第二节(共15小题.每小题1分.满分15分) 请听下面5段对话或独白.选出最佳选项.每段对话或独白读二遍. 请听第6段材料.回答第6.7题. 6. What are the two speakers talking about? A. Radio programs. B. Language lab. C. TV programs. 7. What other languages besides English are taught over the radio? A. German, Spanish, and French. B. Portuguese, Swedish and French. C. Japanese, French and German. 请听第7段材料.回答第8至10题. 8. Where are the two speakers going? A. To the seaport. B. To the airport. C. To the railway station. 9. What’s wrong with the two speakers? A. Their car broke down. B. Their tank is half full. C. They have run out of gas. 10. What will the two speakers do? A. Do nothing but wait. B. Find a policeman. C. Telephone the nearest gas station. 请听第8段材料.回答第11至14题. 11. Why did the man call the woman? A. To ask if she’s got the tickets. B. To invite her to go to a concert. C. To offer his help with her new flat. 12. What will the woman do next Saturday afternoon? A. Watching a tennis match. B. Cleaning up her new flat. C. Visiting a friend with Margaret. 13. What has the woman agreed to do with the man next Saturday? A. Go to see a play. B. Attend a concert. C. Buy concert tickets. 14. What time does the concert start? A. At 7:30 p.m. B. At 7:30 a.m. C. At 5:00 p.m. 请听第9段材料.回答第15至17题. 15. What are the two speakers talking about? A. The woman’s plan. B. The woman’s family. C. The woman’s school. 16. What will the woman most probably do in the end? A. Go to college. B. Take up singing. C. Become an actress. 17. What’s the woman’s parents’ attitude towards her choice of career? A. They are proud of it. B. They don’t care. C. They disagree with it. 请听第10段材料.回答第18至20题. 18. When did people first begin to use stamps? A. In the early 19th century. B. On May 6, 1840. C. On May 6, 1814. 19. Who was the first person to put forward a suggestion to use stamps? A. Rowland Hill in England. B. Rowland Hill in America. C. Rowland Hill in France. 20. Which stamps were first sold in England? A. “One Penny blue stamps. B. “Two Pence black stamps. C. “One Penny black stamps and “Two Pence blue stamps. 查看更多





1.Where may the dialogue happen?

A.At an airport.

B.On a farm.

C.In an office.

2.What are the two speakers talking about?

A.The park.

B.Their friend Tom.

C.The weather.

3.Which shirt is made of cotton?

A.The shirt that costs$15.

B.The shirt that costs$10.

C.The shirt that costs$5.

4.Who did the man get a present from?




5.What is the advice to Yang Mei?

A.Writing more.

B.Finding a friend.

C.Getting a friend.




6.What can we learn about the man?

A.He had been ill for some time and was getting better.

B.He had already got perfectly well.

C.He had just fallen ill.

7.What is the woman's advice to the man?

A.Stop taking the medicine from that day on.

B.Continue to take the medicine as before.

C.Begin taking less of the medicine than before.


8.What are they talking about?




9.What do you think of the driver?

A.He is drunken.

B.He is experienced.

C.He is careless.

10.What is the result

A.The car rushed away.

B.The car stops.

C.The car is broken.


11.What does the man want to buy?

A.A bike.

B.A book.

C.A bed.

12.What does the man do every day?

A.Take his son to school.

B.Take his daughter to the park.

C.Take his son to the park.


13.Where did the woman come from?




14.Where did she get married?

A.In France.

B.In Britain.

C.In Australia.


15.What won't the speakers do this weekend?

A.Take a boat to the islands.

B.Go to the river.

C.See a play.

16.Why does the man suggest phoning the theatre?

A.To book tickets.

B.To check if there will be a play.

C.To check if it is open this weekend.

17.What's the weather most probably like?

A.Quite hot.


C.Not warm.


18.Why does his wife have lots of work to do?

A.Because she kept busy keeping the clocks clean.

B.Because she helped her husband to collect clocks.

C.Because she liked to listen to the sound of the clocks.

