Section A Directions: For each blank in the following passages there are four words or phrases marked A,B,C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context. When I entered Berkeley, I hoped to earn a scholarship. Having been a Straight-A student, I believed I could 50 tough subjects and really learn something. One such course was World Literature given by Professor Jayne. I was extremely interested in the ideas he 51 in class. When I took the first exam, I was 52 to find a 77, C-plus, on my test paper, for English was my best subject. I went to Professor Jayne, who listened to my arguments but remained 53 . I decided to try harder, although I didn’t know what that means 54 school had always been easy for me. I read the books more carefully, but got another 77. Again, I 55 with Professor Jayne. Again, he listened 56 but wouldn’t change his mind. One more test before the final exam. One more 57 to improve my grade. So I redoubled my efforts and, for the first time, learned the meaning of the word “ 58 . But my 59 did no good and everything went as before. The last hurdle was the final. No matter what grade I got, it wouldn’t cancel three C-pluses. I might as well kiss the 60 goodbye. I stopped working hard. I felt I knew the course material as well as I ever would. The night before the final, I even 61 myself to a movie. The next day I decided for once I’d have fun with a test. A week later, I was surprised to find I got an A. I hurried into Professor Jayne’s office. He 62 to be expecting me. “If I gave you the grade as you expected, you wouldn’t continue to work as hard. I stared at him, 63 that his analysis and strategy were correct. I had worked my head off, as I had never done before. I was 64 when my course grade arrived: A-plus. It was the only A-plus given. The next year I received my scholarship. I’ve always remembered Professor Jayne’s lesson: you alone must set your own standard of excellence. 50.A.take B.discuss C.cover D.get 51.A.sought B.presented C.exchanged D.obtained 52.A.shocked B.worried C.scared D.anxious 53.A.unchanged B.unpleasant C.unfriendly D.unmoved 54.A.when B.because C.if D.though 55.A.quarreled B.reasoned C.bargained D.chatted 56.A.angrily B.patiently C.surprisedly D.naturally 57.A.choice B.step C.chance D.measure 58.A.tough B.difficult D.thorough 59.A.ambition B.confidence C.effort D.method 60.A.scholarship B.course D.subject 61.A.helped B.favored C.treated D.relaxed 62.A.happened B.proved C.pretended D.seemed 63.A.remembering B.guessing C.supposing D.realizing 64.A.anxious B.touched C.speechless D.correct Section B Directions: Read the following passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A,B,C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have read.A My elder brother Steve, in the absence of my father who died when I was six, gave me important lessons in values that helped me grow into an adult. For instance, Steve taught me to face the results of my behavior. Once when I returned in tears from a Saturday baseball game, it was Steve who took the time to ask me what happened. When I explained that my baseball had soared through Mrs. Holt’s basement window, breaking the glass with a crash, Steve encouraged me to confess to her. After all, I should have been playing in the park down Fifth Street and not in the path between buildings. Although my knees knocked as I explained to Mrs. Holt, I offered to pay for the window from my pocket money if she would return my ball. I also learned from Steve that personal property is a sacred thing. After I found a shiny silver pen in my fifth-grade classroom, I wanted to keep it, but Steve explained that it might be important to someone else in spite of the fact that it had little value. He reminded me of how much I’d hate to lose to someone else the small dog my father carved from a piece of cheap wood. I returned the pen to my teacher, Mrs. Davids, and still remembered the smell of her perfume as she patted me on my shoulder. Yet of all the instructions Steve gave me, his respect for life is the most vivid in my mind. When I was twelve, I killed an old brown sparrow in the yard with a BB gun. Excited with my accuracy, I screamed to Steve to come from the house to take a look. I shall never forget the way he stood for a long moment and stared at the bird on the ground. Then in a dead, quiet voice, he asked, “Did it hurt you first, Mark? I didn’t know what to answer. He continued with his eyes firm, “The only time you should even think of hurting a living thing is if it hurts you first. And then you think a long, long time. “I really felt terrible then, but that moment stands out as the most important lesson my brother taught me. 65.What is the main subject of the passage? A.The relationship between Mark and Steve. B.The important lesson Mark learned in school. C.Steve’s important role in Mark’s growing process. D.Mark and Steve’s respect for living things. 66.In the story about the pen, which of the following lessons did Steve teach his brother? A.Respect for personal property. B.Respect for life. C.Sympathy for people with problems. D.The value of honesty. 67.According to the writer, which was the most important lesson Steve taught his young brother. A.Respect for living things. B.Responsibility for one’s actions. C.The value of honesty. D.Care for the property of others. 68.The underlined word “knocked in the second paragraph means . A.tapped B.beat C.struck D.trembled 查看更多



III. Reading Comprehension

Section A

Directions: For each blank in the following passages there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.

