A. smoke B. snow C. fog D. rain 查看更多



What a busy day! The three boys were fed, bathed and changed in to their nightclothes. Mary had ___36___ them a story and finally they were asleep. “Babysitting(照看)the three boys aged eight, six and four is extremely ___37___,” she thought.

“Sleep,” she considered, “if only I could!” But she had difficult homework to complete. Leaning back, she ___38___ her feet onto the sofa to get comfortable. Whoever said babysitting was a(an) ___39___ way to make money obviously hadn’t met the three boys, she thought. The television was on, the room was warm, and the lights were dim. Mary’s ___40___ felt heavier and heavier. I mustn’t sleep, she thought — which was ___41___ what she did, of course.

Strangely enough, she soon ___42___ that she was a world-famous chef(主厨). She made a ___43___ and wore diamonds and designer clothes. Most days she relaxed by the pool, meeting the rich and famous or ___44___ — her favorite hobby. She ___45___ took the leading role in her own TV show.

That is, until she became too ___46___. “I am definitely the best in the world,” she thought, as she prepared a tasty chicken dish. But ___47___ seemed to go right. She spilt the flour, she dropped an egg and she cut her finger. Despite all the troubles, she ___48___ to get the chicken into the dove. Soon, smoke blanketed the room. The chicken was on fire. ___49___ set in, but Mary could not run — she was ___50___ to the spot. She tried hard to move, but could not, ___51___ a sharp sound awoke her.

She got shocked and confused — ___52___ was pouring from the kitchen. Rushing to investigate, she was met by three ___53___ little faces and some very burnt bread. “Sorry, we were hungry and you were ___54___, so we tried to make some bread,” explained a boy. Relieved, Mary made them a snack and sent them back to bed. She___55__ them never to fall asleep on the job again!

36. A. given    B. written    C. told    D. taught

37. A. successful B. helpful    C. tiring   D. surprising

38. A. shook    B. put       C. bent    D. kept

39. A. difficult  B. boring     C. important D. easy

40. A. eyes     B. mind      C. heart   D. legs

41. A. nicely   B. exactly     C. curiously D. carelessly

42. A. realized  B. reminded   C. learnt   D. dreamt

43. A. decision  B. fortune    C. business  D. plan

44. A. cooking  B. reading    C. running   D. babysitting

45. A. just     B. ever       C. even     D. only

46. A. selfish   B. proud      C. stubborn  D. sensitive

47. A everything B. something  C. anything  D. nothing

48. A. tried     B. arranged   C. managed  D. prepared

49. A. Panic    B. Pain       C. Noise    D. Stress

50. A. frozen   B. dragged    C. pushed    D. brought

51. A. because  B. until      C. as        D. unless

52. A. smoke   B. light       C. water    D. fire

53. A. cheerful    B. strange   C. guilty     D. confident

54. A. busy       B. hungry   C. worried   D. asleep

55. A. promised   B. allowed   C. expected  D. persuaded


Beijing's broadened ban on smoking in public places took effect Thursday, adding force to the effort to hold a smoke-free Olympics.

The new rules extend existing anti-smoking regulations to more places, including fitness centers, cultural relic sites, offices, meeting rooms, dining halls, toilets and lifts. Restaurants, Internet cafes, parks, and waiting halls at airports, railway stations and coach stations are required to set up smoking areas. Hotels will have to offer smoke-free rooms or floors, but the regulations do not specify a proportion.

    However, some restaurant owners have complained that it would be difficult to have a separate smoking room as required by the new regulations. "We plan to issue specific rules to solve this problem as soon as possible," Rao Yingsheng, vice-director of the Beijing Committee for Patriotic Public Health Campaign, was quoted by the Beijing News as saying Thursday. He said small restaurants without a separate room should set aside at least 70 percent of their area for non-smokers. He also said customers and restaurant owners would be asked for their thoughts on the new rule.

