Jay asked his father for 1,000 dollars, but his father refused his . A. request B. offer C. promise D. asking 查看更多



Five years ago, I was sent to a better middle school. For me, everything there was new and strange. After I had been there for two months, there was an important test in the middle of the term. It covered all my courses. In that test, I didn’t get a good grade, but most of my classmates got an A or A’.

   It made me upset for a long time. I felt everything in the world was changing. I thought my classmates were all better than me. During those days I was very unhappy.

   One day, my aunt, after talking with my teachers, talked to me. She told me to think about what I had done in the past and what I should do in the future. I was shocked by her words. I thought about what I had done during the past months, and I found I had done nothing to improve my grades. I thought I should work harder.

    After that, I paid more attention to the teachers’ talking in the classes, and I asked my teachers or my classmates when I didn’t understand something. I studied very late at night when I met with difficult problems. Most of all, I came to understand the importance of taking notes in class. As a result, I did better in some tests.

    About three months later, the most important test came at the end of the term. This time, I stood out not only in my class but also in the grade. From then on, I have tried to do my best when I do something because I know if I want something, I should work hard for it.

Why did the writer fall behind in the new middle school?

A. Because the teachers didn’t treat him well enough.

  B. Because the subjects were becoming more difficult.

C. Because he hated the life in the new school.       

D. Because he didn’t put his heart into study.

What did the writer’s aunt do to help him out?

A. She punished him for not working hard.

B. She helped him find out the reasons for his poor performance.

C. She forced him to work harder.

D. She asked his teachers to talk with him about his problems.

Which of the following studying methods helped the writer most?

A. Asking teachers for help when in difficulty.       B. Working deep into the night every day.

C. Making notes in class.                        D. Listening to every word his teachers said.

What does the underlined sentence in the last paragraph mean?

A. The writer failed again in the exam.              B. The writer did very well in the exam.

C. The writer became the cleverest in the class.       D. The writer was very proud of his progress.



Beijing leading schools say “No” to students’ mobile phones.

Three reasons make some leading schools in Beijing discourage middle school students from bringing mobile phones to campus.

First, it is dangerous for children to bring valuable mobile phones along to school for it is possible for them to be lost during physical exercise and other activities and may cause unnecessary trouble to teachers.

Second, mobile phones are bad for students’ studies. Many teachers complain that some students have phone calls in class, disturbing themselves and others.

Third, mobile phones serve as a hotbed for students’ vanity(虚荣). A new Grade One senior high school student in a leading school asked his parents to buy a 4000-yuan colored-screen mobile phone, which turned out to be his fifth one ever since he entered the middle school.

Most headmasters and teachers in leading schools of Beijing thought that IC telephones on campus have made it very easy for students to get in touch with others, so middle school students should not bring mobile phones to school at present.

1. According to the passage, without mobile phones, how can the students get in touch with others?

A. By writing letters to each other.                               B. By sending e-mails.

C. By using IC telephones.                                    D. By no means.

2. Which is NOT the reason that makes the schools say “No” to students’ mobile phones?

A. It is not safe for children to bring mobile phones to school.

B. It may give students a feeling of vanity.

C. It is bad for students’ studies.

D. Most headmasters and teachers don’t want students to bring mobile phones to campus.

3. Why did the new Grade One student ask to buy him the fifth mobile phone since he entered the school?

A. His family had a lot of money.

B. He wanted to show that his family was very rich.

C. His parents loved him too much.

D. The first four mobile phones were all lost.

4. What is the writer’s attitude towards students’ bringing cell phones to school?

   A. negative.         B. acceptable.        C. not mentioned.     D. positive. 



“Can I see my baby?” the happy new mother asked. When the bundle was in her arms and she moved the fold of cloth to look upon his tiny face, she gasped. The doctor turned quickly and looked out of the tall hospital window. The baby had been born without ears.

Time proved that the baby’ s hearing was perfect. It was only his appearance that was imperfect. When he rushed home from school one day and threw himself into his mother’s arms, she sighed(叹息), knowing that his life was to be unfortunate. He cried to his mum “A boy, a big boy... called me a freak (怪人).”

He grew up, handsome. A favorite with his fellow students, he might have been class president, but for that. He developed a gift, a talent for literature and music. “But you might communicate with other young people,” his mother blamed him, but felt a kindness in her heart.

Two years went by. One day, his father said to the son, “You’ re going to the hospital, son. Mother and I have someone who will donate the ears you need. But it’ s a secret.” The operation was a great success, and a new person appeared.

Later he married and became a lawyer. One day, he asked his father, “Who gave me the ears? Who gave me so much? I could never do enough for him or her.” “I do not believe you could,” said the father, “but the agreement was that you are not to know... not yet.”