Many times when our new husbands and wives enter our lives, they need to accept another love that is already there. A lot of us have pets and they are a huge part of our __50__. Some may not want these loved ones absent from our most __51__ moment of getting married. There are many things you can do to your pets to be __52__ included in your wedding and not have the event turn into a __53__. Let's talk about how you can have a pet friendly wedding! 

First things first, some people may be allergic(过敏)to pets and this does have to be taken into consideration when you're thinking of __54__ your dog, cat or other pet in the wedding activities. The __55__ thing you want to do is have sneezing guests that are miserable the whole time they are at your wedding. __56__ you may want to plan an outdoor wedding so that the pet dander(毛屑)does not become an issue it would be if __57__ indoors.

Next, set aside an area where pets will be kept out in the open and __58__ but still away so not to spoil the wedding ceremony. If the pets are __59__ and used to being around other pets, allow the pets to play together. Also, you should ask anyone that has a pet __60__ at the wedding to sit towards the back and away from anyone that may have allergies.

And last but not least, not only will you have to plan a special meal for your __61__ guests, you'll also want to make sure there's plenty of food and water for any pets present. Although this may be a bit __62__, you may want to allow only certain types of animals to attend the wedding activities. __63__, if you have a dog, perhaps only allow guests that also have dogs. Obviously you will not want aggressive pets possibly to __64__ any part of the event. I'm sure you are not going to want to walk through the crowd to pets fighting in the background.

50.A. lives                   B. homes                     C. marriages                D. families

51.A. lively                 B. important                 C. attractive                 D. representative

52.A. safely             B. blindly                     C. smoothly                 D. uncertainly

53.A. dream             B. comedy                    C. legend                      D. disaster

54.A. feeding                  B. raising                            C. including                  D. attending

55.A. last                     B. only                         C. other                       D. similar

56.A. However             B. Furthermore             C. Therefore                 D. Meanwhile

57.A. held                  B. trapped                    C. participated              D. celebrated

58.A. at risk             B. in sight                    C. for fun                            D. by hand

59.A. healthy                  B. energetic                  C. sociable                   D. sensitive

60.A. alert                   B. angry                             C. present                     D. disappointed

61.A. human            B. formal                   C. party-animal            D. animal-loving

62.A. tough                  B. silly                        C. serious                    D. common

63.A. In general           B. By contrast            C. In conclusion            D. For instance

64.A. attend             B. witness                     C. worsen                     D. interrupt



III, Reading Comprehension

Section A

Directions: For each blank in the following passages there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D.  Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.

The world was sharply separated into men and women, because that was the way we believed it should be.  We hold this firm belief and made efforts to keep this ___50___.  When a baby came to the world, he or she was expected to play different roles—boys were portrayed as noisy and naughty ones who people were more likely to ___51___ while girls were bound by strict social requirements to be lovely and ___52___.  People became the product of their sex.  Their social roles were determined when they were ___53___.  Males were the producers of cool reasoning and were capable of ___54___.  And being emotional was considered as the feature of females and their main activity location was ___55___.

___56___, with the development of civilization and women’s self-consciousness, more and more women have realized that such natural and physical differences between man and woman have no ___57___ with the differences between male and female excellence.  Women are now confident to ___58___ the concepts as “male leadership” and “male power”, which are only terms invented by men and serve in men’s ___59___.

Such remarkable change in people’s viewpoint may well explain the gradual ___60___ of single-sex schools.  The aim of education is to stimulate imagination, encourage free thinking and keep alive various interests.  But the single-sex school follows the same regulations and ___61___ a set of separate subjects for males or females.  In single-sex schools, instead of being offered a rich expansion of experience, students have access to ___62___ knowledge.  Such education harms individual freedom and kills the possibility for a young person to develop into a(n) ___63___ human.  Furthermore, such sexual distinction is also dangerous as it breaks up the sense of community by ___64___ people into two sex groups, which eventually damages the development of human civilization.