    Local authorities dispatched about 100,000 inspectors to make sure the ban was being enforced Thursday. Everyone has the right to dissuade people from smoking in public places, Liu Zejun, who works for the Beijing committee, said. "Citizens are encouraged to expose those who refuse to obey the rule by calling the free telephone line 12320," Liu said.

    People caught smoking in forbidden areas will be fined 10 yuan ($1.40), while enterprises and institutions that violate(违反) the ban will face fines of between 1,000 yuan and 5,000 yuan. Smoking was forbidden in hospitals, kindergartens, schools, museums, sports venues and other places before the new regulations took effect. From Oct 1 last year, the city also banned smoking in its 66,000 cabs, and imposed fines of 100 yuan to 200 yuan on drivers caught smoking in taxis.

    China has pledged a cigarette-free, green Olympics. This year's event will be the first non-smoking Olympic Games since the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC), of which China is a signatory(签名人), went into effect in 2005.

The passage mainly tells us _____.

    A. There will be more places where smoking is forbidden.

    B. More people should give up smoking.

    C. Broadened ban on smoking in public places took effect in order to set up a non-smoking Olympic Games.

    D. Those who smoke at public places will be fined.

Smoking is _____ at airports, railway stations or coach stations etc.

    A. forbidden         B. allowed 

    C. allowed at it’s smoking areas        D. we don’t know

Which of the following is Not true according to the passage?

    A. Hotels will have to offer smoke-free rooms.

    B. Smoking is not allowed in most restaurants.

    C. 12320 is a free telephone line to expose those who smoke at public places.

    D. People caught smoking in forbidden areas will be fined.

If a taxi driver smokes in his cab, he will probably be fined _____ .

    A. 10 yuan    B. 50 yuan     C. 120 yuan   D. 1000 yuan


Coketown was a town of red brick, or of brick that would have been red if the smoke and ashes had allowed it; but in fact it was a town of unnatural red and black like the painted face of savage(野人). It was a town of machinery and tall chimney, out of which smoke trailed themselves for ever and ever. It had a black canal in it, and a river that ran purple with ill smelling color, and large piles of building full of windows where there was a rattling and a trembling all day long, and where the steam-engine worked up and down like the head of an elephant in a state of madness. The town contained several large streets all very like one another, and many small streets still more like one another, inhabited by people equally like one another.

A sunny midsummer day. There was such a thing sometimes even in Coketown. Seen from a distance in such weather, Coketown lay covered in a smoke of its own. You only knew the town was there, because you knew there could have been no such a place upon the view without a town.

The streets were hot and dusty on the summer day, and the sun was so bright that it even shone through the smoke over Coketown, and could not be looked at steadily. Workers appeared from low underground doorways into factory yards, and sat on steps, wiping their face sand looking at coals. The whole town seemed to be frying in oil. There was a smell of hot oil everywhere. The atmosphere of those places was like the breath of hell(地狱), and their inhabitants wasting with heat, walked lazily in the desert. But no temperature made the mad elephants more mad or more sane(理智的). Their tiresome heads went up and down at the sane rate, in hot weather and in cold, wet weather and dry. The measured movement of their shadows of wood; while for the summer noise of insects, it could offer all the year round, from the dawn of Monday to the night of Saturday.

67. Which of the following words is NOT properly used to describe Coketown ?

A. unpleasant           B. dirty               C. noisy             D. deserted

68. From the passage we know that Coketown was mainly a(n)_____town.

A. industrial               B. agricultural        C. historical            D. cultural

69. Only _____ were not affected by weather.

A. the workmen          B. the habitants       C. the steam-engines     D. the woods

70. Which is the author’s opinion of Coketown?

A. Coketown should be replaced by woods       B. The town had too much oil in it

C. The town was seriously polluted             D. The town’s atmosphere was unchanged


My uncle has given up _________. He looks very healthy now.

A. smoke             B. smoked            C. to smoke            D. smoking



第二节 完型填空 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分).


John and Mary had a nice home and two lovely children, a boy and a girl. John had a good   36   and had just been asked to go on a business trip to another city and it was   37   that Mary needed an outing and would go along too. They   38  a reliable woman to care for the children and made the   39   , returning home a little earlier than they had planned.

