34.John had no choice but the army in the end. A.to join B.join C.join in D.to join in 查看更多



All things change except barbers, the ways of barbers, and the surroundings of barbers. These never change. What one experiences in a barber’s shop the first time he enters one is what he always experiences in barbers’ shops afterward till the end of his days.
I got shaved this morning as usual. A man approached the door from Jones Street as I approached it from Main--a thing that always happens. I hurried up, but it was of no use; he entered the door one little step ahead of me, and I followed in and saw him take the only empty chair, the one headed by the best barber. It always happens so. I sat down, hoping that I might sit in the chair belonging to the better of the remaining two barbers, for he was a bit ahead. I watched the probabilities with strong interest. When I saw that No. 2 was gaining on No. 1, my interest grew to solicitude (孤单). When No. 1 was gradually losing the race, my solicitude rose to anxiety. When No. 1 caught up again, and both were about to finish and say “Next!” first, my very breath stood still with the suspense. But when I saw that he had lost the race by a single instant, I rose angrily and quitted the shop, to keep from falling into the hands of No. 2; for I have none of that firmness that enables a man to look calmly into the eyes of a waiting barber and tell him he will wait for his fellow-barber’s chair.
I stayed out fifteen minutes, and then went back, hoping for better luck. Unfortunately, all the chairs were occupied now, and four men sat waiting, silent, and looking bored, as men always do who are waiting their turn in a barber’s shop. I sat down and waited.
At last my turn came. A voice said “Next!” and I give in to No. 2, of course. It always happens so. I smiled and said that I was in a hurry, and it affected him as strongly as if he had never heard it.  
He explored my hair with his claws and suggested that it needed trimming(修剪). I said I did not want it trimmed. He explored again and said it was pretty long for the present style. I said I had had it cut only a week before. He stopped for a moment, and then asked “who cut it?” I stared at him from the mirror and replied “You did!” Then a dog-fight attracted his attention, and he ran to the window and stayed and watched it…
1. The author left the barber’s shop mainly because_________.
A. he would like to wait for “No. 1” outside
B. he would rather be served by the best barber
C. he lacked the courage to tell “No. 2” his intention
D. he was angry at the slow speed of “No. 1”
2. What is the change of the author’s attitude from the moment he went into the barber’s to the moment he left it?
A. Disappointed---Anxious---Hopeful---Angry.
B. Disappointed --Hopeful---Anxious---Angry.
C. Hopeful--- Sad --- Anxious ---Angry.     
D. Hopeful--- Anxious --- Angry --- Sad.
3. The author chose “No. 2” in the end, because________.
A. he had no choice                                  B. he was in a hurry
C. “No. 1” avoided him on purpose            D. he is always one step behind others
4. The underlined word “suspense” in the 2nd paragraph probably means ________.
A. loneliness                                             B. possibility
C. anxiety                                                D. hope
5. What is likely to happen next?
A. The author lost his temper.                    B. “No. 2” ran out of his patience.
C. The author was well-served by “No. 2”. D. The author was treated the same way as usual.



All things change except barbers, the ways of barbers, and the surroundings of barbers. These never change. What one experiences in a barber’s shop the first time he enters one is what he always experiences in barbers’ shops afterward till the end of his days.

I got shaved this morning as usual. A man approached the door from Jones Street as I approached it from Main--a thing that always happens. I hurried up, but it was of no use; he entered the door one little step ahead of me, and I followed in and saw him take the only empty chair, the one headed by the best barber. It always happens so. I sat down, hoping that I might sit in the chair belonging to the better of the remaining two barbers, for he was a bit ahead. I watched the probabilities with strong interest. When I saw that No. 2 was gaining on No. 1, my interest grew to solicitude (孤单). When No. 1 was gradually losing the race, my solicitude rose to anxiety. When No. 1 caught up again, and both were about to finish and say “Next!” first, my very breath stood still with the suspense. But when I saw that he had lost the race by a single instant, I rose angrily and quitted the shop, to keep from falling into the hands of No. 2; for I have none of that firmness that enables a man to look calmly into the eyes of a waiting barber and tell him he will wait for his fellow-barber’s chair.

I stayed out fifteen minutes, and then went back, hoping for better luck. Unfortunately, all the chairs were occupied now, and four men sat waiting, silent, and looking bored, as men always do who are waiting their turn in a barber’s shop. I sat down and waited.

