A 2.4.6 American women experience a great variety of lifestyle. A typical American woman may be single. She may also be divorced or married. She may be a homemaker, a doctor, or a factory worker. It is very difficult to generalize about American women. However, one thing that many American women have in common is their attitudes about themselves and their roles in American life. Historically, American women have always been very independent. The first settlers to come to New England were ten young couples that had left behind their extended families. The women were alone in a new, undeveloped country with their husbands. This has two important effects. First of all, this was the uncivilized environment that demanded every person to share in developing it and in survival. Women worked with their husbands and children to make themselves accepted in this new land. Second, because they were in a new land without the established influence of older members of society, women felt free to step into nontraditional roles. This role of women was strengthened in later years as Americans move west again, leaving families behind and meeting a new environment. Even later, in the east, as new settlers arrived, women often found jobs more easily than men. Women became the supporters of the family. Within the established lifestyle of the industrialized twentieth century, the strong role of women was not attractive as in the early days of the country. Some women stepped into the men’s jobs as factory and business workers. After the war, some women stayed in these positions, and others left their jobs with a new sense of ability. 66.A typical American woman is . A.single or married B.divorced C.sure about herself and her role D.all of the above 67.During the industrialized twentieth century, the role of women . A.was found out B.was as important as before C.declined D.was stronger than that of the early days 68.Women took part in men’s job during the time of . A.the Second World War B.the Westward Movement C.the early immigration D.the industrialized twentieth century 69.What is the main idea of the passage? A.Different lifestyles led by American women. B.American women were free to step into nontraditional roles in society. C.American women worked hard to establish their history. D.American women were independent because they did not have to follow the regulations at all. 查看更多



Directions: Complete the following passage by filling in each blank with one word that best fits the context.

Healthy eating begins with learning how to “eat smart”. It’s not just what you eat, 1. ______     how you eat. Pay attention to what you eat and choosing foods that are both nourishing 2.______     enjoyable helps support an overall healthy diet.

  Take time to chew your food: Chew your food slowly, savoring every bite. We tend to rush through our meals, forgetting to actually taste the flavors and feel the textures (质地) of 3. ___     is in our mouths. Reconnect with 4.      joy of eating.

  Avoid stress while eating: Avoid eating while working, driving, arguing, or watching TV. Try taking some deep breaths before beginning your meal, or light candles and play soothing music to create a relaxing atmosphere.

  Listen to your body: Ask 5.      if you are really hungry. You may really be thirsty, so try drinking a glass of water first. During a meal, stop eating before you feel full. It actually takes a few minutes 6.      your brain to tell your body that it has had 7.      Food, so eat slowly.

  Eat early: Starting your day 8.      a healthy breakfast can jumpstart your metabolism (新陈代谢), and eating early in the day gives your body time to work those calories off.




Environment protection is a concept and also a life style. In September, a series of environmental protection events will be launched in Hangzhou to make the city more beautiful.

  Public Commuter Week

  From 16th to 22nd of Sept. will be the Public Commuter Week in Hangzhou. The government will encourage all citizens to take public commuter transit vehicles. In order to ensure the efficiency of the public buses, the section between Xihu Avenue and Qingchun Lu Road on Yan'an Lu Road will be purposely designated as priority(优先) section for buses and taxies. Meanwhile, other vehicles will be controlled by its plate numbers to run on different dates:

  Plate numbers ending with 1,3,5,7&9 (characterized plate numbers ending with English letters A-M) will be entitled(有…...的资格) to run on 17th, 19th and 21st Sept.

  Plate numbers ending with 2,4,6,8&0 (characterized plate numbers ending with English letters N-Z) will be entitled to run on 16th, 18th and 20th Sept.

The controlled period is from 7am to 7pm every day.

  Carfree Day

  As in France, the Carfree Day for Hangzhou is set on 22nd Sept. All citizens will be encouraged to travel by bicycle, by bus or on foot. The traffic policemen will divide the streets into two regions to ensure the smooth trial of the first Carfree Day in Hangzhou.

  In the controlled region, the traffic policemen and signboards will remind the citizens not to drive the car. In the forbidden regions, no car is allowed to drive by. The controlled period is from 7am to 7pm on 22nd Sept.

Seek for environment protectors around you. Life of environment protection can be a stylish life. In Paris, for example, it is a trend to travel by bicycle. Needless to say, it is a fashionable choice not to drive the car on Carefree Day. We also believe, there are various types for environment protectors as it is coming into our daily life in various ways.


阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从1—10各题所给的A、B、C和D项中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

Philo Farnsworth, the inventor of one of the country’s greatest machines was actually born in a log cabin,  1  to high school on horse back and without   2  of university degree(indeed, at age 14), thought of the idea of electronic television. In 1906 Farnsworth was born in a community near Beaver City, Utah,  3  by his grandfather.  4  he was 12, his family moved to a ranch (大牧场)in Rigby, Idaho, which was four miles from, the nearest high school,  5  necessitating(使成为必要)his daily horseback rides. Because he was interested in the electron and electricity, he persuaded his chemistry teacher, Justin Tolman, to give him   6  instruction and to allow him to listen to a senior course.

The death of his father forced him to leave at the end of his second year, but, as it   7  , at no great intellectual cost. There were, at the time, no more than a handful of men   8  the planet who could have understood Farnsworth’s idea for building an electronic television system, and it’s   9  that any of them were at this local community. One such man was Vladimir Zworykin who had moved to the US from Russia with a Ph. D in electrical engineering. He went to work for Westinghouse with a dream of building an all-electronic television system. But he wasn’t   10  to do so.

A. rode           B. ran                       C. drove                   D. jumped



(Reservations(预订) not needed for this tour to visit Paris—you will love this tour!)
Whether you’re new or experienced, our goal is not to provide you with mind-bending dates and boring stories. Instead, we offer you the famous sites, all the education information, lots of unique and fascinating stories, fantastic photo options, a comfortable bike and excellent personal service from your guide. In fact, we want you to love Paris like we do and have a great time doing it! (4 hours)


? 22 students, ? 24 adult (Day & Night combo  ? 44 student, ? 48 adult)

March 1– May 14
May 15 – July 31*
11am and 3pm
August 1 – November 30
*no tours July 25
(Reservations not needed for this tour to visit Paris—you will love this tour!)
Our Night Tour is the way to experience the “City of Light” at its best!
Ride through the Latin Quarter and witness the best nightlife in town. Pedal down the lle de la Cité, along the river and enjoy ice cream at Berthillon (Paris’s most famous ice cream shop). See the Louvre as never before (free concert often included) and relax onboard a boat trip on the Seine. Did we mention free wine is provided on the boat?
Make no mistake — this tour is 100% different form our Day Tour in both route and information. Over 65% of our customers take both tours and we hope you will too. Also, be sure to eat something before coming or the wine may give you an unexpected hit! (4.5 hours)
? 26 students, ? 28 adult (Day & Night combo; ? 44 student, ? 48 adult)
March 1 – March 31
Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday 7pm
April 1 – October 31*
Everyday 7pm
November 1 – November 15
Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday 7pm
*no tours June 21 & July 14
0156581054 / www.FatTireBikeToursParis.com / info@ FatTireBikeToursParis.com
1. According to the schedule, which day might be appropriate for a Day & Night Combo?
A. A Saturday in November.  B. Any day in June.
C. A Friday in March.           D. A Monday in May.
2. If a teacher and his five students plan to visit Paris during daytime, they must pay __________.
A. ?268   B. ?158   C. ?134   D. ?142
3. One may taste the best ice cream and enjoy free wine in __________.
A. the Day Bike Tour            B. the Night Bike Tour
C. the Tour on the Seine D. the Tour to the Louvre
4. The following statements are true EXCEPT __________.
A. For further information, one can call 0156581054.
B. One can attend free concert on the boat trip on the Seine.
C. The route of the Day Bike Tour is totally different from that of the Night Bike Tour.
D. No reservations are needed for attending both the Bike Tours.


If you walk through the streets of any big city at six or seven in the morning, the chances are that you will see women hurrying along, pushing prams (婴儿推车). You may see more than one woman   1   on the same door and, as it opens, quickly kiss the child,   2   a package of nappies and hurry off down the street to clock on the early shift in an office, leaving their children to a child – minder – a woman who may be doing the job legally or illegally, well or badly. Brain Jackson, director of the Child – minding Researching Unit, and his colleagues have done a great deal of work in finding out   3   it means for a child to spend the first years of life in the care of a child – minder.

  4   law, anyone who looks after a child for more than two hours a day and gets paid must be registered.  5   the punishment is a 6 pounds fine. Local authorities are responsible for the registration and supervision (监管) of minders. The regulations   6   adequate provision (保障) for fire, safety and health. Very few minders can   7   these. Yet, not many districts give financial assistance. “This means,” Brain Jackson says, “that when you have one registered minder tested and proved by the local authorities, you can be sure that you will get a dozen unregistered, illegal minders   8  .”

The researchers found themselves   9   into the role of private investigators when they conduct their   10  . Getting up early to do a “Dawn Watch” following mothers through cold, dark streets and nothing where they left their babies, Jackson says, was a long, slow process.

A. knock         B. stop                      C. stick                     D. stay

A. hand out     B. hand in                 C. hand down            D. hand over


