nobody Unit 8 查看更多




A: I don’t think I can finish all of that.

B: Did you enjoy the play?

C: Who is that?

D: Oh, that’s too bad.

E: Let me tell you.

F: This is Bob.

G: What about math?

(Bob is ill. He is phoning Ann for the school work.)

Ann: Hello.  

Bob: Hello. __1.__

Ann: Hi, Bob. How are you feeling today?

Bob: Oh, I’m fine now. Can you tell me what happened in our class?

Ann: Sure. __2.__, oh, yes. In history class we finished talking about World War II . We have to study Unit 7 and Unit 8 for an exam tomorrow.

Bob: __3.__I didn’t read Unit 8 yet. What did you do in English?

Ann: Not much. We worked on a play in groups. We don’t have any homework.

Bob: __4.__

Ann: We have a lot of math homework. We have to do the problems on page 17, 18, 19 and 20.

Bob: Oh, dear! __5.__ Maybe I can be ill tomorrow too.




1.You must learn to control your ____________ (脾气).

2. I don’t like the ____________ (葡萄) because they taste sour.

3. It’s bad for your health to drink too much w____________.

4. Can you tell us some d____________ about the murder happened last night?

5.That famous football player used to have a h____________, and he liked to fly here and there.

6. The grey coat looks very beautiful, but I like the ____________ (紫色的) one better.

7. We should remember the words and the ________ (短语) of this unit.

8. The two fishermen brought their boat slowly a_________ the big ship. And then they were saved.

9. — Do you have any r____________ living abroad?— Yeah, my aunt lives in Canada.

10. My apartment faces south, and it’s always full of s____________ in the daytime.



根据冀教版八年级英语上册Unit 8《Celebrating Me》Lesson 58 Georgia PLays Basketball P73的课文内容回答下列问题。
1. How old is Georgia?
2. Where does Georgian come from?
3. Who returned to Greece to play for the Greek basketball team?
4. What is Georgia's main talent?
5. What is Georgia's ambition?



  (Bob is ill. He is phoning Ann for the school work.)

  Ann: Hello.

  Bob: Hello. 1

  Ann: Hi, Bob. How are you felling today?

  Bob: Oh, I'm fine now. Can you tell me what happened in our class?

  Ann: Sure, 2 Oh, yes. In history we finished talking about World War Ⅱ. We have to study Unit 7 and Unit 8 for an exam tomorrow.

  Bob: 3 I didn't read Unit 8 yet. What did you do in English?

  Ann: Not much. We worked on a play in groups. We don't have any homework.

  Bob: 4

  Ann: We have a lot of maths homework. We have to do the problems on pages 17,18,19 and 20.

  Bob: Oh, dear! 5 Maybe I can be ill tomorrow, too.


[  ]

A.Who are you?
B.Who's that?
C.I'm Bob.
D.This is Bob.


[  ]

A.Let me see.
B.Let me show you.
C.Let me look for it.
D.Let me tell you.


[  ]

A.Oh, yes!
B.Don't do that!
C.Oh, that's too bad!
D.Thank goodness!


[  ]

A.What was maths?
B.What do you think of maths?
C.What about maths?
D.Did you enjoy the play?


[  ]

A.I don't know I can finish all of that!

B.I don't think I can finish all of that!

C.I'm afraid I can finish all of that!

D.I'm sure I can finish all of that!


根据课本Unit 8《Celebrating Me》的内容回答下列问题。
1. Who does Li Ming ask for help?
2. Does Li Ming know what to write about himself?
3. Can Jenny help Li Ming?
4. Can Jenny write the report for Li Ming?

