Jim is a good boy. He never to school . A. go; late B. goes; lately C. go; lately D. goes; late 查看更多



l. Jim is a kind boy. He often helps the b       on his way to school.
2. The soup t       sweet. Would you like some?
3. There are many b      in that room. I’m afraid of them.
4. I've heard that the o      ____ of the supermarket is a young man.
5. Do you know Peter's father is an o      in the army?
6. We had three c       : soup , chicken and vegetables.
7. After an accident Kate's mother lost all s       of direction in her life.
8. Here's some a         for you about learning English.
9. It's a good t       of conversation for Chinese people to talk about food.  
10. Winter is o       .Spring is coming.


1.________family name is Bush.(she)
2.Jim________(be) a good boy.
3.That’s________ID Card. ( I ) .
4.How do ________spell________name? (you ).
5.Is that _________eraser? ( he ).


    Jim went to school to study history, but when he finished his first year, he didn't pass the exam and the
teacher said to him, "You have to leave school."?
    When the boy's father heard this news, he was much worried. He came to the school to see the teacher. He
found the teacher in the office and asked the teacher to let Jim go on with his studies the next year.? 
    "He is a good boy. He always does well in history," said Jim's father, "and if you let him pass the exam this
time, he will do better next year and pass the exam." 
    "No, no, that's impossible!" answered the teacher, "Last month I asked him when Napoleon (拿破仑) died and
he didn't know."? 
    "Please sir, give him another chance." said Jim's father, "You know we don't have any newspapers in our
house, so nobody in our family knew that Mr. Napoleon was ill."??
(     ) 1. The boy in this story was good at history.
(     ) 2. The boy's father went to the teacher's office and talked with him about his son.
(     ) 3. The teacher let all his students pass the exam.
(     ) 4. After that, the teacher let the boy pass the exam.
(     ) 5. The boy's father was not good at history.





Do you know there are two kinds of football games? One is American football, the other is soccer. In China many young men like playing soccer. It is very popular in China. But the Chinese don’t call it soccer. They call it football. There are eleven players in a team. And the ball is round. Only the goal-keeper (守门员) can play the ball with hands. The other players must play the ball with feet. In America soccer is not very- popular. They like playing American football more than playing soccer. There are also eleven players in a team. The ball is not round. And the players can play the ball with hands and feet. And the goal (球门) is bigger than the goal of soccer. American

football is quite different from soccer.

3. In the USA, American football is  ____ popular than soccer.

4. All the players can play  ____ with hands and feet.

5. The goal of American football is ____  than the soccer.


(   )⒈ What do we call soccer in China?

A. Basketball.        B. Football.           C. Pingpong.         D. Tennis.

(   )⒉ How many players are there in a team of soccer?

A. 5.               B. 7.                 C. 10.               D. 11.

(   )⒊ Who can play the soccer with hands?

A. The coach.        B. The goal-keeper.     C. All the players.     D. The umpire.

(   )⒋ Which ball can all the players play with hands and feet?

A. Basketball.        B. Soccer.            C. American football.  D. Table tennis.

(   )⒌ Are all the balls round?

A. No.              B. Yes.               C. Yes, of course.     D. Sorry, I don’t know.


Mr. Washington is our English teacher. He is from America. His class is very interesting. We often play different games in his class. We can learn a lot of things from. He likes singing, playing the piano, and he is interested in making things. He often helps us make models. His wife is a nurse. She works in the hospital near our school. Mrs. Washington likes children, too. She often asks us to go to their home. She can cook food for us. We all like her. Their son Jim is in our class. He is a good boy. He can speak Chinese, but only a little. We all like to help him with his Chinese.

根据短文内容,判断下列句子的正( R )与误 ( W )。

(   )⒍ Mr. Washington’s class is very interesting.

(   )⒎ Mr. Washington likes singing, playing the piano and making things.

(   )⒏ Mrs. Washington is a nurse.

(   )⒐ Sometimes Mr. Washington cooks nice food for us in his home.

(   )⒑ Jim is good at Chinese.


        I've refused to allow my step son Jim to go to university because it will be too expensive and a waste
of time. People think I'm selfish or not kind-hearted. But I don't feel sorry for that, and I think more parents
will be coming around to my way of thinking. Britain's universities are failing to serve either the country or
our children. It's about time we voted (投票) with our feet.
        I can't remember when I began to change my mind on education. Like a lot of middle-class parents,
we had believed that going to university was what your children did. It's one of the reasons (理由) we offered
more than $ 100,000 in fees (学费) for Jim to go to a private (私立) school rather than a free public one.
Education is more important than nice cars, new kitchens or skiing holidays.
        Jim is a young boy of whom any parent would be proud. He's clever and helpful; he's good at things like
hanging pictures and mending doors; he can get on well with other kids. But he's shown little interest in study.
        It's not Jim's intellect (智力) that's the problem-after he entered the school he was asked to sit an exam
but an in-built reluctance (勉强) to do any more work than necessary to get by. We've tried everything to make
him work harder. None of it has worked. For his final exams, Jim got a D and two Es. Even allowing for our
low expectations (期望), this came as a surprise to his mother and me.
         "Surely," I said to one of Jim's teachers, "the only subject Jim would get on with such poor grades would
be the kind of subject that wouldn't be worth doing anyway."
         "Not at all," the teacher answered, as if speaking to a dinosaur. He read out the names of a lot of univer-
sities I'd never heard of, saying they'd all be fit for Jim. 
         It was at this point I realized how far away I was from today's education. I knew that, since I was at
school in the early 1980s-when a student with such poor grades as Jim's would not have been allowed to go to
any university-the population in the UK going on to higher education has gone up from 14% to a surprising 44%.
1. The reason the writer won't let Jim go to university is that _________.
[     ]
A. the family is too poor to send Jim there
B. there are few universities in the UK
C. Jim won't be allowed to go to university
D. it's a waste of time and money to do so
2. What's Jim's main problem?
[     ]
A. He is so slow that he can't learn anything.
B. He is interested in anything except study.
C. He doesn't want to use his head at school.
D. He never likes working hard and being busy.
3. What is the teacher's idea in the passage?
[     ]
A. He thinks the writer should encourage Jim to go to university.
B. He is sure most universities will certainly refuse to take Jim.
C. He is sure Jim's father is too old to understand today's education.
D. He thinks education in the UK has changed a lot in the past years.
4. From the passage we can infer(推论)_________.
[     ]
A. some people can't follow the steps of the country
B. many young people don't go to university in the UK
C. parents are usually strongly against higher education
D. education in the UK is becoming worse and worse

