43.Then they were ready to . A.have a picnic B.have a rest C.visit the farm D.cut the cool grass 查看更多



Below are some of the heart-warming scenes that I witnessed and heard from others after the earthquake and flood.

In the supermarket, where goods of all the shelves  36 , people were picking up things so quickly together, and then  37  standing in line to buy food. Instead of creating panic(恐慌)and _38  as much as possible, they bought as little as they  39 _.

When I was walking home, there was a lady  40  a sign that said, “Please use our toilet.” She was  41  her house for people to go to the restroom. I also saw an old lady at a bakery shop  42  free bread. They made my heart  43 _.

A boy was saved because he climbed up on top of the roof of a store during the flood. The flood  44  so suddenly that he just saw people below trying to climb onto the roof, but failed. They were  45  by the flood. To help others, he kept filming them  46  their loved ones could see.

A foreign friend told me that she was  47  to see a long queue form so neatly(整齐地)behind one public phone. Everyone waited  48  to use the phone though they must have been so eager to call their families.

The  49  was horrible(可怕的)! Only one car could move  50  at a green light. But everyone was driving so calmly. During the 10-hour  51 , which would only take 30 minutes  52 , I heard only one horn(喇叭)and that was of thank you.

When I was  53  at the platform(站台), a homeless person gave me a piece of cardboard to sit on. Even though we usually  54  them in our daily life, they were ready to help us.

Through all of this, I felt  55 _. There is a bright future, on the other side of this disaster.

1.                A.fell            B.lay             C.sank D.rose


2.                A.noisily          B.harmlessly       C.quietly   D.seriously


3.                A.stealing         B.buying          C.making   D.folding


4.                A.earned         B.needed         C.saw  D.afforded


5.                A.watching        B.selling          C.destroying D.holding


6.                A.locking         B.building         C.opening  D.sparing


7.                A.wiping out      B.carrying out     C.picking out    D.giving out


8.                A.warm          B.cold           C.broken   D.closed


9.                A.came          B.got            C.ran  D.left


10.               A.sent out        B.knocked down   C.brought out    D.taken away


11.               A.for            B.or             C.so    D.but


12.               A.excited         B.surprised       C.upset D.frightened


13.               A.secretly        B.patiently        C.slowly D.proudly


14.               A.traffic          B.trade          C.movement D.climate


15.               A.around         B.down          C.up   D.forward


16.               A.walk           B.run            C.drive D.flight


17.               A.necessarily      B.basically        C.normally   D.certainly


18.               A.waiting         B.playing         C.fighting    D.hiding


19.               A.respect        B.ignore         C.notice D.hate


20.               A.glory          B.help           C.interest   D.hope




Below are some of the heart-warming scenes that I witnessed and heard from others after the earthquake and flood.
In the supermarket, where goods of all the shelves  36 , people were picking up things so quickly together, and then  37  standing in line to buy food. Instead of creating panic(恐慌)and _38  as much as possible, they bought as little as they  39 _.
When I was walking home, there was a lady  40  a sign that said, “Please use our toilet.” She was  41  her house for people to go to the restroom. I also saw an old lady at a bakery shop  42  free bread. They made my heart  43 _.
A boy was saved because he climbed up on top of the roof of a store during the flood. The flood  44  so suddenly that he just saw people below trying to climb onto the roof, but failed. They were  45  by the flood. To help others, he kept filming them  46  their loved ones could see.
A foreign friend told me that she was  47  to see a long queue form so neatly(整齐地)behind one public phone. Everyone waited  48  to use the phone though they must have been so eager to call their families.
The  49  was horrible(可怕的)! Only one car could move  50  at a green light. But everyone was driving so calmly. During the 10-hour  51 , which would only take 30 minutes  52 , I heard only one horn(喇叭)and that was of thank you.
When I was  53  at the platform(站台), a homeless person gave me a piece of cardboard to sit on. Even though we usually  54  them in our daily life, they were ready to help us.
Through all of this, I felt  55 _. There is a bright future, on the other side of this disaster.

A.fellB.lay C.sankD.rose
A.wiping outB.carrying outC.picking outD.giving out
A.sent outB.knocked downC.brought outD.taken away


After giving a talk at a high school, I was asked to pay a visit to a spe­cial student. An illness had kept the boy home, but he had expressed an interest in meeting me. I was told it would mean a great deal to him, so I agreed.
During the nine-mile drive to his home, I found out something about Matthew. He had muscular dystrophy (肌肉萎缩症). When he was born, the doctor told his parents that he would not live to five, and then they were told he would not make it to ten. Now he was thirteen. He wanted to meet me because I was a gold-medal power lifter, and I knew about overcoming obstacles(阻碍) and going for my dreams.
I spent over an hour talking to Matthew. Never once did he complain or ask, “Why me?” He spoke about winning and succeeding and going for his dreams. Obviously, he knew what he was talking about. He didn’t mention that his classmates had made fun of him because he was different. He just talked about his hopes for the future, and how one day he wanted to lift weights with me. When we had finished talking, I went to my briefcase and pulled out the first gold medal I had won and put it around his neck. I told him he was more of a winner and knew more about success and overcoming obstacles than I ever would. He looked at it for a moment, then took it off and handed it back to me. He said, “You are a champion(冠军). You earned that medal. Someday when I get to the Olympics and win my own medal, I will show it to you.”
Last summer I received a letter from Matthew’s parents telling me that Matthew had passed
away. They wanted me to have a letter he had written to me a few days before:
My mum said I should send you a thank-you letter for the picture you sent me. I also want to let you know that the doctors tell me that I don’t have long to live any more, but I still smile as much as I can.
I told you someday that I would go to the Olympics and win a gold medal, but I know now I
will never get to do that. However, I know I’m a champion, and God knows that too. When I get to Heaven, God will give me my medal and when you get there, I will show it to you. Thank you for loving me.
【小题1】 How old was Matthew when they met?

