He swims very fast and well . He swimming . 查看更多



1. Here are three _______ (photo) on the wall. They are very beautiful.
2. On the second floor, there aren't _______ (some) big halls. But there is a big classroom.
3. These aren't _______ (they) sweaters. They're for _______ (we).
4. _______ (who) black shirt is on the teacher's desk?
5. Sammy and Pat are new students. Their English teacher _______ (love) them.
6. Look at Simon. He swims very fast. He is in the _______ (swim) club.
7. Daniel's parents are good basketball _______ (play).
8. Frank _______ (not come) to school early in the morning.
9. They _______ (be not) very busy today, so we can go to the zoo with _______ (they).
10. Amy often _______ (tell) us interesting stories. She is _______ (fun).
11. ______ your father _______ (have) lunch at his factory? —No, he _______ (have) it at home.


     I had a great day __1__. I went to the beach with __2__ friend Dave. The weather was nice __3__
 sunny. We ran on the beach and we went __4__. Dave is __5__ than me, so he swims very fast. We saw
  dolphins in the water in the evening.  We went for __6__ walk in the park across from Dave's house.
    That night I __7__ at his house.  His mother cooked and we ate beef noodles and dumplings for dinner.
 The food was __8__. We also have __9__ ice cream for dessert.
    Then we played computer games and watched TV. It was __10__.
(     ) 1.A. of            
(     ) 2.A. me            
(     ) 3.A. and          
(     ) 4.A. swim          
(     ) 5.A. athletic      
(     ) 6.A. an            
(     ) 7.A. stay.        
(     ) 8.A. small        
(     ) 9.A. strawberry    
(     ) 10.A. fun day      
B. off            
B. my              
B. but            
B. swims          
B. much athletic  
B. a              
B. to stay        
B. beautiful      
B. strawberries    
B. a fun day      
C. away            
C. I                
C. so              
C. swimming        
C. more athletic    
C. stayed          
C. delicious        
C. an strawberry    
C. a  fine days    
D. out            
D. we              
D. then            
D. to swim        
D. too athletic    
D. /              
D. stays          
D. badly          
D. a strawberry    
D. fine days      


     Tony and Mike are good friends. They are from 1________. Tony is 2________ years old. He has black
hair black eyes. Mike is thirteen. He's short. He has golden hair and 3________ eyes. They both speak 4
________.They can speak a little 5________, too. Tony likes running. He runs very fast. Mike can't run fast.
He likes swimming. He swims 6________.
     Last Sunday Mike 7________ Tony to go swimming with him. But Tony was 8________, he couldn't go
with Mike. Mike 9________ sorry for him, he hoped he would be 10________ soon.


Li Ming likes walking. He goes for a walk after his father comes back from work. Li Ming likes water very much. He often throws his toys into the water. He plays with the water and sometimes he is wet all over(全身湿透). His mother says, “You are from fish, I think.”Li Ming is very glad. “Yes, I like fish very much because fish can swim.”

One Sunday morning, Li Ming goes to a park with his father. There are many trees and flowers in the park. There are a lot of people in the park. Some of them are sitting under the trees. Some of them are sitting at the tables and having tea or drinks. There is a big swimming pool in the middle of the park. Li Ming asks his father to take him to the pool.

“Why do you want to go there?” asks his father.

“I want to learn swimming,”answers Li Ming. “And you can teach me , I think.”

“You are too young. And I’m sorry I can’t swim.” says his father.

“You can’t swim? Wang Hai’s father swims very well. Why can’t you swim?”

“His father likes eating fish. So he swims very well.” Says his father.

“Oh, I see,”says Li Ming. “But you like eating chicken very much. Can you lay eggs(下蛋)?”asks Li Ming.


1.Li Ming often walks with        .

A.his mother

B.his father

C.his friend

D.Wang Hai

2.Li Ming doesn’t go to school because he is too     .





3.Li Ming’s father doesn’t        on Sundays. 

A.go to school

B.go shopping

C.go home

D.go to work

4.        can swim

A.Wang Hai’s father

B.Li Ming’s father

C.Wang Hai

D.Li Ming

5.There are many          in the park on weekends.







He spoke very fast and very _____ people understood what he said.

A. little           B. a little       C. few           D. a few


