4.retire A.affair B.caring C.theory D.variety 查看更多



The school was across the street from our home and I would often watch the kids as they played during the break .She seemed so small as she pushed her way __36_ the crowd of boys on the playground .  She___37__ from them all.

  I began to notice her at other times, basketball in hand, playing __38__.She would practice dribbling(运球) and shooting over and over again, sometimes until __39__. One day I asked her __40__ she practiced so much. She looked __41___in my eyes and without a moment of hesitation she said, "I want to go to college. The only way I can __42__ is that if I get a scholarship, I am going to play college basketball. I want to be __43__. My Daddy told me if the dream is big enough, the facts don't count."

  Well, I had to give it in to her--- she was __44__.One day in her senior year, I saw her sitting in the grass, head __45_ in her arms. I walked toward her and quietly asked what was _46___. "Oh, nothing," came a soft reply. "I'm just too short." The coach told her that at her height she would probably __47__get to play for a top ranked team,___48__offered a scholarship. So she _49___stop dreaming about college.

  She was __50___ and I sensed her disappointment. I asked her if she had talked to her dad about it yet. She told me that her father said those coaches were wrong. They just didn't __51__ the power of a dream. He told her __52__she really wanted to play for a good college, if she truly wanted a scholarship,  __53___could stop her except one thing-- her own attitude. He told her again," if the dream is big enough, the facts don't count."

    The next year, as she and her team went to the Northern California Championship game, she was seen by a college recruiter(招聘人员). She was indeed offered a __54__ .She was going to get the college education that she had __55___and worked toward for all those years.

A. through             B. across               C. over                 D. into

A. brought out         B. showed out       C. stood out          D. worked out

A. only                     B. lonely              C. simply              D. alone

A. dark                     B. dawn            C. midnight          D. daybreak

A. how                     B. when                C. why                 D. what

A. worriedly              B. shyly                C. quietly             D. directly

A. go                     B. get                   C. enter                D. attend

A. worse                B. better              C. the best            D. the worst

A. determined         B. encouraged       C. fixed                D. fascinated

A. covered            B. enclosed           C. dropped            D. buried

A. the affair              B. the wrong         C. matter              D. the matter

A. ever                     B. even                 C. once                 D. never

A. far more                   B. much less         C. much fewer      D. many more

A. should               B. must                C. can                  D. may

A. overjoyed             B. moved              C. embarrassed      D. heartbroken

A. understand          B. experience       C. learn                D. believe

A. even if              B. as if                 C. that if               D. only if

A. anything                   B. nothing            C. something        D. everything

A. prize                    B. medal               C. scholarship       D. position

A. dreamed of         B. accepted           C. thought of        D. appreciated


We are bothered that the kids aren’t old enough but we’ll be more  1  when they  are.After that we’re  2  that we have teenagers to deal with.We willbe happy when they are out of that stage.

We always tell ourselves that our life will be  4   when our spouse(配偶)gets his or her act together, when we get a nice car, and are able to go on a nice vocation when we   5  .The truth is,there’s no better time than.If not now, when? Our life will always be filled with  7  .It's best to admit this to ourselves and decide to be happy   8  

One of my  9  quotes comes from Alfred Souza.He said “for a long time it had  Seemed to me that life was about to begin—real life.But there was always some  10 in the way, something to be  11  first, some unfinished business,time still to be served,a debt to be paid.’’

Then life would begin.12  ,it dawned on me that these obstacles were my life.This perspective has helped me to see that there is no   13  to happiness.Happiness is the way.So  14  every moment that you have.

And remember that  15  waits for no one.So  16  waiting until you finish schoo1.until you go back to school;until you get married,until you get  17  ;until you have kids;until you retire;until you get a new car or home;until spring;Until you are  18   again to decide that there is no better time than right now to be happy.

Happiness is a journey,not a(n)  19  .So,work like you don’t need money,love like you’ve never been hurt,  20  dance like no one’s watching.