19.Why couldn't his wife tell the exact time?

A.Because she could read the clocks.

B.Because she did not know which clock told the exact time.

C.Because all the clocks had stopped.

20.What do we know from the story?

A.All the clocks were perhaps different from each other.

B.The sound of the clocks could make her happy.

C.All the clocks struck only in the daytime.




1.Why didn't the man call the woman?

A.He had no change.

B.He wasn't in the service area.

C.He was just a few minutes late.

2.What will the speakers do next?

A.Wait for their friends.

B.Go to join their friends.

C.Have the car repaired.

3.How much will the man pay in total?

A.400 dollars.

B.480 dollars.

C.640 dollars.

4.Why won't the woman go travelling?

A.She doesn't like traveling by air.

B.She toured Europe last year.

C.She doesn't have enough money.

5.What does the woman think of the meeting?

A.She is unsatisfied with it.

B.It went very well.

C.The man should talk more about his opinion.




6.What will the speakers do next Friday?

A.Water the garden.

B.Go shopping.

C.Have a picnic.

7.Which is NOT part of their overseas markets yet?



C.South Africa.


8.What did the speakers do last year?

A.They asked Gail for help.

B.They organized a party.

C.They planted some turnips.

9.What does the man think of Gail?

A.She is optimistic.

B.She is friendly.

C.She is unhelpful.

10.When did the woman talk to Gail?

A.Last month.

B.Last week.



11.Where did the woman watch the movie last night?

A.At the cinema.

B.At home.

C.At the man's house.

12.How did the man find out about the film?

A.From the newspaper.

B.From TV.

C.From the woman.

13.Which aspects of the movie did the woman especially like?

A.The actors and music.

B.The plot and the acting.

C.The plot and the setting.


14.What are the speakers talking about?




15.Why does the woman think it stressful to go to the dentist?

A.It hurts.

B.It is embarrassing.

C.You can do nothing about it.

16.What does the man think is the most stressful?

A.Moving to a new place.

B.Taking an exam.

C.Being late.

17.What does the woman think of having an interview?





18.What is checked in the first test?

A.Your eyesight.

B.Your driving skills.

C.Your knowledge of traffic regulations.

19.What does the instruction permit allow you to do?

A.Practice driving with an experienced driver.

B.Drive under normal highway condition.

C.Have the car checked by the license.

20.What should you take with you when taking the road test?

A.Your identification.

B.Your instruction permit.

C.Your car.




1.What will the speakers do next Friday?

A.Water the garden.

B.Go shopping.

C.Have a picnic.

2.Which is NOT part of their overseas markets yet?



C.South Africa.

3.How much will the man pay in total?

A.400 dollars.

B.480 dollars.

C.640 dollars.

4.Why won't the woman go travelling?

A.She doesn't like traveling by air.

B.She toured Europe last year.

C.She doesn't have enough money.

5.What does the woman think of the meeting?

A.She is unsatisfied with it.

B.It went very well.

C.The man should talk more about his opinion.




6.Why didn't the man call the woman?

A.He had no change.

B.He wasn't in the service area.

C.He was just a few minutes late.

7.What will the speakers do next?

A.Wait for their friends.

B.Go to join their friends.

C.Have the car repaired.


8.What did the speakers do last year?

A.They asked Gail for help.

B.They organized a party.

C.They planted some turnips.

9.What does the man think of Gail?

A.She is optimistic.

B.She is friendly.

C.She is unhelpful.

10.When did the woman talk to Gail?

A.Last month.

B.Last week.



11.Where did the woman watch the movie last night?

A.At the cinema.

B.At home.

C.At the man's house.

12.How did the man find out about the film?

A.From the newspaper.

B.From TV.

C.From the woman.

13.Which aspects of the movie did the woman especially like?

A.The actors and music.

B.The plot and the acting.

C.The plot and the setting.


14.What are the speakers talking about?




15.Why does the woman think it stressful to go to the dentist?

A.It hurts.

B.It is embarrassing.

