Generally speaking. according to the directions.the drug has no side effect. A. when taking B. when taken C. when to take D. when to be taken 查看更多



Generally speaking, ______ according to the directions,the drug has no side effect.

A.when taking B.when taken C.when to take D.when to be taker


Generally speaking, ______ according to the directions,the drug has no side effect.

A.when taking B.when taken C.when to take D.when to be taker


Generally speaking, ______ according to the directions,the drug has no side effect.

A. when taking    B. when taken   C. when to take   D. when to be taker


Generally speaking,          according to the directions,the drug has no side effect.

    A.when to take       B.when taken       C.when taking    D.when to be taken


Generally speaking, ______ according to the directions,the drug has no side effect.

A.when takingB.when takenC.when to takeD.when to be taker

