C Tired of your everyday life? Come to the Morning Post English club and you’ll find great fun! Come and join our English club held on Friday evening every other week. You can exchange ideas and improve your social skills while meeting new friends. All the foreigners are free for admission . Free beer and snacks are served. Detailed information: Time &date: Apr.28, 2006 Place: No. 10 Tongle Lu, Renmin Zhong Lu, Guangzhou Daily press group Maofeng Mountain one-day trip Date: May 27, 2006 Experience a different pleasure in the jungle by hiking in a scenic spot in the city of Guangzhou. All the foreigners are welcome and free of charge. Tel for inquiry : 020-81017980 Guangzhou Morning Post is looking for part-time native English teachers for youth training program. About part-time job: 1. Teach primary school pupils oral English 2. One or two periods a week and two hours per period 3. Good payment Required qualifications: 1. Native English teacher from U.S., Canada, Britain, Australia or New Zealand etc., with English as mother tongue 2. Experience in English teaching preferred 3. Interested in oral English training and classroom activities with children Interested applicants please aend resume with a recent photo to Engchildren @. Tel: 86345622 Fax:86345662 64.Mr. Hansen who is from German . A.can not join the Morning Post English club free of charge B.will not be accepted to teach primary school pupils spoken English C.has to pay if he wants to join the Maofeng Mountain one-day trip D.will get paid badly if he teaches for Guangzhou Morning Post 65.If people take part in the activities held by the Morning Post English club, they can do the following EXCEPT . A.make new friends B.go to the English club for free C.make themselves more fit for society D.get new ideas from others 66.If Mark, an Australian, wants to teach pupils oral English, he has to . A.write a letter about himself and get in touch with Guangzhou Morning Post B.visit the website of Guangzhou Morning Post C.work every other week D.offer his childhood photo to Guangzhou Morning Post 67.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A.All the foreigners will go to the Morning Post English club. B.All the people can take the one-day trip without any pay. C.Any English speaker can apply for the part-time job. D.the date of Maofeng Mountain one-day trip is May 27, 2006. 查看更多



Tired of your everyday life?

※ Come to the Morning Post English Club and you' 11 find great fun!

Come and join our English club held on Friday evening every other week. You can exchange ideas and improve your social skills while meeting new friends. All the foreigners are free for admission. Free beer and snacks are served.

Detailed information.

Time & date: Apr. 28,2007

Place: NO. 10 Tongle Lu, Renmin zhong Lu, Guangzhou Daily Press Group

※ Maofeng Mountain one--day trip

Date: May 27,2006

Experience a different pleasure in the jungle(丛林)by hiking in a scenic spot in the city of.


All the foreigners are welcome and free of charge.

Tel for inquiry: 020—81017980

※ Guangzhou Morning Post is looking for part--time native English teachers for youth training program.

About part-- time job:

1. Teach primary school pupils oral English

2. One or two periods a week and two hours per period

3. Good payment

Required qualifications:

1. Native English speaker from U. S., Canada, Britain, Australia or New Zealand, etc., with English as mother tongue

2. Experience in English teaching preferred

3. Interested in oral English training and classroom activities with children

Interested applicants please send resume(简历) with a recent photo to

Engchildren@yahoo. com. cn.   Tel: 86345622  Fax: 86345662

1. The Morning Post English Club opens ___________.

A. every day               B. every week

C. once a week              D. once every two weeks

2. Suppose you are going to the Morning Post English Club next Friday together with Bob from the U. S. , _______________.

A. both of you will be charged     

B. neither of you will be charged

C. you, not Bob, will be charged    

D. either you or Bob will be charged

3. Which of the following applicants will be the best choice for Guangzhou Morning Post?

A. An Australian who's just graduated from Nanjing University.

B. A native American who taught English in primary schools for two years in China.

C. A native English speaker from Canada who's traded in China for several years.

D. A retired professor who taught Chinese history in England.

