94. 95. 查看更多





91. I suggested the thief ________ (refer) to be put into prison.

92. You can’t imagine what great difficulty they have ________ (solve) the problem

________ (discuss) now.

93. You should understand the traffic rules by now. You’ve had them ________ (explain) to you often enough.

94. When first ________ (introduce) in the market, these products enjoyed great success.

95. We cannot be sure ________ our dreams will come true, but we can at least be hopeful ________ our efforts to improve the world will be successful.

96. To my delight, she will give ________ needs help a hand.

97. That was a time ________ there were no radios, no telephones or no TV sets.

98. What is known to all is that the old scientist, for ________ life was hard in the past, still works very hard in his eighties.




91.  不论遇到什么危险,他总能保持冷静。( no matter what )

92.  我现在胃不舒服,一定是刚才鸡肉吃得太多了。( must have done )

93. 当父亲进来时,男孩假装正在读书。 ( pretend to be doing )

94.  在过去的二十年中,我们的社会发生了很大变化,我们的饮食习惯也变了。( so倒装 )

95. 如果一个厨师被发现在厨房里吸烟,他会被立刻开除。( be caught doing )




1. 给某人让座               2. 跳到地上/桌上                3. 下了一整天雨

4. 听到呼救声               5. 把…带到安全地带             6. 向某人道歉

7. 给某人提建议             8. 得到好的治疗                 9. 接受某人的建议

10. 加入球队/俱乐部/小组/委员会/公司                        11. 向某人解释…

12. 治愈某人的病            13. 匆忙赶往医院/学校/邮局/派出所/火车站/汽车站/飞机场

14. 提出付100元钱          15. 收100元钱                  16. 付100元钱

17. 打车                    18. 浑身湿透了                  19. 下载文件

20. 外出钓鱼/爬山/郊游/游泳/划船/野营                       21. 转身离开

22. 陷入沉思                23. 返回取某物                  24. 走过去看一看发生了什么

25. 与某人同住一间房间/同打一把伞/同玩一件玩具/同一志趣

26. 对某人大声喊叫          27. 使劲移开那块大石头          28. 背着一个沉重的包

29. 去吃饭/开会/晚会/观光/聚会                              30. 背负沉重的课业负担

31. 约某人                  32. 顺道拜访某人                33. 看家

34. 跑过去搀扶盲人/老人     35. 等候某人吃饭/开会/回家      36. 下车

37. 站在门口                38. 坐在窗前                    39. 靠在墙上/树上

40. 逆风而行                41. 下大雨/大雪                 42. 刮大风

43. 起雾                    44. 熟睡                        45. 举手

46. 步行回家/开车回家/乘车回家/骑车回家                     47. 突然停止

48. 把某人救到河岸上        49. 结束                        50. 为某人喝彩

51. 登门拜访                52. 真相大白                    53. 伸手去够某物

54. 紧紧抓住某人的手/衣领/胳膊                              55. 询问究竟是怎么回事

56. 经过公园/邮局/市场/广场/电影院/体育馆/学校/医院/宾馆/剧院/火车站

57. 查阅字典/电话号码/住址/网址                         58. 热情接待某人

59. 认真对待某事            60. 小心提防某事            61. 严格要求某人

62. 严格对待某事            63. 在火车站/飞机场接人     64. 顺道接人

65. 抓小偷                  66. 直着往前走              67. 把…冲走

68. 破坏心情/假日           69. 突然转弯                70. 请某人吃饭/喝茶

71. 从口袋里掏某物          72. 腾空抽屉/壁橱           73. 苦思冥想

74. 做大扫除                75. 往后/四周/上下看        76. 点灯/蜡烛

77. 生火                    78. 开灯/电视/收音机        79. 关灯/关煤气/水龙头

80. 与某人握手              81. 帮某人一把              82. 昂着头

83. 过马路/桥/河            84. 收拾房间/桌子           85. 系鞋带/扣扣子

86. 与某人相处好            87. 擦汗                    88. 组织课外活动

89. 参加社会实践            90. 接到某人的电话          91. 完成写作

92. 在河中挣扎              93. 获一等奖                94. 得到1000元奖励

95. 与某人谈心              96. 到达现场                97. 不辞而行

98. 收割小麦/水稻/庄稼      99. 与某人争论有关…        100. 把…放归自然

101. 摘棉花/苹果/桃/草莓/西瓜/梨                        102. 告诉某人真像

103. 打工                   104. 往瓶子/壶/杯子/脸盘里倒水

105. 分成4组               106. 中断会谈               107. 切断电源

108. 打长途电话             109. 与某人争吵某事         110. 得第一

111. 为某事责备某人         112. 向某人挥手致意         113. 往前走100米

114. 报名参加竞赛           115. 申请职位               116. 泄密

117. 送某人到门口           118. 呈现高兴的神情         119. 在操场站队

120. 坐在第一排             121. 记下某人的名字/电话号码/姓名/家庭住址

122. 走来走去               123. 动身前往…             124. 哄某人睡觉

125. 熬夜                   126. 在小旅馆住宿           127. 严肃对待某事

128. 把…钉在门上           129. 向某人保密             130. 建议不做某事

131. 不鼓励做某事           132. 退学                   133. 开除某人/解雇某人

134. 一脚踩空               135. 把某物收捡起来         136. 绊了一跤

137. 摔了好几跤             138. 打中了某人的头         139. 牢记

140. 占太大空间             141. 扑灭火灾               142. 阻挡洪水

143. 识破阴谋               144. 苏醒过来               145. 闲逛

146. 看门                   147. 看病                   148. 看日出

149. 看书                   150. 误拿了某物             151. 搜查

152. 嚎啕大哭               153. 自带午餐               154. 收集事实/资金

155. 合着音乐唱歌/跳舞      156. 在红绿灯处转弯    

157. 把某事留给某人         158. 感到寂寞               159. 在…取得进步

160. 达到目的               161. 走100里路             162. 编造谎言

163. 使劲敲打               164. 敲门                   165. 在…有难处

166. 带某人参观…           167. 牵手                   168. 弯腰

169. 坐/站直                170. 驱散人群               171. 享有同等的权力

172. 做…是对/错的          173. 把…绑在…上           174. 铺开一张纸

175. 传开                   176. 热泪盈眶               177. 参加考试

178. 通知某人某事           179. 提醒某人某事           180. 抢劫某人某物

181. 安排某人做某事         182. 组成                   183. 请三天假

184. 放鞭炮                 185. 踩刹车                 186. 量体温

