32.This group of children are very curious about used to be called dinosaur. A.where B.what C.which D.that 查看更多




 White-collar workers going to great lengths for stress relief

A soldier of the South Korean special attack corps paints his eyes during a friendly Taekwondo match at a South Korean Army Base in Pochon, north of Seoul.

Stressed out white-collar workers are scaling(攀登) skyscrapers, camping out on rooftops, smashing up restaurants, pretending to be children and even visiting cemeteries in a bid to relieve the pressure of modern life.

As the country's economy continues to steam ahead, once popular forms of entertainment, such as karaoke, card games and even boxing bars, appear to be losing their appeal.

Consider the members of Shanghai's Cat Rain club. By day, this group of young women works executive jobs, but by night they climb buildings so they can spend the night on the roof. "It's a good way to release our pressure. You feel relaxed when you're sitting on the roof, looking up to the sky and chatting with intimate(亲密的)friends," said Gong Ying, 25.

The stress of work is not just limited to people in Shanghai. A recently-opened restaurant in Beijing encourages customers to smash plates - as long as they are willing to pay to replace them.

Though there has been some debate about the extravagance(奢侈)of such services, some psychologists say the activity reflects the desire of some white-collar workers to vent their angst.

Some workers even appear eager to return to their childhoods. This May, hundreds of people took part in a festival in which adults pretended to be children. It was an adults-only event, and participants could read comics and eat sweets all day.

Scenic places such as parks and rivers can also help people relax and put things in perspective. But a cemetery? Cemetery companies in Shanghai organized visits to local graveyards for stressed-out workers in March. The participants were taken to quiet spots in the cemetery where they could contemplate (考虑 )life and their futures.

Roof-camper Chen Bin, an IT marketing professional, said she had camped out on a rooftop about 30 times. When she's not sleeping out under the stars, she also has several other adrenalin-fueled interests, such as downhill racing and paragliding.

 "Pressure may bring us distress, but it doesn't mean we can't find ways out," Chen says. "Life should be imaginative."






 “Migrant workers”(外来务工人员)is a familiar term for 17 -year- old Shi Jian. Her father and uncle often talk about the problems surrounding this group of people. However, Shi cares more about the children of these migrant workers.

Last year Shi’s housekeeper’s daughter had to give up her schooling in Beijing because she would not be allowed to sit the national college entrance exam. She was forced to continue her high school education in her hometown in Sichuan Province.

Shi thinks the current law is unfair for migrant workers’ children, as it prevents them from studying at public schools, unless their parents pay huge sums. So, Shi decided to do a survey of migrant workers so that she could find some solutions to help solve the problem.

In the last six months Shi has spoken to 186 migrant workers in Beijing. Her interviewees include babysitters, guards, keepers, supermarket clerks, house cleaners and construction site workers. Shi found out that 55 of them were parents. Among this group, only eight have children who attend schools in Beijing. The other 47 had to leave children with relatives in the countryside. However, 40 of the 47 would like to enroll(使入学)their children in city schools.

From her interviews, Shi found that the workers’ lowest income was 400 yuan each month. Over one - third earn a monthly wage of or below 1000 yuan. “Even schools for migrant workers’ children charge more than public schools. Moreover, parents constantly worry about these schools closing or relocating,” she explained.

Shi has recently completed a report about her survey, in which she makes a series of recommendations. “The government can set up public schools for migrants’ children equal to schools for city children. Second, to offset(弥补)migrant workers’ very low pay, public schools should offer them special rates so they can afford their children’s tuition(学费).

1. What drove Shi to do the survey of migrant workers?

A. She wanted to draw people’s attention and become famous.

    B. Her housekeeper’s daughter was forced to move to her hometown to continue studying.

    C. She was asked to do a survey of migrant workers as part of a school project.

    D. Her curiosity about migrant workers’lives.

2. According to Shi’s survey, most migrant workers’kids ________.

    A. have to help their parents support the family

    B. attend schools near their parents’ working places

    C. don’t live together with their parents

    D. always do better in schools than children from the city

3. All of the following prevent migrant workers’ kids from attending schools in cities EXCEPT ________.

    A. their parents’ low income

    B. that schools for migrant workers’ children may close or relocate

    C. schools’ high tuitions

    D. their lack of confidence to face the fierce competitions in city schools

4. Shi suggested in her survey that ________.

    A. children’s tuition should be reduced

    B. more money should be collected for migrants’ children

    C. more private schools for migrants’ children should be built

    D. students from the city and the countryside should be encouraged to communicate more



From a very early age, some children show better self-control than others. Now, a new study that began with about 1,000 children in New Zealand has tracked how a child’s low self-control can predict poor health, money troubles and even a criminal record in their adult years.

