25.genius A.graduate B.engage C.gravity D.design 第二节 语法和词汇知识(共15小题.每小题1分.满分15分) 从A.B.C.D 四个选项中.选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项.并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑. 查看更多



The simplest way to say it is this: I believe in my mother. My __1__ began when I was just a kid.I __2__ becoming a doctor.
  My mother was a domestic.Through her work, she observed that __3__ people spent a lot more time reading than they __4_ watching television. She announced that my brother and I __5__ watch two to three pre-selected TV programs during the week. With our free time, we had to read two books each from the Detroit Public Library and __6__ to her written book reports. She would mark them up with check marks and highlights. Years later we realized her marks were a __7__. My mother was illiterate.
  When I entered high school I was a(n) __8__, but not for long. I wanted the fancy clothes. I wanted to __9__ with the guys. I went from being an A-student to a B-student to a C-student. One night my mother came home from __10__ her various jobs and I complained about not having enough Italian knit shirts. She said, "Okay, I'll give you all the money I make this week scrubbing floors and cleaning bathrooms, and you can buy __11__ food and pay the bills. With everything __12__, you can have all the Italian knit shirts you want." I was very __13__ with that arrangement but once I got through allocating money, there was __14__ left. I realized my mother was a financial genius to be able to __15__ a roof over our heads and any kind of food on the table, __16__ buy clothes. I also realized that immediate satisfaction wasn't going to get me anywhere. Success required intellectual preparation. I went back to my _17__ and became an A-student again, and eventually I __18__ my dream and I became a doctor.
  My story is really my mother's story-a woman with __19__ formal education or property who used her position as a parent to change the lives of many people around the globe. There is no job __20__ than parenting. This I believe.

A.majored inB.got used toC.dreamed of D.got tired of
A.lazyB.easy-goingC.successful D.reliable
A.could only B.could notC.must not D.should often
A.A-student B.B-studentC.C-student D.D-student
A.get alongB.hang outC.break awayD.keep in touch
A.making B.stoppingC.workingD.getting
A.your brotherB.yourselfC.your sister D.the family
A.left overB.paid offC.used upD.carried out
A.angryB.pleasedC.disappointed D.bored
A.take B.giveC.keepD.get
A.let aloneB.let outC.let in D.leave alone
A.guysB.motherC.studies D.play
A.made B.fulfilledC.changedD.tried
A.more interestingB.less importantC.more important D.less interesting


Thomas Edison considered genius to be _____ one per cent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.

  A. composed of     B. constituted in

  C. consisted of    D. comprised in


Are some people born clever, and others born stupid? Or is intelligence developed by our environment and our experiences? Strangely enough, the answer to both these questions is yes. To some degree our intelligence is given us at birth, and no amount of special education can make a genius out of a child born with low intelligence. On the other hand, a child who lives in a boring environment will develop his intelligence less than one who lives in rich and varied surroundings. Thus the limits of a person's intelligence are fixed at birth, but whether or not he reaches those limits will depend on his environment. This view, now held by most experts, can be supported in a number of ways.

  It is easy to show that intelligence is to some degree something we are born with. The closer the blood relationship between two people, the closer they are likely to be in intelligence. Thus if we take two unrelated people at random(随机地) from the population, it is likely that their degrees of intelligence will be completely different. If on the other hand we take two identical (完全相同的) twins they will very likely be as intelligent as each other. Relations like brothers and sisters, parents and children, usually have similar intelligence, and this clearly suggests that intelligence depends on birth.

  Imagine now that we take two identical twins and put them in different environments. We might send one, for example, to a university and the other to a factory where the work is boring. We would soon find differences in intelligence developing, and this indicates that environment as well as birth plays a part. This conclusion is also suggested by the fact that people who live in close contact with each other, but who are not related at all, are likely to have similar degrees of intelligence.    

Which of these sentences best describes the writer’s point in Para. 1?

  A. To some degree, intelligence is given at birth.

  B. Intelligence is developed by the environment.

  C. Some people are born clever and others born stupid.

  D. Intelligence is fixed at birth, but is developed by the environment.

It is suggested in this passage that_______.

  A. unrelated people are not likely to have different intelligence

  B. close relations usually have similar intelligence

  C. the closer the blood relationship between people, the more different they are likely to be

  in intelligence

  D. people who live in close contact with each other are not likely to have similar degrees

    of intelligence

In Para. 1, the word "surroundings" means_______.

  A. intelligence     B. life      C. environments    D. housing

The best title for this article would be_______.

  A. On Intelligence              B. What Intelligence Means

  C. We are Born with Intelligence  D. Environment Plays a Part in Developing Intelligence


What makes one person more intelligent than another? What makes one person a genius, like the brilliant Albert Einstein, and another person a fool? Are people born intelligent or stupid, or is intelligence the result of where and how you live? These are very old questions and the answers to them are still not clear.

We know, however, that just being born with a good mind is not enough. In some ways, the mind is like a leg or an arm muscle. It needs exercise. Mental (done with the mind) exercise is particularly important for young children. Many child psychologists (心理学家) think that parents should play with their children more often and give them problems to think about. The children are then more likely to grow up bright and intelligent. If, on the other hand, children are left alone a great deal with nothing to do, they are more likely to become dull and unintelligent.

Parents should also be careful with what they say to young children. According to some psychologists, if parents are always telling a child that he or she is a fool or an idiot, then the child is more likely to keep doing silly and foolish things. So it is probably better for parents to say very positive (helpful) things to their children, such as “That was a very clever thing you did.” or “You are such a smart child.”

1. The words “intelligent” and “brilliant” in the first paragraph probably mean _______ while “dull” in the second paragraph means ________.

A. bright and splendid; slow in thinking and understanding  B. pretty and handsome; ordinary-looking

C. great and important; common                       D. hopeful and helpful; careless 

2.According to the context we can guess that a genius is ________ while an idiot is ________.

A. a normal person; a funny person                        B. a strong person; a weak person

C. a highly intelligent person; a foolish or weak-minded person  D. a famous person; an ordinary person 

3.A person ________ is more likely to become a genius.

A. whose parents are clever              B. often thinking about difficult problems

C. often helped by his parents and teachers  D. born with a good brain and putting it into active use 

4. It is better for parents ________.

A. to praise and encourage their children more often  B. to be hard on their children

C. to leave their children alone with nothing to do    D. to give their children as much help as possible 

5. Which of the following is NOT true according to the article?

A. Parents play an important part in their children’s growth.

B. The less you use your mind the duller you may become.

C. Intelligence is obviously the result of where and how you live.

D. What makes a person bright or stupid is still under discussion.




Thomas Edison considered genius to be _____ one per cent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.

  A. composed of     B. constituted in  C. consisted of    D. comprised in

