37. , and the problem would be settled. A.A bit more effort B.Having a little effort C.If you have a bit more effort D.There being a little effort 查看更多



Some of Man's closest relatives in the animal kingdom are under serious threat because of human activity, according to a recently published report.

Almost one in three of all apes and monkeys are now considered to be in danger of dying out and disappearing from our planet, if action is not taken soon.

The report, which was produced for the World Conservation Union (WCU), shows that 114 of the world's 394 kinds could be lost forever, and the main reason they are threatened is the continuing loss of forests where most of these animals live. In addition, illegal wildlife trade, climate change and commercial(商业的)hunting for meat are also endangering them.

What's more, the problem is getting worse. The number of species on the organization’s Red List has increased by 3 to 25 since 2005.

Russell Mittermeier, the main researcher of the WCU report, said, "You could fit(安置) all the surviving members of these 25 species in a single football stadium. So the problem is obviously urgent."

The scientists, who drew up the Red List, believe that the situation is now so bad that if action is not taken immediately, it will result in primate(灵长目动物) species dying out - something which has not happened in over a century.

The loss of habitat caused by the clearing of forests for wood, farmland and fuel continues to be the main reason for the decreasing number of primates, according to the report, and the problem was most severe in Asia.

The loss of forest trees is also responsible for 20 percent of all greenhouse gases - more than all the cars, trucks, trains and airplanes in the world combined.

1.What is the main subject of the report discussed in the text?

A.Climate change.                        B.Loss of animal habitat.

C.Animal protection.                      D.Endangered animals

2.How many animals were on the Red List in 2005?

A.22               B.19               C.25.               D.28.

3.The spokesman refers to 'a football stadium' in paragraph 5 to stress that ______.

A.the animals enjoy playing sports

B.these animals should be placed there for protection

C.there are not many of these animals left

D.the report was announced there

4.What is the main cause of the greenhouse gas problem according to the text?

A.Airplanes.                             B.Loss of trees.

C.Factory pollution.                       D.Road vehicles.



Today’s drivers may feel shocked by the high price of petrol when they drive to the gas station. However, the car industry has the technology to solve the problem. It’s the hybrid car(混合动力汽车).

   What is a hybrid car? Any car that uses two or more sources of power is a hybrid car. Most hybrid cars on the road right now are petrol-electric hybrids. The petrol-electric hybrid car is just what it sounds like — a cross between a petrol-powered car and an electric car.

    A gas-powered car has a fuel tank(油箱), which supplies petrol to the engine. An electric car, on the other hand, has a set of batteries that provides electricity for the car.

    To be useful to you or me, a car should be able to run at least 300 miles (483 km) before refueling, be capable of(能够) being refueled quickly and easily and fast enough to keep up with the other traffic on the road.

    A petrol car meets these requirements(要求)but produces a large amount of pollution. An electric car, however, produces almost no pollution, but can only go 50 to 100 miles (80 to 161 km) between recharging(充电). And the problem has been that the electric car is very slow and inconvenient to recharge.

    A petrol-electric car combines the advantages of the two power sources into one system that uses both gas power and electric power. Some experts believe that the hybrid car is “the next generation of smart cars”. A hybrid car can go up to 50% further than a traditional car can on the same amount of gas! It saves driver’s money on gas and cuts air pollution!

What do the underlined words “the problem” in Paragraph 1 refer to?

A. The price of petrol goes up and down.     B. The gas-powered car is sold at a high price.

C. The gas-powered car causes air pollution.   D. The price of petrol keeps going up.

How many sources of power do most hybrid cars use?

A. Two.             B. Three.            C. Four.         D. It depends.

The author thinks that electric cars _____.

A. are smart vehicles     B. are popular vehicle  C. are not practical  D. are not slow

Some experts believe that the hybrid car will have a large market in future because _____.