Researchers have been studying this group of children for decades now. They observed the level of self-control the youngsters displayed. Parents, teachers, even the kids themselves, scored the youngsters on measures like “acting before thinking” and “Persistence in reaching goals.”

The study led  by Moffitt of Duke University and colleagues followed 1,000 children from birth to age 32 in Dunedin, New Zealand.

“The children who had the lowest self-control when they were age three to ten, later on had the most health problems in their 30s,” Moffitt said,“and they had the worst financial situation. They were more likely to have a criminal record and to be raising a child as a single parent on a very low income.” Moffitt explained that self-control problems were widely observed, and weren’t just a feature of a small group of misbehaving kids.

Moffitt said it’s still unclear why some children have better self-control than others, though she said other researchers have found that it’s mostly a learned behavior, with relatively little genetic influence. But good self-control can be set to run in families because children with good self-control are more likely to grow up to be healthy and prosperous parents. But the good news, Moffitt said, is that self-control can be taught by parents, and through school curricula that have been shown to be effective.

1.From the first two paragraphs we learn that                       .

A.the research has been carried out for five years

B.self-control in kids tends to determine their future

C.self-control was assessed by children’s intelligence

D.children’s self-control is almost the same at early age

2.Children with low self-control are more likely to                        .

A.become wealthy in later life    B.get good school performance

C.have better financial planning  D.adopt negative behaviors

3.According to Moffitt,                        .

A.only good genetic factors can shape their lives in the future

B.scientists know well why some children have better self-control

C.self-control in childhood has nothing to do with criminal activity

D.willpower as a child really influences people’s chances of adulthood

4.What can be inferred from the passage?

A.Self-control cannot be taught in schools.

B.The study is restricted within few participants.

C.It’s never too late to deal with self-control problems.

D.Good parenting can improve self-control and life success.

5.Which of the following might be the best title of the  passage?

A.Child’s self-control predicts future health and success

B.Kids are encouraged to take risks at an early age

C.Children’s development cannot be changed by teachers

D.How to teach the kids a bit of self-control in schools



 This group of designers          a plan for the project of the company.

A. drew up                 B. sent up         C. set up         D. turned up



The reasons for a person’s becoming an alcoholic have often been debated by psychologists and other scientists. But recent studies suggest that the problem of alcoholism(酒精中毒) should also be the focus of investigation by biologists.
While such things as hard jobs, boredom, and unhappiness can lead to alcoholism, researchers at a prominent university have found that there may also be a genetic factor involved in alcoholism. In the study, children of alcoholic parents were surveyed. The result showed that the children of alcoholic parents were more likely to become alcoholics themselves than were children of non-drinking parents.
This evidence in itself is not conclusive(令人确信的)about anything. After all, it may be the constant exposure(接触)and easy access to alcohol that cause the children of alcoholics to become alcoholics themselves. But there is more evidence. The study found that children born of alcoholic parents but raised by non-drinking foster(抚养的)parents also were susceptible to alcoholism. This group of offspring(后代)was more likely to take up drinking than youngsters who were born of and raised by non-drinking parents.
Other evidence found in the study suggests that environment does not play as important a role in the development of alcoholism as had been previously thought. The study found that the likelihood of alcoholism was better predicted from the characteristics of the parents than from such environmental characteristics as type of job or level of income.
63. What is the main point of the passage?
A. To describe the environment in the development of alcoholism.                                
B. To study the psychological factor in the development of alcoholism.
C. To describe how the children of alcoholic parents become alcoholics themselves.        
D. To describe the close link between genetic make-up and alcoholism.
64. According to the passage, what can bring about alcoholism?
A. Biologists’ investigation.                       B. Non-drinking parents.
C. Hard jobs, boredom and unhappiness.             D. Foster parents’ raising.
65. According to the findings of the study, who would be the most likely to become an alcoholic?  
A. A person who had a hard job.
B. A person who was born of alcoholic parents.
C. A person who was raised by drinking foster parents.
D. A person who was born of and raised by non-drinking parents.
66. According to the passage, what should the problem of alcoholism be treated as?
A. A psychological problem.
B. An environmental problem.
C. A biological problem.
D. An educational problem.

