With the electricity c off, all the machines had to stop work閳ワ腹鈧拷查看更多



阅读下列短文, 从所给的四个选项中, 选出最佳答案

 Electricity is such a part of our everyday life and so much taken for granted nowadays that we hardly think twice when we switch on the light or turn on the radioAt night, roads are brightly lit, enabling people and traffic to move freely Colourful street-lights have become part of the character of every modern cityIn the home, many labour saving devices are powered by electricity Even when we turn off the lamp and are fast asleep, electricity is still working for us, driving our ice-boxes, heating our water, or keeping our rooms warm in winterEvery day, trains and trolleybuses take people to and from workWe rarely stop to think why or how they run until something goes wrong

 In the summer of 1959, something did go wrong with power station that supplies New York with electricityFor a great many hours, lift came almost to standstill(停止).Trains refused to move and the people in them sat in the dark, powerless to do anything ; lifts stopped working so that even if you were lucky enough not to be trapped(陷入)between two floors, you had the unpleaseant task(任务)of finding your way down hundreds of flights of stairsFamous streets like Broadway and Fifth Avenue in an instant became as dark as the most distant back streets

 People were afraid to leave their houses, for although the police had been ordered to stand by in case of (以免)emergency(紧急情况)they were just as puzzled and helpless as anybody else

 At the same time, similar disorder happened in the homeNew York can be very hot in summer and this year was no exceptionCool rooms became hot stovesFood went bad in ice- boxesFish and meat remained uncooked in cooking pots, and people sat impatient and frightened in the dark as if an unseen enemy had landed from Mars(火星), The only people who were not troubled by the darkness were the blindOnly one of the strangest things that took place was that some fifty blind people led many sighted workers homeWhen the lights came on again, hardly a person in the city can have turned on a switch without thinking how great a servant he bad at his finger-tips

(1) In the first paragraph, the worddevicesmeans

[  ]

Aelectrical machines

Bhand-tools that save man power

Cinventions that make work easier

Dice-boxes and washing-machines only

(2) According to what is said in this passage, electricity_______

[  ]

Ahas not made life easier

Bis still something of a miracle(奇迹)

Cis something we think about all the time

Dis something we have come to accept without questions

(3) People were impatient and frightened, because ________

[  ]

Athe whole city was in complete darkness

Ban unseen enemy had landed from Mars

CNew York was very, very hot that summer

Dblind people became more capable(能干的)than sighted workers

(4) Some blind people led sighted workers home because _______  

[  ]

Ablind people had better eyesight in darkness than sighted workers

Bblind people were used to darkness and were not affected by the accident

Csighted workers were so frightened by the complete darkness that they lost their way

Dthe police had been ordered to stand by and could not take the workers home

(5) The passage suggests that most large modern cities _______ 

[  ]

Aneed more modern buildings

Bare terrible places to live in

Cwould be better off without electricity

Dcompletely depend on electricity


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