28.Jack is not good at sports, but when comes to physics, he is the best in the class. A.there B.it C.this D.one 查看更多




第四节  信息匹配 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)

Jack 等五人想通过查书来解决有关远程教育的问题,请选出符合各人需求的最佳选项。

This is a collection of articles about different online learning applications in school and provides a good overview of what teachers and students are doing in real situation.

This is a very reliable introduction to distance learning which focuses on the use of television. The principle and ideas discussed really apply to any form of distance education.

A good introductory book for teachers that explains what distance learning is and how to put it into practice.

A useful discussion of issues associated with distance training and how to avoid the shortcomings of online teaching and how to deal with the problems caused by online teaching.

An excellent summary of past research and current practice in online learning written by a group of pioneers in the field. They have written a number of important books about their work before.

A scholarly textbook about distance education that presents the history and theory of the field. It also covers the basic principles and issues of distance education.


56. Jack is writing an article about distance teaching. He doesn’t care when the book was written but he hopes the book covers all the topics about it.

57. Mrs. Hill is a teacher. She doesn’t know how to make her online teaching better and how to deal with some unexpected problems during online teaching.

58. Mr. Lincoln is an old teacher. He knows nothing about distance teaching. He hopes to find a book that can teach him all the things –from basic knowledge to advanced knowledge.

59. Cathy is a new teacher. She wants to learn to use TV in her teaching. She is not good at technology.

60. George is a new teacher and he wants to know how other teachers are carrying out online learning.





第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)


1.What was Mr Smith when the woman was a school teacher?

A.A teacher.       B.A student.      C.A doctor.

2.What does the woman mean?

A. She has no time to see the computer.

B. She is eager to see the computer.

C. She wants the computer.

3.Why didn't the woman get the job?

A. She is not old enough.

B. She is not good at the job.

C. She is no longer young.

4.Where is the nearest bookstore?

A. On the opposite side of the road from the post office.

B. Next to the post office.

C. Far from the post office.

5.What can we learn from this dialogue?

A. They are talking about holidays.

B. The man will be waiting for her at 4.

C. The woman wants to visit the man tomorrow.

第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)



6.Where is the new sports center?

A. On Hill Road.  B. On Mill Street.  C. On Station Road.

7.What sport did the man do last week?

A. Swimming.    B. Basketball.     C. Table­tennis.

8.When will they go to the sports centre?

A. On Friday.    B. On Thursday.    C. On Wednesday.


9.What can we know from the conversation?

A. J.K.Rowling is an orphan.

B. The British writer has become rich by writing.

C. Mike is writing a novel now.

10.What will the woman probably do after the conversation?

A. Visit a bookstore.

B. Borrow the novel from the man.

C. Finish the novel as fast as possible.


11.What is the relationship between Jack and the woman?

A. Brother and sister.  B. Husband and wife.  C. Mother and son.

12.Why is the woman angry with Jack?

A. He spends too much time on the computer.

B. He doesn't do his school work at all.

C. He won't follow the man's advice.

13.What does the woman ask the man to do?

A. To phone Jack's teacher.

B. To have a talk with Jack.

C. To help Jack with his lessons.


14.What can we know about Helen?

A. She is in New York now.

B. She was born in New York.

C. She will go home by train.

15.Who has booked the ticket for Helen?

A. The man.  B. Rose.  C. Helen herself.

16.When is Helen invited to dinner at the man's?

A. This Friday.  B. Next Sunday.  C. This Sunday.


17.When did Alice make up her mind to be a nurse?

A. After she left school last year.

B. When she was just a little child.

C. When she began to study in a big hospital.

18.Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?

A. Alice went to classes every day.

B. Alice hated to care for the old people.

C. Alice studied late at night.

19.What was Alice told to do one day?

A. To serve meals.

B. To bath the patients.

C. To clean the patients'false teeth.

20.How long did it take patients to find their teeth?

A. Half an hour.  B. One hour.  C. One hour and a half.



第四部分:书面表达 (共两节,满分40分)



71.If it were not for the fact _________ (她没有时间), I would ask her to lend me a hand. (have)

72.Clever as he is, Mr Smith is not good at ________ (把自己的观点讲清楚) to his pupils. (get)

73.— Did you enjoy your picnic last Sunday?

