40-45 CAEDB 查看更多



(阅读理解) Please look at the Flight Timetable and choose the right answers.

Flight No. Departure Arrival From  To    Stop

CA907 07:45   12:10 Beijing Moscow Chengdu

CA981 01:58   18:35 Beijing New York Shanghai

CA158 10:20   23:10 Beijing London  Chengdu

CA149 11:35   22:10 Beijing Sydney  Hong Kong

CA923 12:35   17:10 Beijing Moscow /

CA167 13:15   02:40 Beijing Paris   Moscow

CA147 15:55   10:15 Beijing Sydney  Guangzhou

CA949 17:25   07:35 Beijing Paris   Shanghai

CA173 19:20   01:50 Beijing Moscow Urumqi

CA937 21:25   08:10 Beijing London  Hong Kong



You’ll go to Australia. You can only take _____ when you reach Beijing Airport at eleven forty.

A.CA923 B.CA149 C. CA147 D. CA167

[  ]


If you spend fourteen hours and ten minutes going to France, you must stay i n________ on the way.

A. Hong Kong B. Shanghai C. Moscow D. Chengdu

[  ]


It will take you ____ to reach England if you stop in Hong Kong.

A. nine hours and twenty

B. ten hours and thirty-five

C. twelve hours and fifty

D. ten hours and forty-five

[  ]


You may ________ in Beijing if you want to go to America.

A. take one plane

B. take two planes

C. take three plane  

  D. not take any planes

[  ]


How many planes may you take in Beijing if you want to go to Australia?

A. One B. Two C. Three D. Four.

[  ]


A few minutes before six o’clock, Mr. Smith began to leave. He was about to start the car when a gunman (持枪者)   36   up from the back seat. He  37   a gun to Mr. Smith’s head,“Drive me to Paris!” he shouted.

  “All right”Mr. Smith answered. He started the engine (发动机), pulled away from the side of the street and   38   down. Being 81 years old, he knew he could not   39   the gunman. He knew he needed help. Where were the police? As he drove   40   each crossing, he looked up and down the side streets, hoping to meet a police car. But he could see    41    . “Just my luck,” he thought. “If I was   42   too fast, there would be a police car on every corner.”

     43    he pushed his foot down on the accelerator(加速器), and the car ran   44  faster. “What are you doing?” shouted the gunman. “Keeping off the police.” Mr. Smith answered. “I thought I saw a police car   45   there.”

  He ran red lights, drove wrong on one-way streets. On the two-way streets, he drove on the wrong   46    of the road. Not one of the policemen saw him. Again Mr. Smith’s plan was not working. He had to try a    47     plan.

  He    48   a corner and saw the police station in front. Then he drove his car as fast as he could towards the police gate. The car hit a police motorbike down and stopped. Mr. Smith shouted, “Help! Help!” Then he   49   back to grab the man’s gun. At the same time the policemen heard the   50   and quickly caught the gunman.

  (    )36.   A. woke       B. sat       C. stood    D. jumped

  (    )37.   A. brought     B. pointed   C. held     D. carried

  (    )38.   A. drove       B. left      C. took     D. pushed

  (    )39.   A. fight        B. lift       C. keep      D. hit

  (    )40.   A. around    B. over       C. through     D. towards

  (    )41.   A. somebody  B. anybody   C. everybody   D. nobody

  (    )42.   A. driving    B. moving    C. getting      D. walking

  (    )43.   A. Slowly    B. Suddenly   C. Quietly     D. Carefully

  (    )44.   A. more     B. much      C. very        D. quite

  (    )45.   A. front      B. near      C. below       D. back

  (    )46.   A. street     B. way      C. side         D. corner

  (    )47.   A. new      B. safe      C. hard         D. nice

  (    )48.   A. found     B. turned     C. stopped at    D. arrived at

  (    )49.   A. got       B. looked    C. turned       D .came

  (    )50.   A.  sound    B. man     C. voice       D. noise



Hello, everyone! I am your guide(导游)today. First, I’d like to _36_   you something about London(伦敦)before we arrive. As you know, London is the capital(首都)of  37   .It is a very big 38   .The people are friendly and helpful, especially the policemen. They are always glad(乐意的) __39___ tell visitors about the city.