At last my turn came. A voice said “Next!” and I give in to No. 2, of course. It always happens so. I smiled and said that I was in a hurry, and it affected him as strongly as if he had never heard it.  

He explored my hair with his claws and suggested that it needed trimming(修剪). I said I did not want it trimmed. He explored again and said it was pretty long for the present style. I said I had had it cut only a week before. He stopped for a moment, and then asked “who cut it?” I stared at him from the mirror and replied “You did!” Then a dog-fight attracted his attention, and he ran to the window and stayed and watched it…

1. The author left the barber’s shop mainly because_________.

A. he would like to wait for “No. 1” outside

B. he would rather be served by the best barber

C. he lacked the courage to tell “No. 2” his intention

D. he was angry at the slow speed of “No. 1”

2. What is the change of the author’s attitude from the moment he went into the barber’s to the moment he left it?

A. Disappointed---Anxious---Hopeful---Angry.

B. Disappointed --Hopeful---Anxious---Angry.

C. Hopeful--- Sad --- Anxious ---Angry.       

D. Hopeful--- Anxious --- Angry --- Sad.

3. The author chose “No. 2” in the end, because________.

A. he had no choice                                              B. he was in a hurry

C. “No. 1” avoided him on purpose                  D. he is always one step behind others

4. The underlined word “suspense” in the 2nd paragraph probably means ________.

A. loneliness                                                            B. possibility

C. anxiety                                                                D. hope

5. What is likely to happen next?

A. The author lost his temper.                           B. “No. 2” ran out of his patience.

C. The author was well-served by “No. 2”.    D. The author was treated the same way as usual.



All things change except barbers, the ways of barbers, and the surroundings of barbers. These never change. What one experiences in a barber’s shop the first time he enters one is what he always experiences in barbers’ shops afterward till the end of his days.

I got shaved this morning as usual. A man approached the door from Jones Street as I approached it from Main--a thing that always happens. I hurried up, but it was of no use; he entered the door one little step ahead of me, and I followed in and saw him take the only empty chair, the one headed by the best barber. It always happens so. I sat down, hoping that I might sit in the chair belonging to the better of the remaining two barbers, for he was a bit ahead. I watched the probabilities with strong interest. When I saw that No. 2 was gaining on No. 1, my interest grew to solicitude (孤单). When No. 1 was gradually losing the race, my solicitude rose to anxiety. When No. 1 caught up again, and both were about to finish and say “Next!” first, my very breath stood still with the suspense. But when I saw that he had lost the race by a single instant, I rose angrily and quitted the shop, to keep from falling into the hands of No. 2; for I have none of that firmness that enables a man to look calmly into the eyes of a waiting barber and tell him he will wait for his fellow-barber’s chair.

I stayed out fifteen minutes, and then went back, hoping for better luck. Unfortunately, all the chairs were occupied now, and four men sat waiting, silent, and looking bored, as men always do who are waiting their turn in a barber’s shop. I sat down and waited.

At last my turn came. A voice said “Next!” and I give in to No. 2, of course. It always happens so. I smiled and said that I was in a hurry, and it affected him as strongly as if he had never heard it.  

He explored my hair with his claws and suggested that it needed trimming(修剪). I said I did not want it trimmed. He explored again and said it was pretty long for the present style. I said I had had it cut only a week before. He stopped for a moment, and then asked “who cut it?” I stared at him from the mirror and replied “You did!” Then a dog-fight attracted his attention, and he ran to the window and stayed and watched it…