C.You can do nothing about it.

16.What does the man think is the most stressful?

A.Moving to a new place.

B.Taking an exam.

C.Being late.

17.What does the woman think of having an interview?





18.What is checked in the first test?

A.Your eyesight.

B.Your driving skills.

C.Your knowledge of traffic regulations.

19.What does the instruction permit allow you to do?

A.Practice driving with an experienced driver.

B.Drive under normal highway condition.

C.Have the car checked by the license.

20.What should you take with you when taking the road test?

A.Your identification.

B.Your instruction permit.

C.Your car.




1.How did Charles travel?

A.By car.

B.By bus.

C.By train.

2.What does the man think of the price of the car?

A.It's reasonable.

B.It's too high.

C.It's low indeed.

3.What will the man probably do?

A.Boil some coffee for the woman.

B.Take the woman to a coffee shop.

C.Get for the woman some tea instead.

4.What does the man ask the woman to do?

A.Drop him off at home.

B.Wait until he finishes the letter.

C.Mail the letters on her way to class.

5.Where was the woman going?

A.To the shore.

B.To the gate.

C.To the lake.



6.What kind of dress does the lady get?

A.A cotton dress, Size 9.

B.A special dress, Size 8.

C.A silk dress, Size 9.

7.How much is the change?

A.6 dollars.

B.10 dollars.

C.16 dollars.


8.Where does the conversation take place?

A.At home.

B.On a bus.

C.At an airport.

9.What was the best part of the man's trip?

A.Sending the mail by air.

B.Not speaking Italian.

C.Staying with his relatives.


10.What position among the big cities in the UK does the city of Sheffield hold?

A.The third.

B.The fourth.

C.The fifth.

11.How many trees are there in Sheffield?

A.One million.

B.Two million.

C.Three million.

12.When did the industry really take off in the city of Sheffield?

A.About 250 years ago.

B.About 230 years ago.

C.About 210 years ago.


13.What does the woman ask the man to do tonight?

A.Play some sports.

B.Join her for dinner.

C.Help with her study.

14.What is the man going to do in Miami?

A.Go sightseeing.

B.Attend a wedding.

C.Set up a coffee shop.

15.Where is the woman going now?

A.To the tennis court.

B.To the coffee shop.

C.To her school.



第一节  (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


1.He’s filled with ________ to become a famous singer.

2.Cycling is highly________ to health and the environment.

3.I have lots of ________ for her; she brougt up the children on her own.

4.Most miners were waiting ________ after they were trapped in the water in Wang JiaLing Coal Mine.

5.Joe ________ to consider his answer.

6.The girl ________ to London after an argument with her family.

7.The old lady enjoyed eating things that are ________ - even when she is not hungry.

8.My mother soon ________ herself to the city life.

9.There is no ________ for his strange behavior.

10.They return in September for the start of the new________ year.



11.What does the woman mean?

   A. She feels cold.       B. She is quite well.  C. She is still ill.

12.What did the man think of the exam?

   A. It was beyond him.    B. It was very easy.   C. It was a bit difficult.

13.What can be inferred about the woman?

   A. She hates computer.  

B. She doesn’t have a computer.  

C. Her computer hasn’t been updated.

14.What does the man mean?

   A. The woman should get a repairman to check the fridge.

B. The woman has put off buying a new fridge for too long.         

C. He will repair the fridge for the woman.

15.Where does the conversation most probably take place?

A. In a bookshop.        B. In a classroom. C. In a library.

16.Where is the man going?

A. Rome.             B. Berlin.         C. London. 

17.What does the woman think of the weather?

A. A bit warm.           B. Too hot.            C. Not warm at all.

18.Why does the man mention other sources of energy? 

A. To comfort the woman.

B. To blame people for wasting energy.

C. To say that solar energy is important.

19.What’s the possible relationship between Lucy and the two speakers?

A. Teacher and students.                      

B. Daughter and parents.                      

C. Friends.

20.Where is the man going?

   A. To the classroom. B. To the movies.     C. To the library.