A. it is just powered by renewable energy   B. it saves money and is eco-friendly

C. it goes further than a traditional car      D. it is safe, cheap and produces no air pollution


People who put a smiley face at the end of a message, in an attempt to show feeling, show no feeling. I wish there was a symbol for two fingers in the air.
I had some bad news this week. My manager informed me of this news via email. It was like hearing about the death of a loved one via pigeon. Bad news should only ever be delivered face to face or voice to voice.
We seem to celebrate our numerous methods of communication, but really there is no communication at all. I talk to my plants more than I talk to my neighbors, I get text messages that take me three hours to read because they’re written like this: “Hi, I ope you av a gr8 day. Call me La8tr.” I had an email from someone this week that read, “Da ut ov 2day are really annoying me!” Ut? I had to say this 20 times before I understood it. Youth has now become ut. Haven’t we taken enough from them—now we have to take their letters?
I had an email recently from a girl who used to live over the road from me as a child. She wrote, “Hi Shazia, howz u? Im sure u used 2 live across the road from me. We sumtimes played tennis 2 gever at the park and you was in your eliment. I am married now wif 3 daughters.” Then, to my horror, she ended the email with: “Im now teachin in Leeds. Luv Clare.”
Teaching? With English like this. It’s like saying you’re a train driver when you’ve never seen a train. It was like reading modern Morse code.
Getting bad news via email makes it seem so much worse than it actually is. Just a few lines, no emotion, no comfort, not really an explanation. Just a few cold hard words. It’s an excuse. Just write a few words and the problem of delivering it is no longer yours. A close friend recently told me she was very happy to announce she was getting married—and made the announcement by email. I don’t know how she didn’t fall off her chair with excitement while writing it. If you are really happy or really sad to announce something important, wouldn’t you like a human reaction? Some euphoria, elation, tears, a punch in the face?
I receive long text messages every day with information and explanations that I don’t bother reading. They’re boring, and annoy me. In the time it took someone to write me three laborious texts, they could have called, spoken to me, made some tea. People who put a smiley face at the end of a sentence, in an attempt to show feeling, show no feeling. I wish there was a symbol for two fingers in the air, because that’s the one I’d send back.
The telegram has been responsible for reporting world-shattering events when there were very few other options(选择权). Now we have options, and people opt for the least humane one. My mum, in an attempt to get down with the ut of today, asked me to teach her to text. Now she constantly texts me in block capitals, so it looks as if she is still angry and annoyed with me after all these years.
People don’t even write by hand any more. My doctor prints out prescriptions from his computer; even my mechanic prints out a receipt. I get typed Christmas cards and my friends send me emails. I get very excited when hand-written letters come through my door, only because they rarely do.
When I was at school, the girls used to write letters to each other, even though we sat side by side and spoke to one another all day. I think it was a way of expressing private things we were afraid to say when we were 14 and too shy. We used to write things like, “You are my best friend, can’t wait to sit next to you in math.”
I miss the personal method of communication. Once the pen was mightier than the sword, now it seems the keyboard is mightier than the pen.
【小题1】We can learn from paragraph 3 and paragraph 4 that the writer wants to say ________.

A.the spelling mistakes in the messages make her very annoyed
B.only writing letters will bring friends and neighbors much closer
C.she talks to plants more because no one shares her joys and sorrows
D.gestures and the pen can express a lot more than the cold keyboard
【小题2】According to the writer, which of the following can support her opinion?
A.She has been separated from all his classmates many years.
B.No doctors write prescriptions by hand because of computers.
C.In communication, we should write more letters than send messages.
D.Less shy than school girls, boys rarely write letters to their friends.
【小题3】According to the passage, we can conclude that ________.
A.the writer is a person full of emotions and treasures friendship and affections
B.the writer becomes excited when she gets priceless gifts from other people
C.her classmates would write to each other because they couldn’t send messages
D.people put a smiley face at the end of a message just to show they are happy
【小题4】What message is conveyed in the passage?
A.The writer wastes much time in reading many rubbish text messages every day.
B.Few people can write letters well in modern society owing to texting messages.
C.Now people are too busy to communicate with each other face to face often.
D.The writer prefers personal communication rather than electronic equipment.
【小题5】Why does the writer mention the telegram?
A.Because she thinks the annoyance of reading text messages is originated from it.
B.Because we have more options to keep in touch with each other than ever before.
C.Because advanced technology partly takes the blame for lacking the human touch.
D.Because she thinks humans today become colder with the development of society.
【小题6】Which of the following best describe the tone of this passage?


