A. problems B. subjects C. jokes D. novels 查看更多



     Many animal lovers would like to do more to help animals, but aren't sure where to start
or feel like they just don't have the time. The good news is that there are many simple things
you can do to help protect animals.
     Think twice before you decide
     The decisions you make when it comes to eating meat or other animal products can go
a long way toward stopping the killing of animals. Consider eating a vegetarian(素食的)
diet. If you aren't ready to make this change, there are still things you can do. Do not buy
animal products from companies known to use practices that go against the law such as
using drugs to increase milk production in cows.
     Help get the word out
     Getting the word out about the problems faced by animals can be as easy as putting up
a notice on your car. Also, talk to your friends and family members about important issues
that are related to animals. Give some simple advice to a friend with a new pet about the
serious pet over-population problem we're facing. Turn to some books on the subject if
you are not so clear about the advice you give your friend.
     Write a letter
     We've all heard the saying, " The pen is more powerful than the sword". Put this idea
to the protection of animals. If a company has practices or rules that are harmful to animals,
write them a letter to let them know you are angry about them, and that you won't buy their
products until they make some changes. Write letters to state and local legislators(立法者)
to let them know how important it is that they support legislation that protects animals. Make
them know that their actions will have a great effect on your vote.
     Be more loving
     If you're considering adding a dog or a cat to your family, think about getting one from a
homeless-animal house rather than buying a pet. There are many wonderful animals just
waiting for a home. By taking back an animal from there, you will be helping in the fight
against pet over-population, as well as giving your money to those who are responsible for
taking care of pitiful animals.
     Let your actions be an example to others
     It may sound simple, but one of the best ways to help animals is to let your actions speak
to the world. You should do the following things first by yourself: Treat all living creatures
with respect. Care about your pets and look after them well. Avoid (避免)entertainment
places that use animals to perform. Support legislation (立法)that protects animals. All of
these things set an example for others to follow.
                           Title: Ways of__1__animals

Think about your__2__carefully

●__3__tobuyanimalproductsfromcompanies thathaveillegalpractices
Get the word out

●Put up an animal-protection__4__on the car
●Talk to your friends and family members about
important animal issues
●Give your friends some simple__5__on the pet
over-population proble
●Get help from books if necessary

Write letters

●Let those companies that are doing harm to animals
know about your__6__
●Let legislators know the__7__of their support for
legislation that protects animals

Be more loving

●Get a pet from a homeless-animal house

Act as an example to others

●Treat all living creatures with respect.
●Take good__8__of your pets
●Do not go to places where animals__9__
●Support legislation which is__10__for animals.


______the extremely hot weather, we continued having classes.

  1. A.
    Thanks to
  2. B.
    In addition to
  3. C.
    In defence of
  4. D.
    Regardless of


He had never spent a ________ day.

  1. A.
    more worry
  2. B.
    most worrying
  3. C.
    more worrying
  4. D.
    most worried


Father went to his doctor for ________ about his heart trouble.

  1. A.
    an advice
  2. B.
  3. C.
  4. D.
    the advices


The reason why we don't trust him is ________ he often lies.

  1. A.
  2. B.
  3. C.
  4. D.
    for what


1-15  BABAA       BCDDA   BBBAD    



51-55  BGEAD


Dear Sir,

I’m glad to recommend(推荐) to you my friend Li Ming. Li Ming was born in Beijing in July

15, 1974. He graduated from Xisi Primary School in 1986. When he was in the middle school, he did good in maths, physics and chemistry and ∧ fond of art. After graduating from No. 4 High

well                               was

School, he entered  Beijing University to study physics. After four years of hard work here, he


went to the United States for farther study. Because of his excellent work, he get a doctor’s degree

further                                 got

in physics this year. He is now in good health but would like to make contributions to our country.


I should be most grateful if you would favorable consider my recommendation.


Looking forward to receive your early reply.


                                                              Yours truly,

                                                                 Wang Li

One possible version


Many foreign students are becoming interested in traditional Chinese culture. To provide you with more opportunities to learn about it, our school plans to offer some elective courses. We need to know your hobbies and your advice on what kind of courses you would like to attend. Would you like to know more about Chinese literature, Chinese history or Chinese festivals? We hope everyone can take part in the discussion. You can send your suggestions and opinions to comments@dyschool. com. The deadline is 8:00 am next Monday. Then we will hold a meeting and make a decision. We are looking forward to receiving your e-mails.

February 16th, 2009








