24.In the 27th Sydney Olympic Games, our Chinese team got 28 gold medals, third of all the competing countries. A.ranked B.to rank C.ranking D.having ranked 查看更多



     Visitors to central Austin Texas would be easy to miss a small, old house called the O. Henry
Museum. William Sydney Porter(1862-1910)---better known as O. Henry, was one of America's
best loved writers of short stories. Beginning in 1893, he lived here. It was saved from destruction,
moved, and turned into a museum in 1934. The museum is a good way to learn about the interesting
life of him.
     William Porter Sydney rented this house and lived with his wife Athol and daughter for about 2
years. Many objects in the museum belonged to the Porters. Others didn't, but are in the house to
recreate the way it looked during their lifetime.
     Porter worked at a pharmacy, farm, land office and bank. He also loved words and writing. The
museum has special proof of Porter's love of language---his dictionary. It is said that he read every
word in it. Porter started a small publication called "The Rolling Stone". He wasn't being published
early on, so he published himself. His funny stories, poems, and drawings were published in the
magazine. But it was too costly to continue for long, so he closed the project after about one year.
     Other troubles would lead the Porters to leave Austin. Porter was accused of financial wrongdoing
at the bank and lost his job. Fearing a trial, he fled the country. But he returned because his wife was
dying. After her death, he faced the trial and was found guilty. He served three and a half years in a
federal prison in Ohio.
     Porter would keep his time in prison a secret. But there was one good thing about it. It provided
him with time to write. By the time of his release, he had published 14 stories and was becoming
well-known as O. Henry.
     Porter would later move to New York City and find great success there. He published over 380
stories in the last 8 years of his life.

1. What does the author want to tell us in the passage?

A. O. Henry's experience in prison
B. The objects in the O. Henry Museum
C. O. Henry's achievement in literature
D. A brief introduction of O. Henry's life

2. What is the author's purpose of writing Paragraph 3?

A. To attract more visitors to the O. Henry Museum
B. To show the jobs O. Henry did
C. To show O. Henry's publication called "The Rolling Stone"
D. To show O. Henry's early love of words and writing

3. Which of the following shows the right order about O. Henry?

① He was committed to prison.
② He settled down in central Austin, Texas.
③ His wife died.
④ He started a small publication called "The Rolling Stone".
⑤ He moved to New York City.

A. ②④③①⑤  
B. ②③①④⑤  
C. ②④③⑤①    
D. ②①③④⑤

4. What can be inferred from the passage?

A. Most of O. Henry's short stories were finished in prison.
B. O. Henry didn't start his career as a successful writer when living in Austin.
C. O. Henry was born in a small, old house which is called the O. Henry Museum now.
D. O. Henry spent his last life in the small, old house in Texas.


Visitors can find a small, old house called the O. Henry Museum in central Austin, Texas. William Sydney Porter(1862-1910)----better known as O. Henry, was one of America’s best loved writers of short stories. Beginning in 1893, he lived here. It was saved from destruction, moved, and turned into a museum in 1934. The museum is a good way to learn about the interesting life of him.
William Porter rented this house and lived with his wife and daughter for about two years. Many objects in the museum belonged to the Porters. Others did not, but are in the house to recreate the way it looked during their lifetime.
Porter worked at a pharmacy, farm, land office and bank. He also loved words and writing. The museum has special proof of Porter’s love of language---his dictionary. It’s said that he read every word in it. Porter started a small publication called “The Rolling Stone”. He wasn’t being published early on, so he published himself. His funny stories, poems, and drawings were published in the magazine. But it was too costly to continue for long, so he closed the project after about one year.
Other troubles would lead the Porters to leave Austin. Porter was accused of financial wrongdoing at the bank and lost his job. Fearing a trial, he fled the country. But he returned because his wife was dying. After her death, he faced trial and was found guilty. He served three and a half years in a federal prison in Ohio.
Porter would keep his time in prison a secret. But there was one good thing about it. It provided him with time to write. By the time of his release, he had published 14 stories and was becoming well-known as O. Henry.
Porter would later move to New York City and find great success there. He published over 380 stories in the last eight years of his life.

  1. 1.

    What is the author’s purpose of writing paragraph 3?

    1. A.
      To attract more visitors to the O. Henry Museum.
    2. B.
      To show the jobs O. Henry once did.
    3. C.
      To show O. Henry’s early love of words and writing.
    4. D.
      To introduce O. Henry’s publication called “The Rolling Stone”.
  2. 2.

    Which of the following shows the right order of O. Henry?
    a. He was committed to prison.
    b. He settled down in central Austin.
    c. His wife died.
    d. He started a small publication called “The Rolling Stone”.
    e. He moved to New York City.

    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  3. 3.

    What can be inferred from the passage?

    1. A.
      Most of O. Henry’s short stories were finished in prison.
    2. B.
      O. Henry didn’t start his career as a successful writer when living in central Austin.
    3. C.
      O. Henry was born in a small, old house which is called the O. Henry Museum now.
    4. D.
      O. Henry spent his last life in the small, old house in Texas.
  4. 4.

    What does the author want to tell us in the passage?

