The emperor asked his officials to interpret his dream, he gave the instruction a group of officials should go on his behalf to find more about Buddha. which, what B.when, which C.where, which D.after which, that 查看更多



The emperor asked his officials to interpret his dream, ________ he gave the instruction ________ a group of officials should go on his behalf to find more about Buddha.

  1. A.
    in which, what
  2. B.
    when, which
  3. C.
    where, which
  4. D.
    after which, that


The emperor asked his officials to interpret his dream, _____ he gave the instruction ______a group of officials should go on his behalf to find more about Buddha. which, what    B.when, which        C.where, which       D.after which, that


The emperor asked his officials to interpret his dream, _____ he gave the instruction ______a group of officials should go on his behalf to find more about Buddha.

A. in which, what        B. when, which        C. where, which       D. after which, that


The emperor asked his officials to interpret his dream, _____ he gave the instruction ______a group of officials should go on his behalf to find more about Buddha.

A. in which, what    B. when, which        C. where, which       D. after which, that


The emperor asked his officials to interpret his dream, ________ he gave the instruction ________ a group of officials should go on his behalf to find more about Buddha.

[  ] which, what

B.when, which

C.where, which

D.after which, that