【小题2】The underlined sentence in the third paragraph probably means that _______.
A.the boy never complained about not getting a medal
B.the boy never complained about not being able to go to school
C.the boy never complained why the author had never come to see him before
D.the boy never complained about how unlucky he was to have this disease
【小题3】Matthew didn’t accept the author’s medal because _________.
A.he thought it was too expensive
B.he was sure that he could win one in the future
C.he thought it was of no use to him as he would die soon
D.he would not be pitied by others
【小题4】From the passage we learn that _________.
A.Matthew was an athlete
B.Matthew was an optimistic and strong-minded boy
C.The author used to have the same disease as Matthew had
D.Matthew became a champion before he died


“The pen is more powerful than the sword(刀).” There have been many writers who used their pens to fight things that were wrong. Mrs Harriet Beecher Stowe was one of them.

  She was born in the U.S.A. in 1811.One of her books not only made her famous but has been described as one that excited the world, and was helpful in causing a civil war and freeing the enslaved race. The civil war was the American Civil War of 1861, in which the Northern States fought the Southern States and finally won.

  This book that shook the world was called Uncle Tom's Cabin. There was time when every English-speaking man, woman, and child has read this novel that did so much to stop slavery.  Not many people read it today, but it is still very interesting. The book has shown us how a warm-hearted writer can arouse (唤起) people's sympathies. The author herself had neither been to the Southern States nor been a slave. The Southern Americans were very angry at the book, which they said did not at all represent true state of affairs, but the Northern Americans were wildly excited over it and were so inspired by it that they were ready to go to war to set the slaves free.

According to the passage______

 A. every English-speaking person has read Uncle Tom's Cabin

 B. Uncle Tom's Cabin was not very interesting

 C. those who don't speak English cannot have read Uncle Tom's Cabin

 D. the book Uncle Tom's Cabin did a great deal in the American Civil War

What do you learn about Mrs Harriet Beecher Stowe from the passage?

 A. She had been living in the north of America before the American Civil War broke out.

 B. She herself encouraged the Northern Americans to go to war to set the slaves free.

 C. She was better as writing as swinging (挥舞) a sword.

 D. She had once been a slave.

Why could Mrs Harriet Beecher Stowe's book cause a civil war in America?

 A. She wrote so well that Americans loved her very much.

 B. She disclosed the terrible wrongs that had been done to the slaves in the Southern States.

 C. The Southern Americans hated the book while the Northern Americans like it.

 D. The book had been read by many Americans.

What can we learn from the passage?

 A. We needn't use weapons (武器) to fight things that are wrong.

 B. A writer is more helpful in a war than a soldier.

 C. We must understand the importance of literature and art.

 D. No war can be won without such a book as Uncle Tom's Cabin.


The Sauna World Championships (世界桑拿锦标赛) ended in tragedy at the weekend when one of the two finalists collapsed and died. Vladimir Ladyzhenskiy, a Russian amateur wrestler in his 60s, suffered severe burns in the bizarre(怪诞的) annual event in the southern Finnish town of Heinola. He was pronounced dead late on Saturday after he collapsed alongside reigning (卫冕) champion Timo Kaukonen of Finland roughly six minutes into the final round. The “sport” calls on participants to sit in a 230-degree (110 Celsius) room as water was tossed onto a searing stove, officials and witnesses said. Medical workers pulled both men out of the sauna in front of nearly 1,000 horrified spectators.

Both were shaking and bleeding from what appeared to be severe burns, said Hakon Eikesdal, a photographer with the Norwegian daily Dagbladet. Kaukonen, about 40, was in hospital in stable condition Sunday, contest spokesman Ossi Arvela said. The event, which had over 130 participants from 15 countries, had been held since 1999. It will never be held again, Arvela said. A pint of water is added to the stove every 30 seconds and the last person to remain at the sauna is the winner. There was no prize other than “some small things” Arvela said. He declined to provide details. Arvela said Kaukonen — the defending world champion — had refused to leave the sauna despite getting sick. Sauna bathing is a popular past-time in Finland, which has an estimated 1.6 million saunas for a population of 5 million.

Temperatures are normally kept around 158 to 176 degrees (70~80 degrees Celsius). “I know this is very hard to understand to people outside Finland who are not familiar with the sauna habit,” Arvela said. “It is not so unusual to have 110 degrees in a sauna. A lot of competitors before have sat in higher temperatures than that.” Arvela said all rules in Saturday’s competition were followed and the temperatures and times were similar to those in previous years.

1.Which of the following is True of Paragraph 1?

A.Only the Russian amateur wrestler suffered severe burns in the Sauna World Championships.

B.Timo Kaukonen won a world sauna championship though he was badly burned.

C.In the Sauna World Championships Vladimir Ladyzhenskiy was badly burned and then died.

D.Both of the finalists were pulled out of the sauna, then they were horrified to death.

2.The underlined word “searing” means “__________”.

A.burning           B.comfortable        C.warm             D.extinct

3.What can we conclude from the situation after the tragedy?

A.There was no prize other than “some small things”, which the world champion would refuse to accept.

B.Ossi Arvela suggested there were great risks in the sauna contest and it never be held in the future.

C.The contest would be continued in which the temperatures were kept around 158 to 176 degrees.

D.It was unusual to have 110 degrees in a sauna and it was hard to understand to some people outside.

4.We can infer from the news that ___________.

A.sauna is so popular that there are often competitions on weekdays in Finland.

B.the temperatures in usual saunas are too high for most people to stand in Finland.

C.the sauna contest is much too horrible even for the spectators in Finland.

D.there is a sauna for more than three people on average in Finland.


