1 French fries 薯条 2 ice cream 冰淇淋 3 running star 赛跑明星 4 lots of = a lot of + 大量,许多 5 French chicken leg 炸鸡腿 6 ice stick 冰棒 7 have breakfast/lunch/dinner/supper 吃早/中/晚餐 8 movie star 电影明星 9 music star 歌星 10 healthy food 健康食物 11 eat food 吃食物 12 have sth. for breakfast/lunch/dinner/supper 哪顿饭吃某物 13 have a look 看一看 14 at school/ at home 在学校/在家里 15 relax sports 休闲运动 16 some runners 一些运动员 Unit 7 How much are these pants? 查看更多




Mary and her sister are students. Mary is twelve years old and her sister is only eight. Their mother is very busy every day. Mary has hamburgers and eggs for breakfast but her sister doesn’t. Her sister has ice cream and chicken for breakfast. For lunch, Mary likes eating vegetables and salad but her sister likes eating French fries and carrots. For supper they have the same food and fruit.


How old is Mary’s sister?

A. 12.   B. 8.   C. 9.   D. 10.

[  ]


Mary has ______ for breakfast.

A. ice cream and chicken    

B. hamburgers and eggs

C. hamburgers and French fries    

D. carrots and bananas

[  ]


Her sister has ______ for lunch.

A. ice cream and chicken    

B. chicken and salad

C. carrots and French fries    

D. ice cream and eggs

[  ]


Mary and her sister eat the same food ______.

A. in the morning    

B. in the afternoon

C. at 12∶00    

D. for supper

[  ]


Why is their mother very busy every day?

A. Because they have the same food.    

B. Because they aren’t the same age.

C. Because they don’t have the same food.    

D. We don’t know.

[  ]



  A.No,he doesn’t.

  B.A hamburger,two oranges and a glass of juice.

  C.On the table.

  D.Yes,very much.


(1) Do you like bananas?


(2) Let’s have ice cream.


(3) Does your brother like vegetables?


(4) What do you like for lunch?


(5) Where are my French fries?



Reading comprehension.

  My name is Vera. I have two good friends, Lily and Lucy. They are American. They are twins. They are thirteen. September second is their birthday. Their parents have a birthday party for them each year. They love their parents very much.

  Lily likes hamburgers, but her sister doesn't like hamburgers, she likes French fries.

  We are in the same class. Lucy and Lily are good at English, but I'm not good at English. They help me with my English and I help them with Chinese.

1.The twins are ________.

[  ]


2.The twins' birthday is ________.

[  ]

A.September lst
B.September 2nd
C.September 12th
D.September 20th

3.________ likes French fries.

[  ]

A.The twins

4.How many people are there in the passage(短文)? ________.

[  ]


5.________ help ________ with English.

[  ]

A.Lucy, Lily
B.Lily, Lucy
C.The twins, Vera
D.Vera, the twins



  (1)-Do you like dessert?

  -Yes, ________.

  (2)-Do you like carrots?

  -No, ________.

  (3)-Do the boys like tomatoes?

  -Yes, ________.

  (4)-Does your brother like French fries?

  -No, ________.

  (5)-Does Uncle Li like salad?

  -Yes, ________.

  (6)-________ they ________ hamburgers?

  -Yes, they do.

  (7)-________ he ________ bananas?

  -No, he doesn't.

  (8)-________ she ________ noodles?

  -Yes, she likes them a lot.



  My name is Rose,and I have two sisters Emily and Liza.We like hamburgers for lunch.I like French fries,but Liza doesn't.I don't like eggs for breakfast,but Emily and Liza do.I like fruit for breakfast.We really like tomatoes and chicken for dinner.


Has Rose got any brothers?

  A.Yes,she has.  B.No,she hasn't.C.I don't know.

[  ]


What do they like for lunch?

  A.Hamburgers.  B.Rice.  C.Noodles.

[  ]


Does Liza like French fries?

  A.Yes.she does.

  B.No,she doesn't.

  C.No.she does.

[  ]


What does the writer like for breakfast?

  A.Vegetables.  B.Drinks.  C.Fruit.

[  ]


What do they like for dinner?

  A.Tomatoes.  B.Chicken.  C.Tomatoes and chicken.

[  ]