50.   A. regret     B. division            C. union          D. step

51.   A. spoil            B. control             C. teach          D. face

52.   A. active          B. humorous       C. famous            D. gentle

53. A. born              B. grown         C. praised            D. retired

54.   A. friendship       B. failure     C. leadership        D. relationship

55.   A. at home          B. at work place       C. in politics        D. in education

56.   A. In particular         B. Furthermore        C. In addition   D. However

57.   A. contact            B. attempt          C. connection  D. excuse

58.   A. reject          B. reflect     C. pardon             D. measure

59.   A. truth           B. sex              C. interest           D. belief

60.   A. extinction       B. prospect         C. foundation   D. definition

61.   A. sets up            B. brings down         C. sticks to          D. gives up

62.   A. objective         B. wrong         C. vivid            D. limited

63.   A. complete        B. simple     C. domestic         D. ordinary

64.   A. guiding            B. uniting     C. isolating          D. transporting



III, Reading Comprehension

Section A

Directions: For each blank in the following passages there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D.  Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.

The world was sharply separated into men and women, because that was the way we believed it should be.  We hold this firm belief and made efforts to keep this ___50___.  When a baby came to the world, he or she was expected to play different roles—boys were portrayed as noisy and naughty ones who people were more likely to ___51___ while girls were bound by strict social requirements to be lovely and ___52___.  People became the product of their sex.  Their social roles were determined when they were ___53___.  Males were the producers of cool reasoning and were capable of ___54___.  And being emotional was considered as the feature of females and their main activity location was ___55___.

___56___, with the development of civilization and women’s self-consciousness, more and more women have realized that such natural and physical differences between man and woman have no ___57___ with the differences between male and female excellence.  Women are now confident to ___58___ the concepts as “male leadership” and “male power”, which are only terms invented by men and serve in men’s ___59___.

Such remarkable change in people’s viewpoint may well explain the gradual ___60___ of single-sex schools.  The aim of education is to stimulate imagination, encourage free thinking and keep alive various interests.  But the single-sex school follows the same regulations and ___61___ a set of separate subjects for males or females.  In single-sex schools, instead of being offered a rich expansion of experience, students have access to ___62___ knowledge.  Such education harms individual freedom and kills the possibility for a young person to develop into a(n) ___63___ human.  Furthermore, such sexual distinction is also dangerous as it breaks up the sense of community by ___64___ people into two sex groups, which eventually damages the development of human civilization.

50.   A. regret      B. division             C. union           D. step

51.   A. spoil             B. control              C. teach           D. face

52.   A. active            B. humorous        C. famous             D. gentle

53. A. born               B. grown          C. praised             D. retired

54.   A. friendship        B. failure      C. leadership         D. relationship

55.   A. at home           B. at work place       C. in politics         D. in education

56.   A. In particular         B. Furthermore        C. In addition   D. However

57.   A. contact             B. attempt           C. connection  D. excuse

58.   A. reject           B. reflect     C. pardon              D. measure

59.   A. truth            B. sex               C. interest            D. belief

60.   A. extinction        B. prospect          C. foundation   D. definition

61.   A. sets up             B. brings down         C. sticks to           D. gives up

62.   A. objective          B. wrong          C. vivid             D. limited

63.   A. complete         B. simple     C. domestic          D. ordinary

64.   A. guiding             B. uniting     C. isolating           D. transporting


III.  Reading Comprehension

Section A

Directions: For each blank in the following passages there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.

People with a positive attitude toward aging can adjust very well when individual circumstances change. Their positive outlook allows them to   50   to the inevitable physical and biochemical changes of the body that are associated with the natural   51   of aging. With a healthy outlook on the golden years, even unpredictable setbacks and disabilities can be managed   52  .

Individual genetic makeup (基因构造) explains the great   53   in the aging rate. Some seniors experience more challenges than others of the same age, and some seniors continue to function better than many younger people. But genetics only   54   about 30 percent of aging. Most of the changes we associate with age   55   factors such as diet and exercise habits; lifestyle issues, including over   56   of alcohol and tobacco, and psychological traits.

We can make healthy lifestyle choices by staying   57   both physically and mentally and by   58   a healthy diet. Some of the setbacks associated with advancing age such as   59   eyesight, loss of hearing, forgetfulness, weakness can be forestalled with some active intervention(干预).