The years kept their secret, but the day did come. He stood with his father over his mother’ s casket棺材. Slowly, tenderly, the father stretched forth a hand and raised the thick, reddish brown hair to show the mother had no outer ears.

“Mother said she was glad she never let her hair be cut,” his father whispered gently, “and nobody ever thought Mother less beautiful, did they?”

1.Why did Mother gasp when she saw her newborn baby?

A.Because her son had a tiny face.

B.Because she saw her son crying.

C.Because her son was born imperfect.

D.Because her son was in her arms.

2.Which word can describe Mother’ s feeling when the son threw himself into her arms?

A.Nervous.          B.Sympathetic.       C.Proud.            D.Angry.

3.We can infer that the person who donate the ears is_____.

A.A doctor.          B.His father.         C.His mother.        D.A stranger.

4.From the passage we know the followings are True except________

A.the mother felt sorry for the son without ears

B.the doctor didn’t like the baby

C.the boy meant everything to the mother

D.the father kept the secret until mother died

5.The best title for the passage would be ________.

A.Mother’s hair                         B.An unforgettable memory

C.Who gave me the ears?                   D.Who is my best respectable person?



Jim suffered heart problems. In conversation he expressed little joy and it seemed that his life was drawing to a close.

When his heart problems led to operation, Jim went through it successfully, and a full recovery was expected. Within days, however, his heart was not beating properly. Jim was rushed back to operation, but nothing was found to explain the cause of his illness. He died on the operating table on the day before his 48th birthday.

Dr. Bruce Smoller, a psychologist, had had many conversations with him, and the more he learned, the stranger he realized Jim's case was. When Jim was a child, his father, a teacher, suffered a heart attack and stayed home to recover. One morning Jim asked his father to look over his homework, promising to come home from school at noon to pick it up. His father agreed, but when Jim returned his father had died. Jim's father was 48.

“I think all his life Jim believed he killed his father,” Dr. Smoller says. “He felt that if he had not asked him to look at his homework, his father would have lived. Jim had been troubled by the idea. The operation was the trial he had expected for forty years. “ Smoller believes that Jim willed himself not to live to the age of 48.

   Jim's case shows the powerful role that attitude plays in physical health, and that childhood experiences produce far-reaching effect on the health of grown-ups. Although most cases are less direct than Jim's, studies show that childhood events, besides genes, may well cause such midlife diseases as cancer, heart disease and mental illness.

41. Jim was sent back to operation because ________.

A. his heart didn't work well                B. he expected a full recovery

C. his life was drawing to a close

D. the first one wasn't well performed

42. What made Dr. Smoller feel strange about Jim's case?

A. Jim died at a young age.

B. Jim died on the operating table.

C. Both Jim and his father died of the same disease.

D. Jim's death is closely connected with his father's.

43. From Smoller's words, we can infer that ________.

  A. Jim's father cared little about his study

  B. Smoller agreed that Jim did kill his father

  C. Jim thought he would be punished some day

  D. Smoller believed Jim wouldn't live to the age of 48

44. Which of the following could have strong effect on one's physical health according to the text?

a. One’s genes.     b. One’s life in childhood.    

c. One’s physical education.  d. The date of one’s birthday.   

e. The opinions one has about something.

A. a, b, d                  B. a, b, e               C. a, c, e               D. b, c, d

45. Which of the following is true?

A. Both Jim and his father died at the age of 48.

B. Jim often asked his father to do his homework.

C. Jim was believed to kill his father.

D. Most childhood events can cause cancer, heart disease and mental illness.


An 80-year-old man was sitting in his house beside his 45-year-old son. Suddenly a crow landed in front of the window. The father 16 his son, "What is that?" The son replied, "It is a crow."17 a few minutes, the father asked his son a second time, "What is that?" The son said "I just 18 you that it’s a crow." After a little 19 , the father again asked his son, "What is that?" That time a(n) 20 tone could be heard in the son’s 21 . "It’s a crow, a crow!"
A little later, the father went to his room and 22 with an old diary which he had 23 for many years. After opening the right page, he asked his son to 24 it. When the son read it, tears came to his eyes." Today my 25 was sitting with me on the sofa.
When a crow was 26 by the window, my son asked me 23 times what it was, and I 27 to him all 23 times that it was a crow. I hugged him 28 each time he asked me the same question. I did not feel 29 answering the same question." If your 30 become old, don’t treat them or look 31 them as a burden(累赘). Instead be warm and 32 to them. From today on say this to yourself, "I want to 33 my parents happy forever, for they have 34 for me ever since I was born, and they have always showed their 35 love to me."

A.came upB.came outC.came backD.came on

