度假 on vacation 查看更多



1. 去年你弟弟去哪儿度假了? 他们去了纽约.
    —_____ _____ your brother go on vacation last year?
    —They _____ to New York City.
2. 昨天上午你看望你的叔.
    —_____ you _____ your uncle yesterday morning?
    —_____, I _____.
3. He went to the mountains yesterday. (对划线部问)
    _____ _____  he _____ yesterday?
4. She studied for exams at home last weekend. (对划线部分提问)
    _____ _____ she _____ for exams last weekend?


五一期间你准备去海南度假,请你写一个旅游计划,所给的提示词语必须都用上。 (九十词左右)
During the  May  Day, on vacation, leave for, on 29th, by plane,
with, stay, on the beach, go fishing, eat delicious  fruit, go shopping, go sightseeing,  help…forget….


五一期间你准备去海南度假,请你写一个旅游计划,所给的提示词语必须都用上。 (九十词左右)
During the  May  Day, on vacation, leave for, on 29th, by plane,
with, stay, on the beach, go fishing, eat delicious  fruit, go shopping, go sightseeing,  help…forget….



A.That sounds peaceful.             B.Where would you like to go?

C.I’d love to go on a vacation.        D.Wouldn’t that be dangerous?

E.It’s too touristy.                  F.What about you, Lydia?

G.I hope to visit there some day.

Sam:Look at those travel posters.(1)                 

Gina:Where would you like to go, Sam?

Sam:I’d love to go trekking in the Amazon jungle in Brazil.

Gina:You would?

Sam:Sure, I like exciting vacations.


Sam:No, not really.How about you, Gina? (3)                 

Gina:Well, I've been kind of bored lately.I think I’d like to see some historical sites in Japan Sam:Hmm, that would be fascinating.(4)                 

Lydia:Oh, I’m stressed out.I’d just like to relax on a beach.Err…You know, a beautiful beach     in Florida.



史密斯先生一家要外出度假,下面的内容是他们的度假安排。请根据他们的计划给Lido 旅行社一份电子邮件咨询有关事宜。开头已给出。注意书写规范、工整、美观。

要求:1. 利用表格所提供的信息。

      2. 字数80 左右。

      3. 能表达完整的意思,词句通顺,书写工整。                                                        


January 26th-Feb.6th

Where to go

Somewhere warm


By plane/by train


Swimming, taking walks

Hotel room

Two bedrooms and a kitchen

Dear Lido Travel,

My family and I want to go on a trip this winter vacation…

