4.Terry cannot in the match because he has hurt his foot. 查看更多



Elaine Yu Yee-nee, 15, Creative Secondary School
Lockers are designed in a way to hide their contents for a reason. Otherwise, they’d have open fronts like cupboards. Searching students’ lockers would be total invasion(侵犯) of privacy. Having a locker is more than having a place to store your stuff. A locker also gives you the freedom to keep certain things hidden. These can include harmless personal items like diaries, letters and photos. Searching lockers could discomfit students and others might make fun of them.
Yes, lockers are school property(财产). But that doesn’t give schools the right to inspect lockers as they please. While students are using lockers, they have the right to keep their contents private. Teachers could ask for permission to take a look inside a student’s locker and if the student is OK with that, then it would be fine. Searching students’ lockers without their permission would result in the loss of trust.
I doubt that students who have something dangerous to hide, such as weapons or drugs, would put them in their lockers. They would not want to risk being caught so easily.
Giving schools the right to search lockers would not help catch those who commit crimes. But it would certainly create an environment in which students would be embarrassed to have their belongings shown in public for no good reason.
Ronald Ling Pak-ki, 20, University of Hong Kong
Many students see their lockers as personal property. They would never agree that schools should have the right to inspect their lockers. But I think schools have an absolute right to do so.
It is the schools that actually own the lockers. Students just use them to store some of their things safely and conveniently. There are clear rules on what items students can and cannot keep in their lockers. Schools have both the duty and the right to check if students are following the rules.
I don’t think school authorities would decide to search a student’s locker unless they felt the need to do so. They might, for instance, suspect students of hiding drugs. To make sure that the process remains open and fair, only authorized teachers should have the right to search lockers. The search should be carried out in such a way as not to embarrass students in front of others.
【小题1】What are .the two students talking about?

A.How to make sure schools are safe.
B.Whether there are crimes in schools.
C.Whether schools can search students’ lockers.
D.How to establish trust between teachers and students.
【小题2】The underlined word could be replaced by ___.
【小题3】According to Elaine, school lockers ____.
A.are students’ personal property
B.should be changed into cupboards
C.are likely to hold some dangerous things
D.can be searched with students’ permission
【小题4】Which of the following would Ronald agree with?
A.Students won’t hide drugs in lockers.
B.Students use lockers but don’t own them.
C.Students should not put personal things in lockers.
D.Students may forbid teachers to inspect their lockers.


Humpback whales

Humpback whales are sometimes called performers of the ocean. This is because they can make impressive movements when they dive. The name “humpback”, which is the common name for this whale, refers to the typical curve shape the whale’s back forms as it dives.
Sometimes the humpback will dive with a fantastic movement, known as a breach. During breaching the whale uses its powerful tail flukes to lift nearly two-thirds of its body out of the water in a giant leap. A breach might also include a sideways twist with fins stretched out like wings, as the whale reaches the height of the breach.
A humpback whale breathes air at the surface of the water through two blowholes which are located near the top of the head. It blows a double stream of water that can rise up to 4 meters above the water.
The humpback has a small dorsal fin located towards the tail flukes about two-thirds of the way down its back. Other distinguishing features include large pectoral fins, which may be up to a third of the body length, and unique black, and white spots on the underside of the tail flukes. These markings are like fingerprints: no two are the same.
Humpback whales live in large groups. They communicate with each other through complex “songs”.
Quick Facts
14m~18m in length
30~50 tons in weight
Living environment:
Open ocean and shallow coastline waters
From warm tropical (热带的) waters, where they breed, to cold polar waters, where they eat.
Shellfish, plants and fish of small size
Sometimes in groups, in which several whales form a circle under the water, blowing bubbles that form a “net” around a school of fish. The fish are then forced up to the surface in a concentrated mass.
Current state:
Endangered: it is estimated that there are about 5000~7000 humpback whales worldwide.
【小题1】According to Quick Facts, a humpback whale ______.
A.cannot survive in waters near the shoreB.doesn’t live in the same waters all the time
C.lives mainly on underwater plantsD.prefers to work alone when hunting food
【小题2】To make a breach, a humpback whale must ______.
A.use its tail flukes to leap out of the waterB.twist its body sideways to jump high.
C.blow two streams of waterD.communicate with a group of humpbacks.
【小题3】From the passage we can learn that a humpback whale ______.
A.has its unique markings on it tail flukesB.has black and white fingerprints
C.gets its name from the way it huntsD.is a great performer due to its songs


Directions: Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words.

The case for college has been accepted without question for more than a generation. All high school graduates ought to go, because college will help them earn more money and learn to be more responsible citizens than those who don’t go. 