    1. A.
      O. Henry’s experience in prison.
    2. B.
      The objects in the O. Henry’s Museum
    3. C.
      O. Henry’s achievement in literature.
    4. D.
      A brief account of O. Henry’s life


背书填空 ( 每空一词,每空0.5分,共计15分)
【小题1】The Olympic ______ is “Faster, Higher, stronger”.
【小题2】______ there is a river, there is a city. Perhaps this is not always true, but it is true that many of the world’s greatest cities have been ______ on the banks of a river.
【小题3】In the 1984 Olympic Games, Carl Lewis from the USA won four medals in ______ and ______ and became one of the best ______ in the 20th century.
【小题4】The Neva River flows ______ the centre of St Petersburg in Russia.
【小题5】Following the history-making ______ in the 2000 Sydney Olympic Games, China won another______ in 2001 which was not for medal.
【小题6】When asked about the ______ of his success, Steven Spielberg said that he ______ much of his success and happiness ______ his wife and children.
【小题7】If we know more about what causes endangerment, we may be able to ______ ______ before it is too late.
【小题8】Cellphones, or ______ phones, make it possible for us to talk to anyone from anywhere.
【小题9】If the new species is too strong or uses too much of the ______ in the habitat, some of the ______ species may become endangered.
【小题10】The latest cellphones have ______ such as games, music and an electronic calendar that will ______ you about appointments and important dates.
【小题11】People who go to a ______ Western dinner party for the first time may surprised by table ______ in Western culture. Knowing them will help you make a good ______.
【小题12】They are all used to their ______: that is, they have learnt how to live successfully in their habitat. When the habitat of a species is changed or _______ , the animal or plant has to either ______ to the change or find a new home.
【小题13】Chuck learns that we need friends to share ______ and ______, and that it is important to have someone to care about.
【小题14】The knife and fork that are ______ to your plate are a little bit bigger than the ones beside them.
【小题15】In 1776 America became an ______ country. After that, the ______ slowly began to change.


The car, running along the well-lit road now sank in darkness. I broke the   36     on purpose, for fear that the driver was too tired to drive. “When do you go back home in the evening?”“9 o’clock after this trip.” Then when do you come out in the morning?”I   37   another question. “9 o’ clock, too—just as if I worked at an office.” His easiness surprised me, because every time I ride a taxi, what I        38   from the driver are only complaints that they have to work from morning till night, it’s hard to earn money, they’re often  39  by the police, or that their leaders are seated   40  , enjoying the fruits. But this driver told me, “I find it   41  to be a section chief as I was before. I like driving just for pleasure. It’s fortunate that I      42   drive without a passenger. So I earn two or three thousand Yuan a month with ease. Yes, I never   43   an empty taxi. If it goes southward, I go northward. If it goes along a highway, I turn into a narrow street…”

His words showed his   44   with his life and the pride he   45   in his

job. Such feelings are so  46   among people nowadays as oxygen in high mountain. How many people nowadays can show high ideals by simple living and go far with a calm mind? I couldn’t help feeling moved when finding such a state of mind in a stranger on a cold  47  .

1.                A.window        B.car            C.silence   D.promise


2.                A.threw out       B.gave away       C.put up    D.led to


3.                A.suffer          B.request         C.benefit   D.hear


4.                A.detected       B.ordered        C.fined D.seized


5.                A.noisy          B.lazy            C.tired D.hungry


6.                A.exciting        B.disappointing    C.tiring D.amazing


7.                A.hardly          B.usually         C.actually   D.immediately


8.                A.follow          B.admire         C.envy D.meet


9.                A.intelligence     B.satisfaction      C.competition   D.honesty


10.               A.made          B.held           C.caught    D.took


11.               A.rare           B.comfortable     C.special    D.unique


12.               A.morning        B.night           C.moment   D.season




The car, running along the well-lit road now sank in darkness. I broke the  36  on purpose, 37  that the driver was too tired to drive. “When do you go back home in the evening?”“9 o’clock after this  38 .”“Then when do you come out in the moming?”I  39  another question.“9 o’clock, too-just as if I worked at an office.”His  40  surprised me, because every time I ride a taxi, what I   41   from the driver are only complaints that they have to work from morning till night, it’s hard to earn money they’re often   42  by the police, or that their leaders are seated lazily, 43  the fruits. But this driver told me,“I find it  44   to be a section chief as I was before. I like driving just for  45. It’s fortunate that I hardly drive  46  a passenger. So I earn two or three thousand yuan a month with ease. Yes, I never  47  an empty taxi. If it goes southward, I go northward. If it goes along a  48 , I turn into a narrow street…”

His words showed his  49   with his life and the pride he  50  in his job. Such feelings are so rare among people nowadays as oxygen in high  51 . As an ancient saying goes,“Neither joy in material  52  nor grieve (悲痛) over personal setbacks.”How many people nowadays can show high ideals by  53  living and go far with a calm mind? I couldn’t help feeling  54  when finding such a state of mind in a stranger on a cold  55.

36. A. window          B. stillness        C. silence          D. quietness

37. A. on condition    B. for fear         C. in belief        D. in order

38. A. night           B. trip             C. cycle            D. process

39. A. threw out       B. gave away        C. made up          D. led to

40. A. character       B. confidence       C. attitude         D. easiness

41. A. suffer          B. request          C. benefit          D. hear

42. A. detected        B. ordered          C. fined            D. seized

43. A. keeping         B. tasting          C. enjoying         D. choosing

44. A. exciting        B. disappointing    C. tiring           D. amazing

45. A. freedom         B. pleasure         C. hobby            D. company

46. A. without         B. with             C. behind           D. beside

47. A. foIlow          B. admire           C. envy             D. meet

48. A. route           B. path             C. railway          D. highway

49. A. inteIligence    B. satisfaction     C. competition      D. honesty

50. A. made            B. held             C. caught           D. took

51. A. buildings       B. mountains        C. standard         D. heaven

  52. A. gains           B. concerns          C. supports         D. loss

53. A. special         B. happy            C. simple           D. original

54. A. angry           B. content          C. dangerous        D. curious

55. A. morning         B. night            C. moment           D. Season

