38.To avoid , you have to be careful enough when you are cooking. 查看更多




1.—Tom, your hair is too long. Go to the barber’s and          (把头发剪短).(cut)

—OK, Mum. I’ll do it after school.

2.Never          (他到过)any other city in China except Beijing. (be)

3.          (最著名的两所大学)in Britain are Oxford University and Cambridge University.(famous)

4.How I wish          (我没有浪费)so much time playing computer games when I should have studied. (waste)

5.The factory          (他曾经工作过的)is in danger of closing down because of poor management. (work)

6.I hate being away from my parents, so I can’t decide          (是否要去日本工作).(whether)

7.Road accidents have become much fewer in the past few years. The government must


8.To avoid          (烫伤), you have to be careful enough when you are cooking. (burn)

9.I can hardly fall asleep because of the loud noise outside. A new shopping center       (正在建设)nearby. (build)

10.The student wasn’t paying attention in class,          (眼睛盯着)the tree in front of the classroom. (fix)

