy

B. stop the relationship with Marguerite because he couldn’t keep her in the luxury

C. make up the relationship with Marguerite because he still loved her

D. give Marguerite sufferings because his pride and his love were hurt

3.What kind of feelings did the hero most probably have ?

A. Indifference and love .???????????

B. Indifference and hate .

C. Love and hate .?????????????????

D. Hate and sadness .

4.What would the author most probably write about next ?

A. Why he changed his mind suddenly .

B. How he made up his relationship with Marguerite .

C. How he made Marguerite suffer.

D. Why he wanted Marguerite to pay for what he had suffered .



With large and small keyboards everywhere, neither children nor adults need to write much of anything by hand. That’s a big problem. Study after study suggests that handwriting is important for brain development — helping kids get fine motor skills and learn to express and create ideas. Yet the time devoted to teaching penmanship in most schools has shrunk to just one hour a week. Is it time to give up handwriting? Have a look at the link between the brain and penmanship, and you may get the answer.

A test among students in grades 2, 4 and 6 found that they not only wrote faster by hand than by keyboard, but also created more ideas when composing essays with handwriting. And other research shows that the finger movements required to write by hand activate brain areas involved with thought, language, and short-term memory.

A recent Indiana University study had one group of children practice writing letters by hand while a second group just looked at those letters. Then, both groups of kids entered a functional MRI (核磁共振) that scanned their brains as the researchers showed them the same letters. Researchers found that the brain activity in the first group was far more advanced and “adult-like”.

Handwriting also affects other people’s way they think of adults and children. Several studies have shown that the same average essay will score much higher if written with good penmanship and much lower if written out in poor handwriting. These studies have also found that people judge the quality of a person’s ideas based on his or her handwriting. And the consequences are real: On standardized tests with handwritten sections, like the SAT, all essay that is considered hard to recognize gets a big zero.

Studies show that this isn’t only an English-language phenomenon. Chinese and Japanese youths are suffering from “character amnesia”. They can’t remember how to write characters, thanks to computers and text messaging. Some experts fear that Chinese writing and reading are so closely linked in the brain that China’s reading ability as a nation could suffer.

1.According to the passage, it can be learned that ________________.

A. many researches have been done on handwriting

B. essays can’t be composed without handwriting

C. all children write faster by keyboard than by hand

D. most schools are trying to teach more handwriting

2.What does the Indiana University study imply?

A. Children should practice writing letters

B. Handwriting can increase brain activity

C. It’s good for children to enter a functional MRI. 

D. Letters should often be shown to children

3.What does the 4th paragraph mainly talk about?

A. Handwriting affects both adults and children.    

B. Handwriting helps a person write better essays.

C.SAT should be done with good handwriting.     

D. Good handwriting makes a person seem smarter.

4.Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. Essays written with keyboards will get lower scores.

B. The quality of your ideas depends on your handwriting.

C. Chinese and Japanese youths don’t know how to write.

D. Less handwriting may affect China’s reading ability.

5.The passage tries to tell us that __________________.

A. keyboards are more popular than handwriting     

B. we shouldn’t judge people by their handwriting

C. handwriting is of great importance              

D. it’s time to give up using keyboards


