Many language learners think that the best way to learn a language is to spend time in a country where the language is spoken.In the past studying abroad was a distant dream for more people.Nowadays, however, it has become easier to find both opportunities and means.Many schools offer exchange programmes at various academic levels at a reasonable cost.There are programmes for junior and senior middle schools as well as colleges.Some programmes offer a “homestay” service, and visiting students will live with a host family.This is perhaps the best option for younger students, since it means that the student does not have to worry about meals and housing.Living with a host family is also a wonderful way to learn about the culture in that country.Most exchange students say that they feel as if they were truly part of their host families and that they will always stay in touch.

A year in a foreign country is not just about learning a language.It is true that exchange students usually become fluent in the new language, but most of them would probably tell you that they also learn many other things that are even more important.Being an exchange student helps you make friends with people from different backgrounds and understand another culture.One year is not enough to learn all about a country or a culture, of course, but it is enough to broaden your horizons and improve your understanding of the world.What is perhaps the most valuable is what you learn about yourself and your own culture.When you are at home, you seldom stop to think what kind of person you are and what your culture is really like.As an exchange student, you have to learn to depend on yourself and you will often be asked to explain your country and culture to others.It may seem strange, but many returning exchange students say that their years abroad made them understand their own country and culture for the first time.