40   they drove into their home town, they found a home in flames (火焰). Mary said, “Oh well, it isn’t our   41  , let’s go home. ”

But John drove closer and exclaimed, “That home belongs to Fred Jones who works at the plant. He wouldn’t be   42   work yet, maybe there is something we could do. ”

John drove up and they were both   43   -stricken to see the whole house in flames. A woman on the lawn was in hysterics   44   , “The children! Get the children! They are in the basement. ”

45   Mary’s protests, John grabbed the water hose and soaked (浸湿) his clothes, put his   46  hand-kerchief on his head and dashed for the basement which was full of   47   . He found two nearly suffocated (窒息的) children and after carrying them to  48   , he asked how many more children were down there. They told him two more and Mary   49  his arm and screamed, “John! Don’t go back! It’s   50  ! That house will cave in (坍塌) any second!”

But he shook her off and went back by   51   his way down the smoke filled hallway and into the room. It seemed a long time   52   he found both children and started back and at last when they came out into the   53  and fresh air, he found that he had just   54   his own children.

The baby-sitter had   55   them at this home while she did some shopping.

(   ) 36. A. job                   B. family                  C. wife                         D. boss

(   ) 37. A. known                     B. believed                   C. decided                    D. hoped

(   ) 38. A. asked                B. hired                    C. begged                     D. paid

(   ) 39. A. preparations      B. mistake                C. decision                   D. trip

(   ) 40. A. Before                     B. As                           C. Once                        D. Since

(   ) 41. A. duty                 B. neighbor                  C. business                   D. fire

(   ) 42. A. off                   B. on                           C. out of                      D. at

(   ) 43. A. nerve                B. sorrow                        C. horror                 D. poverty

(   ) 44. A. coughing          B. screaming             C. waving                     D. crying

(   ) 45. A. Except for        B. In case of            C. Instead of          D. In spite of

(   ) 46. A. clean                B. soft                          C. wet                          D. large

(   ) 47. A. smoke                     B. darkness                   C. children                  D. danger

(   ) 48. A. entrance            B. ground                     C. rest                          D. safety

(   ) 49. A. pulled               B. took                         C. grabbed                    D. held

(   ) 50. A. dangerous         B. useless                     C. over                         D. stupid

(   ) 51. A. pushing            B. feeling                        C. jumping                   D. moving

(   ) 52. A. that                  B. when                       C. while                   D. before

(   ) 53. A. shade                B. sunlight                    C. open                        D. crowd

(   ) 54. A. helped                     B. found                   C. recognized            D. rescued

(   ) 55. A. left                   B. charged                    C. removed                   D. forgot



1-15  BABAA       BCDDA   BBBAD    



51-55  BGEAD


Dear Sir,

I’m glad to recommend(推荐) to you my friend Li Ming. Li Ming was born in Beijing in July

15, 1974. He graduated from Xisi Primary School in 1986. When he was in the middle school, he did good in maths, physics and chemistry and ∧ fond of art. After graduating from No. 4 High

well                               was

School, he entered  Beijing University to study physics. After four years of hard work here, he


went to the United States for farther study. Because of his excellent work, he get a doctor’s degree

further                                 got

in physics this year. He is now in good health but would like to make contributions to our country.


I should be most grateful if you would favorable consider my recommendation.


Looking forward to receive your early reply.


                                                              Yours truly,

                                                                 Wang Li

One possible version


Many foreign students are becoming interested in traditional Chinese culture. To provide you with more opportunities to learn about it, our school plans to offer some elective courses. We need to know your hobbies and your advice on what kind of courses you would like to attend. Would you like to know more about Chinese literature, Chinese history or Chinese festivals? We hope everyone can take part in the discussion. You can send your suggestions and opinions to comments@dyschool. com. The deadline is 8:00 am next Monday. Then we will hold a meeting and make a decision. We are looking forward to receiving your e-mails.

February 16th, 2009








