get outside 出去 查看更多



       现在有很多中学生想利用暑假去偏远山区( the mountain villages far away)当志愿者,帮助那些因贫困而失学的孩子们。对此,有人赞成,有人反对。你支持哪一种观点?请结合下列表格中所提供的内容,谈谈你的想法,文章首句已给出。
◆ a good experience;
◆ help the children there to open up their eyes to the outside world ;
◆ get in the way of studying;
◆ students should have a good rest;
Your opinion 你的想法
       Nowadays many middle school students want to be volunteers in the mountain villages far away during the summer vacation...                                                                                                                             


完成句子 (本大题满分14分,每小题2分)

1.---How about climbing the mountains?

---It’s too hot outside. I _________________________(宁愿呆在家里也不愿出去) (rather)

2.---Where’s Bob now?

--- I ______________________a car accident (有人告诉我他因为车祸可能送到医院了)   (may)

3.---What do you think of Li Ping?

--- He is ____________________(这么不友好,我们不想和他交朋友) (that, friend)

4.---How is your English study?

---Very good. I __________________ go to school. (在我没上学之前我就对学英语感兴趣). (before)

5.---Do you exercise every day?

---Yes. It ____________________ (我花半小时的时间练习骑车) every morning.  (take)

6.---Earthquakes make many people homeless in Lushan.

---The government ___________________ (正千方百计为他们提供住房).     (provide)

7.---Could you tell me _______________ (她盼望见到的人是否很容易相处)? (look, get)

---Of course, he is.



完成句子 (本大题满分14分,每小题2分)
小题1:---How about climbing the mountains?
---It’s too hot outside. I _________________________(宁愿呆在家里也不愿出去) (rather)
小题2:---Where’s Bob now?
--- I ______________________a car accident (有人告诉我他因为车祸可能送到医院了)   (may)
小题3:---What do you think of Li Ping?
--- He is ____________________(这么不友好,我们不想和他交朋友) (that, friend)
小题4:---How is your English study?
---Very good. I __________________ go to school. (在我没上学之前我就对学英语感兴趣). (before)
小题5:---Do you exercise every day?
---Yes. It ____________________ (我花半小时的时间练习骑车) every morning.  (take)
小题6:---Earthquakes make many people homeless in Lushan.
---The government ___________________ (正千方百计为他们提供住房).     (provide)
小题7:---Could you tell me _______________ (她盼望见到的人是否很容易相处)? (look, get)
---Of course, he is.


完成句子 (本大题满分14分,每小题2分)
【小题1】---How about climbing the mountains?
---It’s too hot outside. I _________________________(宁愿呆在家里也不愿出去) (rather)
【小题2】---Where’s Bob now?
--- I ______________________a car accident (有人告诉我他因为车祸可能送到医院了)   (may)
【小题3】---What do you think of Li Ping?
--- He is ____________________(这么不友好,我们不想和他交朋友) (that, friend)
【小题4】---How is your English study?
---Very good. I __________________ go to school. (在我没上学之前我就对学英语感兴趣). (before)
【小题5】---Do you exercise every day?
---Yes. It ____________________ (我花半小时的时间练习骑车) every morning.  (take)
【小题6】---Earthquakes make many people homeless in Lushan.
---The government ___________________ (正千方百计为他们提供住房).     (provide)
【小题7】---Could you tell me _______________ (她盼望见到的人是否很容易相处)? (look, get)
---Of course, he is.