187. 把脉                   188. 追尾                   189. 在…大量训练

190. 为集体争光             191. 以某人为榜样           192. 给某人树立榜样

193. 以…为例               194. 一天喝3次药           195. 对某人鞠躬

196. 头/腿/肚子疼           197. 对某事有浓厚兴趣       198. 保暖

199. 保持传统               200. 祖传                   201. 为…引以为自豪

202. 做自我介绍             203. 对某事负责             204. 站不住

205. 倒在地上               206. 摇下车窗               207. 想出好主意

208. 挡道                   209. 以高价卖出             210. 畅销

211. 为某事付出昂贵代价     212. 下班回家               213. 克服困难

214. 向某人求教/助          215. 把…撞倒/翻            216. 追求

217. 交叉双腿/手            218. 乘坐汽车去…           219. 向…进发

220. 提供优质服务           221. 免费参观               222. 监视某人

223. 给某人一个惊奇         224. 正在玩耍/吃饭/工作/休息/购物

225. 索回/要回              226. 调查某事               227. 罚款

228. 撕/切/推开             229. 因…批评某人           230. 对…羞愧

231. 张开双臂拥抱某人       232. 讲礼貌                 233. 挣扎着站起来

234. 追赶某人               235. 情绪高涨               236. 为…做准备

237. 团结在一起             238. 帮助某人摆脱困境       239. 取消会议

240. 全力以赴做某事         241. 超速                   242. 减速

243. 研究某事               244. 泡茶/咖啡              245. 端饭

246. 摔成碎片               247. 带某人旅行             248. 依然如旧

249.塑造性格                250. 发展个性               251. (身体)垮了

252. 去(来)营救某人         253. 站起来                 254. 远道而来




91. I suggested the thief ________ (refer) to be put into prison.

92. You can’t imagine what great difficulty they have ________ (solve) the problem

________ (discuss) now.

93. You should understand the traffic rules by now. You’ve had them ________ (explain) to you often enough.

94. When first ________ (introduce) in the market, these products enjoyed great success.

95. We cannot be sure ________ our dreams will come true, but we can at least be hopeful ________ our efforts to improve the world will be successful.

96. To my delight, she will give ________ needs help a hand.

97. That was a time ________ there were no radios, no telephones or no TV sets.

98. What is known to all is that the old scientist, for ________ life was hard in the past, still works very hard in his eighties.



A university graduate described as a “respectable and intelligent” woman is seeking professional help after being convicted of (证明有…罪) shoplifting for the second time in six months .

Aha Luz , recently studying for PhD has been told she could end up behind bars unless she can control the desire to steal from shops.

Luz , who lives with her partner in Fitzwilliam Road , Cambridge , admitted stealing clothes worth 9.95 pounds from John Lewis in Oxford Street , London , on March 9.

Phillip Lomoyne , prosecuting (起诉), said Luz selected some clothes from display and took them to the ladies’ toilet in the store , when she came out again she was wearing one of the skirts she had selected , having taken off the anti-theft security alarm .

She was stopped and caught after leaving the store without paying , Mr. Lomoyne said .

He added that she was upset on her arrest and apologized for her actions .

Luz , 28, was said to have been convicted of shoplifting by Cambridge judges last October , but Morag Duff , defending said she had never been in trouble with the police before this .

“She is ashamed and embarrassed but doesn’t really have any explanation why she did this,” Miss Duff said .” She didn’t intend to steal when she went into the store . She is at a loss to explain it . She is otherwise a very respectable and intelligent young lady . She went to her doctor and asked for advice because she wants to know if there is something in particular that caused her to do this .”

Judge David Azan fined Luz 50 pounds , and warned : “You have got a criminal record . If you carry on like this , you will end up behind bars , which will ruin your bright future you may have .”

Luz achieved a degree in design at university in her native Spain , went on to a famous university in Berlin , Germany for her master’s degree and is now studying for a PhD at Cambridge University , UK .

1.What is Ana Luz’s nationality ?

      A.American .      B.British .    C.Spanish .  D.German .

2.What does the underlined sentence “She is at a loss to explain it” mean ?

       A.In her opinion it was a loss to the clothes shops where she stole things .

       B.She doesn’t have any idea why she has the desire to steal from shops .

       C.She thinks it is a loss for her to explain why she stole things from shops .

       D.Personally she feels ashamed and embarrassed for her shoplifting actions .

3.From the passage we can learn that        .

       A.Ana Luz has already got her PhD at Cambridge University , UK

       B.Ana Luz is ashamed and embarrassed and knows why she often did so

       C.the university graduate will be put in prison if she steals in shops once more

       D.Phillip Lomoyne is the “respectable and intelligent” woman’s defense lawyer

4.What would be the best title for the passage ?