  London is a busy place. People _40__ in offices, banks, or for companies. They are in a hurry all the time.

  London is also a very beautiful city. It has __41__ of parks and gardens. When you ___42__ in London, you should visit the London Museum. It can tell you a lot of interesting __43__. You may also visit many ___44__ places, such as Big Ben, the River Thames and so on.

  Wish you have a good ___45___!

(  )36. A. talk          B. say        C. tell          D. speak

(  )37. A. England      B. America    C. Australia      D. Canada(加拿大)

(  )38. A. village       B. city        C. town         D. country

(  )39. A. to           B. for         C. of            D. at

(  )40. A.works        B.work        C.  working      D. to work

(  )41. A. a lot         B. a lots       C. lot           D.much

(  )42. A. were        B. was        C. are           D.going to be

(  )43. A. story        B. storys       C. stories         D.storyes

(  )44. A.other        B. others       C. the others      D. another

(  )45. A. meal        B. time         C.  sleep        D. rest




  Come to Austria!

  Soll is a village in the mountains in western Austria, and the Hotel Post, opened by a local(当地的)family, is clean and not expensive.From the hotel you can see the whole village, the forest and the mountains.Temperatures in summer are usually 20℃ to 25℃ in the daytime, but much cooler by evening.

  Enjoy Thailand!(n.泰国)

  When you visit Bangkok n.曼谷(泰国首都)in Thailand, don't miss the early morning river boat trip to the Floating(漂浮的)Market just outside the city.There you will find many kinds of fruits and vegetables.There you can pay for them when you sit in your boat.Don't forget your hat:the sun can be strong and it may be as hot as 40℃ about midday!

  Visit Hawaii!

  Maybe the most beautiful place in Hawaii is Kauai.You can visit its long, sandy beaches in the south and west of the island, and mountains and forests in the north, but be careful:there are many mosquitoes(蚊子), and don't be surprised if it rains in the center of the island.Daytime temperatures there are usually around 24℃ to 26℃ by the sea, and only a little cooler by late evening.



If you stay at the Hotel Post, you have a view(风景)of________.


At the Floating Market you can buy things in ________.


Because the sun is strong in Bangkok, you should bring________.


In the north of Kauai Island there are________.


The warmest place of the three is________.



  I was very disappointed (失望) not to be able to go to the jazz concert last Friday. The notice in the paper said that you could buy tickets at the theatre box office in Richland Hills any day between 10:30 a.m. and 3:00 p. m. Since I work from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p. m, the only time I could go to the theatre was during my 45-minute lunch break. Unluckily, the theatre is on the other side of the town, and the bus service (服务) between my office and Richland Hills is not very good. But if you are lucky, you can make the round trip in 45 minutes.

  Last Monday, I stood at the bus stop for fifteen minutes waiting for the bus. By the time I saw one come around the comer, there was not enough time left to make the trip. So I gave up and went back to the office. The same thing happened on Tuesday, and again on Wednesday. On Thursday, my luck changed. I got on a bus right away. When I got there, however, I found a long line of people at the box office. I heard one man said he had been waiting in line for over an hour. I knew I would not have enough time to wait in line, I caught the next bus and went hack across the town. By Friday I decided to make the trip by taxi, it was expensive, but I felt the concert would be worth hearing. The trip by taxi only took 10 minutes, but it felt like an hour to me. When I got to the theatre, I was relieved to see that nobody was waiting in line. The reason, I quickly found, was that they had already sold all the tickets.

(1) The writer learned ________ that there would be a concert last Friday.

[  ]

A. from his friends
B. from one of his workmates
D. from the newspaper
C. over the radio

(2) The writer tried to go to the theatre every day but successfully got there only ________.

[  ]

A. twice4
B. three times
C. four times
D. five times

(3) If lucky, the writer could spend about ________ on the trip to the theatre from his office by bus.

[  ]

A. forty-five minutes
B. twenty minutes
C. ten minutes
D. fifteen minutes

(4) Maybe the word “________” can be used instead of the underlined (划线的) word “relieved”.

[  ]

A. nervous
B. grateful
C. pleased
D. sorry

(5) The writer mainly tells us he ________.

[  ]

A. enjoyed himself in the theatre

B. was angry at buying the ticket

C. had some trouble with the bus service

D. was sad at missing the concert

