gives-gave 67. 对 68. month-months 69. at-for 查看更多




第Ⅱ卷 (共55分)

第三部分 写作(共三节,满分55分)

第一节 单词拼写(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)



66.The ___(官方) languages in Canada are English and French.66.__________

67.The ___(职员) stole a thousand pounds from the bank where he worked。67.__________

68.This is the ____ (第九) English novel I have read these years. 68.__________

69.This web page can satisfy the users’ demand for information ____ (便利).69.________

70.Instead of answering the question, he ____ (叹气) deeply.         70.__________

71.You must hand in the paper in a ____ (两周). 71.__________

72.It is a quiet workspace, where no one will be constantly ____ (打断) you while you are trying to think.                     72.__________

73.He always has his words ____ (斟酌) before speaking.       73.__________

74.He was highly praised because he had saved the ____ (溺水) boy. 74.__________

75.Don’t be frightened by the camera.Just speak ____ (自然).           75.__________







66.The passengers were _________ (耽搁)for five hours because of the flood.  66.    

67.The patient is_________ (稍微)better today.                              67.    

68.Water was found at a_________ (深度)of 30 feet.                          68.    

69.The new offices opened in_________ (八月)1998.                           69.    

70.Mr.Smith made no_________ (立即的)answer.                               70.    

71.The U.S.unemployment rate is likely to continue_________ (上升).        71.    

72.All the_________ (场景)of the play were set in Ireland.                  72.    

73.Wood doesn,t sink in water;it_________ (漂浮).                          73.    

74.He____ (更喜欢)doing something to doing nothing while he was in the office.74.    

75.They only say such unkind things about you out of _________ (妒忌).  75.      







66.If you are invited to a family in a foreign country, it’s polite to bring a small gift, such as a bar of _________(巧克力).                    66.______

67.I hope I’m not _______(打断) you.        67._________________

68.Both sides admitted that the exchange between the two schools was a great _______ (成功).68._________________

69.We use X as the symbol for an ______(未知) quantity.69._________________

70.The doctor said his ________(体温) was normal, and that he just lacked a good rest.       70._________________

71.It was a relief that the patient was ________(稍微) better.71.________________

72._______ (提醒)me to call Alan before I go out.  72._________________

73.The English language is widely used in many _________(国际) conferences.73._________________

74.Jane always makes her parents ________(失望) by not passing the exam.74._________________

75.His family are going to celebrate his _______(百岁) birthday. 75._________________



第II卷 (共55分)

第三部分 写作(共三节,满分55分)

第一节 单词拼写(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)



66.Don’t refer to a ______ (词典) every time you come across a new word.         66.______     

67.She asked us to give her an ______ (立刻的) answer.                              67.______     

68.______ (比较) to our small flat, Bill’s house seemed like a palace.         68.______     

69.He got up early in order to catch an early __________ (航班).                         69.______     

70.The ______(土豆)he picked out were weighed without short measure.     70.______     

71.The flight was badly ______ (推迟) because of the heavy fog.                    71.______     

72.After a good rest, her health is _________(渐渐地) picking up.                   72.______     

73.It happened in ______ (七月) when the weather was very hot.                      73.______     

74.Do you think everyone in western countries ______ (相信) in God?             74.______     

75.The outing was well ______ (组织) and everyone felt excited.                        75.______     


66.The steel o      of the factory is 20% higher this year than last year.


67.What do you think are the major factors that I should take into c      when I want to buy a car?


68.Cigarettes can no longer be a      on TV or the radio.


69.He keeps 20 h      of cattle on his farm.


70.Look! She is so angry. You should make an a      to her for what you have done.


71.His experience and his fair knowledge of English meant that he had a big      (优势)over the others.


72.        (如今), more and more people use cell phones.


73.New science and         (技术)is changing our life day by day.


74.I have got such a bad cold that I have lost all        (感觉)of smell


75.More and more classrooms in cities are        (配备)with computers.


