The video arcade is across from the bank. is the video arcade? 查看更多




1.The video arcade is ________ Bridge Street.

2.The hotel is ________ the supermarket.

3.The bank is ________ the hotel.

4.There is a bench ________ the park.

5.A supermarket is ________ the hotel and the post office.



The video arcade is next ________ the park.


---Where is the supermarket? --- ______.
A. Turn left and go along Center Street. 
B. It’s on Center Street.
C. It’s between the video arcade and the library. 
D. A、B and C.



1.Is there a video arcade in this neighborhood?


2.Is there a bank on New Street?


3.Where is the supermarket?


4.Is there a pay phone near the video arcade?


5.Is there a library near here?




W:Hello,Dad.I've got lost.I can't find your hotel.

M:Where are you?

W:On my left there is a post office.On my right there is a Clothing Shop.

M:Oh,you're on Zhongshan Road.It's not far from my hotel.

W:How can I get to your hotel?

M:Walk along Zhongshan Road and you will find a Tea House on the left and a supermarket on the right.Walk on and turn left at the second turning.The bookshop there is across from the library.Walk on and you can see a white building on the left.It's a video arcade.My hotel is just across from the video arcade.I think you can see it.

W:Oh,OK.See you,Dad.

M:See you.

1)________ 2)________ 3)________ 4)________ 5)________

