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【小题1】off, the, have, you, radio, turn
【小题2】a, will, me, you, please, give, hand
【小题3】get, Tony, day , early, up, every
【小题4】lost, for, you, book, need, pay, the, to
【小题5】bought, show, magazine, you, yesterday, me, that, the


【小题1】 He is very t________, please give him a cup of tea.
【小题2】We walk with our f_____________.
【小题3】Don’t think much of the r_____________ of the exam .
【小题4】He is kind of unhealthy. He h_______________ ever exercises.
【小题5】We usually brush our t_____________ every morning.



1.He has done a lot of _____________/ri'sə: tʃ / on that subject.

2.It would be exciting to ___________/dis'k ʌ və/ more about the town’s history.

3.Gold and silver are both ___________/ 'metl/.

4.It’s important for us to have a ___________/.saiən'tifik/ method in studying English.

5.This dress is too small for me. Could you please give me a bigger _________/saiz/?

6.Children should be taught to __________/ ʃeə /their toys with others.



【小题1】I’m very t      . Please give me something to drink.
【小题2】If you want to keep fit, you should take more e      .
【小题3】There are a few d      between the twins.
【小题4】Take the m      three times a day and you’ll feel better.
【小题5】We had a singing c       last Monday.


A new library opens in the town. It's a very big library. Some robots work there as library assistants. The robots can help you find the right books you want and do other things you tell them to. But you must say “Please”when you ask for something and “Thank you”when you get something.

 Li Ming wants to borrow a book from the new library. He comes to the library with Zhang Hua. They see a robot standing there.

 Li:Hey,give me the book “Little Tom”.Why,the robot doesn't work. There must be something wrong with it.

 Zhang:No,there isn't. When you borrow a book,you must say “Please”.

Li:Will you please give me the book“Little Tom”,Mr. Robot?

Zhang:Look!The robot is bringing you the book. Take it,Li Ming.

 Li:What's wrong with the robot?It won't let me have the book.

 Zhang:Yor must say “Thank you”.

Li:Oh,thank you very much,Mr. Robot.

 The robot smiles and gives the book to Li Ming.


1.In the library all the assistants are robots.

2.The robot will be glad to help you if you say

          “Please”and “Thank you”.

3.Li Ming asks for help from the robot in the library.

4.Mr. Robot is a young man.

5.People say “Please”and “Thank you”only to robots.