But college has never been able to work its magic for everyone. And now that close to half our high school graduates are attending, those who don’t fit the pattern are becoming more and more, and more obvious. College graduates are selling shoes and driving taxis; college students get in the way of each other’s experiments and write false letters of recommendation in the competition for admission to graduate school.

Some observers say the fault is with the young people themselves—they are spoiled and they are expecting too much. But that is a condemnation(谴责)of the students as a whole, and does not explain all campus unhappiness. Others blame the state of the world, and they are partly right. We’ve been told that young people have to go to college because our economy cannot take in an army of untrained eighteen-year-olds. But disappointed graduates are learning that it can no longer take in an army of trained twenty-two-year-olds, either.

Some adventuresome educators and campus watchers have openly begun to suggest that college may not be the best, the proper, the only place for every young person after the completion of high school. Perhaps college education does not make people intelligent, ambitious, happy, liberal, or quick to learn things—maybe it is just the other way round, and intelligent, ambitious, happy, liberal, quick-learning people are only the ones who have been attracted to college in the first place.

(Note: Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN TWELVE WORDS.)

People used to think that going to college could help them ______________.

What kind of people does "those who don't fit the pattern" in the 2nd paragraph probably refer to?

The author believes that the problems of college education partly arise from the fact that___________.

What can we learn about college education from the last paragraph?


Today, over six billion people live on the planet. This means that there are very few places on Earth with no people. One place that has very few people is at the bottom of the Earth. In Antarctica, the icy continent surrounding the South Pole, you will not find anyone who lives there all the time.
First, Antarctica is the coldest place on Earth. For example, it can be –l30℃ in the winter. Humans cannot live in this kind of environment. Because it is so cold, very few plants or animals live there. This means there are no farms and no places to find wild plants or animals to eat.
Second, Antarctica can be dangerous. Many people think that it is safe to travel to Antarctica in the summer months when it is warmer. However, Antarctica is mostly ice, so when it’s summer, the ice melts. When the ice melts, the ice can break. So, people cannot travel around Antarctica during the summer. If the ice breaks, they could fall into the water and die.
Another serious problem in Antarctica is the sun. Because Antarctica is mostly ice, there are no trees so there is no shade. Also, the ground is mostly white ice so the sun bounces off (反射) it. The light from the sky and the light from the ground can burn people’s skin and hurt their eyes. People must be very careful in this situation. For example, they must wear sunglasses to protect their eyes. They must also cover their hands and faces all the time.
Although Antarctica is a tough place to live, explorers have discovered coal in Antarctica. This leads them to believe that Antarctica at one time was a land of swam (沼泽) and forests.
【小题1】This text is mainly about _____.

A.the discovery of Antarctica
B.how people travel around Antarctica
C.different animals found in Antarctica
D.why it is difficult to live in Antarctica
【小题2】We can learn from the text that _____.
A.Antarctica is a place with no animals
B.no people can survive in Antarctica
C.Antarctica is colder than any other continent on Earth
D.the temperature in Antarctica is below zero all the time
【小题3】When is the most dangerous time to travel around Antarctica?
A.In spring.B.In summer.C.In autumn.D.In winter.


Some researchers claim that people??s personalities can be classified by their blood types.?If you have blood type O, you are a leader.When you see something you want, you strive to achieve your goal.You are passionate, loyal, and self-confident, and you are often a trendsetter.Your enthusiasm for projects and goals spreads to others who happily follow your lead.When you want something, you may be ruthless about getting it or blind to how your actions affect others.Another blood type, A, is a social, “people” person.You like people and work well with them.You are sensitive, patient, compassionate, and affectionate.You are a good peacekeeper because you want everybody to be happy.In a team situation, you resolve conflicts and keep things on a smooth course.Sometimes type As are stubborn and find it different to relax.They may also find it uncomfortable to do things alone.?

       People with type B blood are usually individualists who like to do things on their own.You may be creative and adaptable, and you usually say exactly what you mean.Also you can adapt to situations, you may not choose to do so because of your strong independent streak.You may prefer working on your own to being part of a team.The final blood type is type AB.If you have AB blood, you are a natural entertainer.You draw people to you because of your charm and easygoing nature.ABs are usually calm and controlled, tactful and fair.On the downside, though, they may take too long to make decisions.And they may procrastinate, putting off tasks until the last minute.??

People with type O will do the following things except____.?

       A.manage businesses             B.self-oriented

       C.be considerate                 D.set the fashion?

Which of the following is not the feature of type A??

       A.Stubborn.         B.Sensitive.?       C.Reserved.   D.Patient.?

What is Not true to type B??

       A.He finds it uncomfortable to do things alone.?

       B.He doesn’t think much before he speaks.?

       C.He has many original ideas.?

       D.He cannot fit in with the environment.?

The best profession for a type AB is ____.?

       A.Athlete     B.Peacekeeper     C.Actor       D.Country leader