1.A.unhappy             B.content             C.upset                 D.enthusiastic

2.A.confused            B.determined        C.annoyed            D.amazed

3.A.fortunately         B.deliberately       C.surprisingly        D.certainly


4.A.complete            B.ruined              C.broken              D.reasonable

5.A.refresh               B.work                C.retire                D.complain

6.A.ever                   B.before              C.right now          D.future

7.A.fancies               B.happiness         C.doubts              D.challenges

8.A.anyway              B.presently          C.occasionally       D.immediately

9.A.primary              B.favorite            C.personal            D.pessimistic

10.A.expectation       B.success            C.conflict             D.obstacle

11.A.gotten round    B.gotten down    C.gotten away       D.gotten through

12.A.Eventually        B.Abruptly           C.Regularly           D.Frequently

13.A.problem           B.way                 C.good                 D.need

14.A.admire             B.remember         C.treasure             D.appreciate

15.A.happiness         B.time                 C.1ife                   D.work

16.A.stop                 B.start                 C.keep                  D.continue

17.A.changed           B.divorced           C.tired                  D.discouraged

18.A.relaxed             B.delighted           C.born                  D.forced

19.A.experience        B.approach          C.suspicion           D.destination

20.A.and                  B.but                   C.nevertheless      D.yet


第三部分: 阅读理解 (共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)

When Mr. David retired(退休),he bought a small house in a village near the sea. He liked it and hoped to live a quiet life in it.

  But to his great surprise, many tourists came to see his house in summer holidays, for it was the most interesting building in the village. From morning to night there were tourists outside the house. They kept looking into the rooms through the windows and many of them even went into Mr. David’s garden. This was too much for Mr. David. He decided to drive the visitors away. So he put a notice on the window. The notice said: “If you want to satisfy your curiosity, came in and look round. Price: twenty dollars.” Mr. David was sure that the visitors would stop coming, but he was wrong. More and more visitors came and Mr. David had to spend every day showing them around his house. “I came here to retire, not to work as a guide.” he said angrily. In the end, he sold the house and moved away.

56. Mr. David’s house was        that many tourists came to see it.

    A. so small    B .so quiet  C .so interesting  D .so beautiful

57. Mr. David put a notice on the window in order                 .

    A. to drive the visitors away

    B. to satisfy the visitor’s curiosity

    C. to let visitors come in and look round

    D. to get some money out of the visitors

58. The notice made the visitors                  .

    A. more interested in his house

    B. lost interest in his house

    C. angry at the unfair price

      D. feel happy about the price

59. After Mr. David put up the notice ,                     .

    A. the visitors didn’t come any longer

    B. fewer and fewer visitors came to see his house

    C. more and more tourists came for a visit

    D. no tourist would pay the money for a visit

60.At last he had to sell his house and move away because                    .

    A. he did not like it at all

    B. he could not work as a guide

    C. he made enough money and wanted to buy a new expensive house

    D. he could not live a quiet life in it



.Everybody likes a winner, and there are always people ready to cheer for a good winner. But who has ever heard a song for the man who comes in second? So this is in praise of the almost winner, the nearly champion(冠军), the next to the biggest, the second best. This is the song of Mister Two.

You hear unflattering(不讨好人的)names for Mister Two. “Alsoran”, they call him, and “runner­up”, names that make you think of a fellow who couldn’t quite make it. Don’t let that fool you. Ask the winner of any race how good a man Mister Two is. He will tell you it’s Mister Two who made him run so fast, Mister Two is always threatening to overtake and pass him.

Ask the salesman who won the contest and what kept him looking for extra order. Ask the directors of the big company why they keep changing their product, seeking the new equipment, the added advantage. What drives them? What keeps them going? It’s the salesman with nearly as many orders. It is the company with the product almost as good. It’s Mister Two.

In this country, we’re proud of the quality of our champions. Our big men come very big. Our fast men run very fast. Our wise men are the wisest and our greatest men are the greatest that a country could hope to be blessed with. And why is that? It is Mister Two that makes the race always open and everybody can run. So this is for you, Mister Two. This is your song. This is for all the days you tried for first, and came in second. It’s for the nights when you wonder if you ought to go on trying, since nobody seems to notice.

We notice, Mister Two. We know the score. Winner or not, you’re a natural champion. There couldn’t be a race without you, Mister Two.


1.People usually call Mister Two unflattering names to    him.

A. praise  B. encourage      C. laugh at      D. respect

2.According to the author, Mister Two is mentioned in connection with the following except    .

A. business   B. sports       C. greatness    D. failure

3.It is implied in this story that    .

A. Mister Two is as important as the winner

B. every leader needs someone to help him

C. the second today must be the first tomorrow

D. second place is always praised

4.The person who wins needs to understand that    .

A. winning is everything

B. being Mister Two is wonderful

C. without Mister Two he would do better

D. without strong competition he wouldn’t have worked so hard



 My grandma still treats me like a child. She can’t imagine______ grown up.

  A. my           B. mine       C. myself           D. me


