Running can help you a lot, but it can’t . A. strengthen your heart and lungs B. strengthen leg muscles C. control body weight D. prevent pains in your joints 查看更多



  Exercise. Get fit. Watch your weight. We see these messages all around us in magazines and newspapers, but how do you choose the right activity?

  There are three main goals for fitness. First, strengthening the heart and lungs. Second, strengthening the muscles. Third, controlling body weight. Not all activities will meet each goal. You may center on one goal or, for total fitness, all three.


  No other exercise will help you lose weight faster than running. It also strengthens your heart, lungs, and leg muscles. But it can hurt your joints. If you feel pain in your knees, you need to stop and choose a different activity.


  This activity puts less stress on the body than running. But to see results you need to get your heart beating faster. This means you’ll need to walk fast.


  Swimming is a great way to strengthen different pasts of your body. But if weight loss is your goal, you may want to pass on the pool. The water in a swimming pool is cooler than our body temperature. The body naturally protects itself from the cold by keeping fat.


  Riding a bicycle will help you lose weight and work your leg muscles. But be careful! If you live in the city, stay on bike path, away from traffic. Or you can ride indoors on a stationary bike.

Weight lifting

  We often hear of elderly people falling and hurting themselves. They just don’t have the strength to catch themselves. Lifting weights can prevent that. It also helps prevent injury form other activities. The drawback to weight lifting is that you’ll need to pay for a membership at a gym.


68. Running can help you a lot, but it can’t ______.

     A. strengthen your heart and lungs

     B. strengthen leg muscles

     C. control body weight

     D. prevent pains in your joints

69. You can choose any activity below to lose your weight except ______.

      A. running                 B. walking          C. swimming             D. cycling

70. Which of the following statements is not mentioned in the text?

     A. Running is the fastest way of loosing weight.

     B. You need to walk fast in order to build up your strength.

     C. Cycling is the perfect way to get total fitness.

      D. You need to pay for a membership at a gym if you want to exercise weight lifting.

