33.Little Tom was trying to do some cheating he noticed the teacher standing before him. A.until B.as C.suddenly D.when 查看更多



Little Tom was wild with joy because it was ________ he got onto the Great Wall.

A. first time that       B. first time

C. for the first time that    D. for first time



Since little Tom was too naughty at school, he was ______ from school last term and now stays at home.

A. fired   

B. dismissed  

C. ignored   

D. retired


Little Tom was wild with joy because it was ________ he got onto the Great Wall.

A. first time that     B. first time

C. for the first time that  D. for first time



Mothers was worried because little Tom was ill, especially _______ Father was away abroad.

A. as             B. that              C. during              D. if


Mother was worried because little Tom was ill, especially    his father HHhhwas away in Canada. 
 [      ]
A. as          
B. that            
C. during      
D. if