Growing older does not always mean you see poorly. Many older people have   60   good eyesight well into their eighties and beyond. However, the single greatest contributor to vision loss is a lifetime of   61   to damaging ultraviolet (紫外线) radiation in sunlight.

Carotenoids(类胡萝卜素), a nutrient found in brightly colored vegetables and fruits, are powerful protectors against free-radical damage. Research shows that simply eating leafy greens and other foods rich in these protective nutrients can   62   vision loss.

Problems with hearing can create   63   and insecurity in later years. One of the major causes of age-related hearing loss is damage to the hair cells in the inner ear that transmit sounds to the brain. These hair cells and their nerve endings can be damaged by infections, genetic diseases, or treatment with certain drugs. The most common cause,   64  , is loud noise.

50.   A. stick                B. devote               C. adapt                D. lead

51.   A. progress            B. process              C. program            D. project

52.   A. successfully       B. purposefully      C. unwillingly        D. carefully

53.   A. surprise             B. variation           C. increase             D. possibility

54.   A. relies on            B. accounts for       C. results from              D. lies in

55.   A. involve in         B. relate to            C. combine with     D. substitute for

56.   A. reputation         B. enjoyment               C. consumption      D. encouragement

57.   A. active               B. calm                 C. efficient            D. diligent

58.   A. maintaining              B. feeding             C. surviving           D. controlling

59.   A. keen                B. failing               C. sharp                D. remote

60.   A. generally           B. frequently         C. relatively           D. occasionally

61.   A. contribution      B. introduction       C. explanation        D. exposure

62.   A. cure                  B. relieve                     C. reduce               D. suffer

63.   A. communication  B. isolation            C. competition              D. occupation

64.   A. therefore           B. otherwise          C. moreover          D. however


III. Reading Comprehension

Section A

Directions: For each blank in the following passages there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.

Many times when our new husbands and wives enter our lives, they need to accept another love that is already there. A lot of us have pets and they are a huge part of our __50__. Some may not want these loved ones absent from our most __51__ moment of getting married. There are many things you can do to your pets to be __52__ included in your wedding and not have the event turn into a __53__. Let's talk about how you can have a pet friendly wedding! 

First things first, some people may be allergic(过敏)to pets and this does have to be taken into consideration when you're thinking of __54__ your dog, cat or other pet in the wedding activities. The __55__ thing you want to do is have sneezing guests that are miserable the whole time they are at your wedding. __56__ you may want to plan an outdoor wedding so that the pet dander(毛屑)does not become an issue it would be if __57__ indoors.

Next, set aside an area where pets will be kept out in the open and __58__ but still away so not to spoil the wedding ceremony. If the pets are __59__ and used to being around other pets, allow the pets to play together. Also, you should ask anyone that has a pet __60__ at the wedding to sit towards the back and away from anyone that may have allergies.

And last but not least, not only will you have to plan a special meal for your __61__ guests, you'll also want to make sure there's plenty of food and water for any pets present. Although this may be a bit __62__, you may want to allow only certain types of animals to attend the wedding activities. __63__, if you have a dog, perhaps only allow guests that also have dogs. Obviously you will not want aggressive pets possibly to __64__ any part of the event. I'm sure you are not going to want to walk through the crowd to pets fighting in the background.

50.A. lives                   B. homes                     C. marriages                D. families

51.A. lively                 B. important                 C. attractive                 D. representative

52.A. safely              B. blindly                     C. smoothly                 D. uncertainly

53.A. dream              B. comedy                    C. legend                      D. disaster

54.A. feeding                   B. raising                            C. including                  D. attending

55.A. last                     B. only                         C. other                       D. similar

56.A. However             B. Furthermore             C. Therefore                 D. Meanwhile

57.A. held                   B. trapped                    C. participated              D. celebrated

58.A. at risk              B. in sight                    C. for fun                            D. by hand

59.A. healthy                   B. energetic                  C. sociable                   D. sensitive

60.A. alert                   B. angry                             C. present                     D. disappointed

61.A. human             B. formal                    C. party-animal            D. animal-loving

62.A. tough                  B. silly                        C. serious                    D. common

63.A. In general           B. By contrast             C. In conclusion            D. For instance

64.A. attend              B. witness                     C. worsen                     D. interrupt