— Oh, no. We couldn’t have picked __________________ (更糟的日子) for it — it rained nonstop. (bad)

74.It has been agreed that we’ll have to finish the work, ______________________ (无论要花多长时间). (take)

75.The building of the new road is reported _____________________________ (耽搁) for a couple of weeks by bad weather. (hold)

76.The young man, who ______________________________ (本不该驾驶) his car so fast, was to blame for the accident. (ought)

77.They’ve come to realize that ________________________________ (很有价值) to keep their original language. (value)

78.With all eyes ________________________________ (注视着他), Jack felt so embarrassed that he was at a loss for words. (focus)

79.All of a sudden the door opened and ________________________________ (走进了) a troop of children in all sorts of fancy dresses. (come)

80.The police offered a big reward to the witness __________________________ (向他们提供了) the names of those involved in the crime. (supply)


Wang Yue has just come back from the US and intends to give some of his relatives mentioned in 61-65 some books as gifts. He brings back six booksA--F. After the description of each person, decide which book is the most suitable one for the people and then mark the correct letterA--Fon your answer sheet. There is one extra bookwhich you do not need to use.

_______61. Wang Yue’s uncle is fond of reading story books. He reads all kinds of stories such as love stories, historical stories, detective stories, etc. However, there is no doubt that science fiction stories are his favorites.

_______62. Wang Yue’s mother works for a local newspaper. She used to write a column about love but now she is making a survey about how much foreigners know about Chinese people and culture. She has been collecting materials in China and from abroad.

_______63. Wang Yue’s father is an history teacher who is very interested in the history of China, especially China’s modern history. What’s more, he pays special attention to the development of China’s minority areas.

_______64. Wang Yue’s cousin is a senior middle school student who is going to take the College Entrance Examination next year. But she is not good at English, especially English grammar. So she is looking for some books which are helpful.

_______65. Wang Yue’s little brother is studying in a Middle School. He as well as some other students is going to pay a visit to an American middle school and stay there for three weeks. He is a little worried because he knows nothing about American school life.


A. Into Tibet: The CIA’s First Spy and His Secret Expedition to Lhasa(by Thomas Laird)

This book introduces the identity and specific spy activities of Douglas Mackiernan, the first CIA agent(中情局探员)who was killed on duty by armed Tibetans. The author of the book based his description on detailed research based on the memories of former CIA agents and interviews with related eyewitnesses in Tibet and India.

B. Practical English Usage(by Michael Swan)

This book is a practical reference guide to language points. It deals with over 600 points which regularly cause problems for foreign students of English. Most of the points treated are grammatical, but there are also explanations of a certain number of common vocabulary problems. Being a reference book, it contains information at various levels, ranging from relatively simple points to quite advanced problems.

C. Battlefield Earth(by L. Ron Hubbard)

An intelligent and creative masterwork of adventure in the far future, L. Ron Hubbard’s Battlefield Earth describes an Earth controlled for a thousand years by an alien invader ---and man is an endangered species. New York Times best-selling author L. Ron Hubbard has created a vast, unforgettable and exciting world in Battlefield Earth.

D. Xu Liang’s American Adventure( by Mary Williams)

Xu Liang is an excellent Chinese student from Hangzhou. As his father goes to America for a one-year training, Xu Liang, as well as his mother goes with his father and begins his new life in Eisenhower High School. The book consists of 21 chapters, each reflecting Xu Liang’s life in America in a different aspects. The book is written in the most fundamental words and is intended for Chinese middle school students.

E. Chicken Soup for the Couple’s Soul(by Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen)

This is a book for husbands and wives and lovers and anyone who dreams of finding their soul’s true mate(配偶). Each story in this book was written by someone who has been transformed by love. Some stories will make you laugh. Some will make you cry. But above all, the stories in this book sing high praise for love’s ability to endure, beyond years, beyond difficulty, beyond distance, beyond even death.

F. Where’s the Duck in Peking?( by Cliff Schimmels)

Whether you are a China expert or a novice, this book will give you insight into the hearts and minds of the Chinese people. Cliff brings the reader to tears on one page and belly laughter on the next. This profound look into China’s everyday life is a must-read for anyone interested in working in China or working with the Chinese people.


To tell the truth, the film _______ on the book by Jack London is not good at all.  
[     ]
A. basing      
B. is based      
C. is basing    
D. based

