1.It is said that all of the instruments are made in china. 查看更多



1. The plan that he would set up his own business after graduation from college________.(meet)
2. Artists in Leonardo's time knew how to build and repair many familiar kinds of machines,but nobody________inventing new ones.(think)
3. It has been proved that to take physical exercises every day is________our health.(benefit)
4. The motto of the little boy who was suffering from a muscle disease was________.(time)
5. Tony is a naughty boy.He likes to play tricks on others but hates________.(make)
6. Having lost her legs in the accident,she has to________as well as living with inconvenience.(adapt)
7. It is said that all the citizens in our country________the public libraries by the time of 2015.(access)
据说到2015 年我们国家的所有市民都有权使用公共图书馆.
8. The CEO of GOME declared that decisions made________had no legal effect.(absence)
9. All his children________retire from his position at such an early age.(it)
10. She is proud________and to have broken a record .(take)


--It is said that all the people trapped in the mine have been saved.  

--It is not true. In fact, the rescue ________.

A. has carried out                         B. has been carried out

C. is going on                            D. is being gone on


"He who can have patience can have what he wants," said Benjamin Franklin. They say patience is a virtue (美德) seldom found in women and never in men. This may or may not be true, but it's fair to say that there is nobody on the earth who couldn't benefit from more patience.
Patience is necessary for success.
It is said that "all good things come to those who wait". Many of the great scientists have remarked that their scientific discoveries came only through patient perseverance (坚持). Edison said, "Genius was 99% perspiration and only 1% inspiration." Patience teaches us to value the effort and not just the success. It is a mistake to think that happiness can only be obtained through achievements.
Patience brings peace of mind.
When we desire certain outcomes (结果), we'll have no peace of mind. Even if one desire is filled, the nature of desire is that more will appear in its place. There is no end to human desires. Patience means we will work with an attitude of detachment (超然).
Patience can transform suffering into joy.
Throughout life we suffer injustice; the best healer is patience. Through being patient and accepting our situation, it's quite possible for our suffering to be transformed.
Sri Chinmoy said, "If failure has the strength to turn your life into bitterness itself, then patience has the strength to turn your life into the sweetest joy."

  1. 1.

    Whose saying supports the idea that patience makes a person joyful?

    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  2. 2.

    In the writer's opinion, _____

    1. A.
      human desires will easily be filled
    2. B.
      patience is a virtue seldom found in a person
    3. C.
      happiness can only be obtained through success
    4. D.
      patience is the best medicine of suffering
  3. 3.

    How is the whole passage organized?

    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  4. 4.

    Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?

    1. A.
      We All Need Patience
    2. B.
      Patience Means Success
    3. C.
      Benefits of Patience
    4. D.
      We Should Not Be patient


Many of us don't pay much attention to the importance of eye care. It is said that if you take care of your body, then you can surely be healthy. That is why our eyes should be given a lot of care. Natural eye care should be put in a number one place.
There are several causes leading to poor eyesight like not enough food, genes (基因) and aging (老化). Televisions, computers and reading are also the causes of having poor eyesight. If you happen to work in front of the computer, it is best to take a break every once in a while. Something dirty can cause redness and they will make you feel uncomfortable. It is bad for your eyes, too. If this happens, the best way is to clean your eyes by using cold water. You must also try your best to protect your eyes from harmful things. For example, sunglasses are not just for fashion but they can also serve as a great way to protect your eyesight form UV rays.
Eating healthy foods will do good to your eyesight. Remember that vitamins A, C and E are good for eyes. Try to eat food groups that have these vitamins. And you should do eye exercises because exercise protects your eyesight, too. If a person exercises regularly (定期地) and eats the right kind of food, his eyes will stay in good condition for a long time.
All above are natural ways of eye care that help us keep healthy eyes. Being happy all the time can be helpful to a person's eyesight, too. In a word, eye care is very important, no matter how old a person is.
【小题1】_____ is the most important way to protect our eyes.

A.Seeing the doctorB.Taking medicine
C.Natural eye careD.Being happy all the time
【小题2】All the following causes can lead to bad eyesight except _______.
【小题3】What should you do if you have to work in front of the computer?
A.Eat healthy foods.B.Have a rest after working for a while.
C.Wear a pair of sunglasses.D.Clean the eye by using cold water
【小题4】Which is the best title of the passage?
A.Ways of Being HappyB.Ways of Eye Exercises
C.Ways of Eye CareD.Ways of Being Healthy


On October 12, 1989, some Chinese scientists were working at the computers to look for information they needed. Suddenly they saw a lot of very bright spots crossing the computers’s screens. At the same time the computers were working much slower. To find out what was happening they stopped their work to check some parts of the computers. To their horror, they found out that most of their stored information was got rid of by computer viruses ! Obviously all these computers had been infected by computer viruses.

  It is said that the computer viruses were made by a group of young men fond of playing tricks. They all had excellent education. They created the viruses just to show their intelligence . These kinds of computer viruses are named Jerusalem(耶路撒冷)Viruses. These viruses can stay in computers for a long time. When the time comes they will attack the computers by lowering the functions , damaging their normal programs or even getting rid of all the information.

  We now come to know that Jerusalem Viruses often attack computers on Fridays and that they are spreading to a lot of computers. Among the countries that suffered computer viruses last year are Britain, Australia, Switzerland and the U.S. But fill now , how to get rid of the terrible viruses remains a problem.

1.The group of young men created the virus to________.

A.damage the computers

B.test their ability

C.tell the world that they were intelligent

D.play a trick on operators of the computers

2.According to the passage, computer viruses seem to________.

A.have been in nature for years

B.exist in any computers

C.be difficult to get rid of at present

D.be able to be got rid of in the near future

3.The most serious damage caused by the viruses is that________.

A.the computer’s functions are lowered

B.the normal programs are damaged

C.all the information stored in the computers is gone

D.the computers infected by the viruses can no longer be used