1. The author left the barber’s shop mainly because_________.

A. he would like to wait for “No. 1” outside

B. he would rather be served by the best barber

C. he lacked the courage to tell “No. 2” his intention

D. he was angry at the slow speed of “No. 1”

2. What is the change of the author’s attitude from the moment he went into the barber’s to the moment he left it?

A. Disappointed---Anxious---Hopeful---Angry.

B. Disappointed --Hopeful---Anxious---Angry.

C. Hopeful--- Sad --- Anxious ---Angry.      

D. Hopeful--- Anxious --- Angry --- Sad.

3. The author chose “No. 2” in the end, because________.

A. he had no choice                                  B. he was in a hurry

C. “No. 1” avoided him on purpose            D. he is always one step behind others

4. The underlined word “suspense” in the 2nd paragraph probably means ________.

A. loneliness                                             B. possibility

C. anxiety                                                D. hope

5. What is likely to happen next?

A. The author lost his temper.                    B. “No. 2” ran out of his patience.

C. The author was well-served by “No. 2”. D. The author was treated the same way as usual.


I heard the bees long before I saw them.
It was a very hot afternoon, and we decided to    21   in the river near my home. As we climbed down a small rocky hill toward the water, my boyfriend John    22   started to shout and then jumped into the water below. Peter and Mary quickly    23    but I was too far away to jump. I was    24  .
I heard a low hum, which was growing louder. From a    25  , the group of bees looked almost like a cloud of smoke. As it got closer, I realized it was actually thousands of bees flying towards me.
All I could do was    26   my face with my hands.    27  , I thought that if I sat very 28  , the bees would think I was just another rock.
After a few seconds, I knew my    29   had failed. The bees were attacking me. I could hear my friends shouting at me to get down.
But it wasn’t so easy. The only way I could    30   was to use my hands to climb down the rocks. However, I was afraid to do that at first because my face would be    31  .
The noise the bees made was so loud and    32  , and I had no choice.
I rushed down the rocks and jumped into the pool. I was just so happy to be free from the pain and the water felt so    33  .
But we still weren’t out of    34  . Every time we tried to climb out, the bees flew back over our heads. We spent the next three hours in the water until the bees finally lost    35  .

A.call off B.get offC.cool offD.turn off
A.eventuallyB.suddenly C.happily D.hurriedly
A.climbed B.followed C.dashed D.helped
A.lost B.forgotten C.trapped D.fooled
A.hill B.rock C.riverD.distance
A.cover B.hide C.find D.lose
A.Finally B.Joyfully C.Crazily D.Immediately
A.quietly B.still C.relaxed D.gracefully
A.face B.friends C.planD.shout
A.pass awayB.get away C.look away D.take away
A.exposed B.unwanted C.lostD.protected
A.annoying B.frighteningC.amazing D.boring
A.wonderfulB.painful C.hot D.strange
A.breath B.control C.danger D.doubt
A.hope B.interest C.time D.control


I heard the bees long before I saw them.

It was a very hot afternoon, and we decided to    21   in the river near my home. As we climbed down a small rocky hill toward the water, my boyfriend John    22   started to shout and then jumped into the water below. Peter and Mary quickly    23    but I was too far away to jump. I was    24  .

I heard a low hum, which was growing louder. From a    25  , the group of bees looked almost like a cloud of smoke. As it got closer, I realized it was actually thousands of bees flying towards me.

All I could do was    26   my face with my hands.    27  , I thought that if I sat very 28  , the bees would think I was just another rock.

After a few seconds, I knew my    29   had failed. The bees were attacking me. I could hear my friends shouting at me to get down.

But it wasn’t so easy. The only way I could    30   was to use my hands to climb down the rocks. However, I was afraid to do that at first because my face would be    31  .

The noise the bees made was so loud and    32  , and I had no choice.

I rushed down the rocks and jumped into the pool. I was just so happy to be free from the pain and the water felt so    33  .

But we still weren’t out of    34  . Every time we tried to climb out, the bees flew back over our heads. We spent the next three hours in the water until the bees finally lost    35  .

1.                A.call off         B.get off          C.cool off   D.turn off


2.                A.eventually      B.suddenly        C.happily   D.hurriedly


3.                A.climbed        B.followed        C.dashed   D.helped


4.                A.lost            B.forgotten        C.trapped   D.fooled


5.                A.hill            B.rock           C.river D.distance


6.                A.cover          B.hide           C.find D.lose


7.                A.Finally          B.Joyfully         C.Crazily    D.Immediately


8.                A.quietly         B.still            C.relaxed   D.gracefully


9.                A.face           B.friends         C.plan D.shout


10.               A.pass away       B.get away        C.look away D.take away


11.               A.exposed        B.unwanted       C.lost   D.protected


12.               A.annoying       B.frightening      C.amazing   D.boring


13.               A.wonderful      B.painful         C.hot   D.strange


14.               A.breath         B.control         C.danger    D.doubt


15.               A.hope          B.interest         C.time D.control