Students often meet with questions as follows: bullied by someone, worried about a weak subject, puzzled by family problems or concerned about pets at home. All the questions above may make you not concentrated on your study. Who can you turn to if you are such an unlucky student? A great person to share your thoughts and feelings with is your school counsellor(顾问).
  Add school counsellors to the list of people you can turn to when you need help. They know how to listen and can help kids with life's challenges(挑战). Counsellors have special training in how to help kids solve problems, make decisions, and stand up for themselves. That doesn't mean your counsellor will wave a magic wand and the problem will go away. But it does mean he or she will help you cope with(应付) it. Coping is an important word to know. Sometimes, kids and grown-ups have difficult problems. Coping means that someone is trying to handle these problems and make things better.

Your school counsellor is available for you and wants to make your school experience the best it can be. The counsellor's job is to take your problem seriously and help you find a solution. The counsellor also wants to help you learn as much as you can in class, be a contributing member of the school community, and be a positive influence on your environment.


62. From the underlined sentence we may infer that ________.

   A. a school counsellor is one of those who can help you

   B. school counsellors are those you can make friends with

   C. one needs various people to help him or her

   D. one has to know and deal with all kinds of people at school

63. According to the passage, which of the following happens that you may not turn to the counsellors?

   A. Other students treat you cruelly.

   B. You are too poor to go to school.

   C. You are weak in one subject.

   D. You have family problem.

64. What does the writer think of the school counsellors?

   A. They can solve any questions you meet with.

   B. They can help students get their life or study improved.

   C. They are as important as teachers in schools.

   D. They may punish those who have bullied you.

65. Which of the following may be the best title of the passage?

   A. School counsellors

   B. School problems

   C. Students’ problems

   D. Free counsellors


If you haven’t seen or heard anything about Road Rage in the last few months, you’ve probably been avoiding the media. There have been countless stories about this new and scary phenomenon, considered a type of aggressive driving. You have most likely encountered aggressive dnriving or Road Rage recently if you drive at all.

   While drunk driving remains a critical problem,the facts about aggressive driving are surely as disturbing. For instance,according to the National Highway Transportation Safety Association, 41,907 people died on the highway last year.of those deaths,the agency estimates that about two-thirds were caused at least in part by aggressive driving behavior.

Why is this phenomenon occurring more than ever now and why is it something that seemed almost nonexistent a few short years ago?Experts have certain theories,and all are probably partially correct.One suggestion is over crowding.In the last decade,the number of the cars on the roads has increased by more than 11 percent,and the number of miles driven has increased by 35 percent.However,the number of new road miles has only increased by 1 percent.That means more cars in the same amount of space;and the problem is even serious in urban areas.Also,people have less time and more things to do.With people working and trying to fit extra chores and activities into the day,street levels have never been higher.Stress creates anxiety,which leads to short tempers.These factors,when combined in certain situations,Can induce Road Rage.

You may think you are the last person who would drive aggressively,but you might be surprised.For instance, have you ever yelled out loud at a slower driver,sounded the horn long and hard at another car, or sped up to keep another driver from passing?If you recognize yourself in any of these situations,watch out!

Whether you are getting angry at other drivers,or another driver is visibly upset with you,there are things you can do to avoid any major conflict.If you are easily influenced to Road Rage,the key is to discharge your emotion in a healthy way.If You are the target of another driver’s rage,do everything possible to get away from me other drive safely,including avoiding eye contact and getting out of their way. www.sdzxlm.com

1.What can we learn from the first paragraph?

A.Most people are angry at media reports and want to avoid them

B.Most drivers have bad manners

C.Road Rage has received much media attention in the past few months

D.People showing no interest in the media know little about recent happenings

2.According to the passage,what are the causes of overcrowding?

A.Stress,anxiety and short tempers.

B.People working together in a big city.

C.More cars stopping in the same amount of space

D.Quickly increasing cars and slowly increasing new road miles

3.The underlined“induce”in Paragraph3 Call be replaced by“

A.relax    B.cause    C.reduce  D.destroy

4.Which of the following is“aggressive driving”?

A.Phoning while driving.

B.Driving at a low speed.

C.Shouting loud at another driver.

D.Sounding the horn when driving.

5.What does the writer want to tell US by writing the last paragraph?

A.Flow to control our anger

B.How to deal with Road Rage.

C,How to recognize aggressive drivers.

D.How to avoid eye contact with other drivers.


