a piece of writing to be performed in a theatre 剧本 v.1. to do things that pass the time pleasantly, esp including running and jumping; have fun玩 查看更多



It was late in the afternoon, and I was putting the final touch on a piece of writing that I was feeling pretty good about. I wanted to save it, but my cursor(光标) had frozen. I tried to shut the computer down, and it seized up altogether. Unsure of what else to do, I yanked (用力猛拉) the battery out.
Unfortunately, Windows had been in the midst of a crucial(紧要关头) undertaking. The next morning, when I turned my computer back on, it informed me that a file had been corrupted and Windows would not load. Then, it offered to repair itself by using the Windows Setup CD.
I opened the special drawer where I keep CDs. But no Windows CD in there. I was forced to call the computer company's Global Support Centre. My call was answered by a woman in some unnamed, far-off land. I find it annoying to make small talk with someone when I don't know what continent they're standing on. Suppose I were to comment on the beautiful weather we've been having when there was a monsoon(季风) at the other end of the phone? So I got right to the point.
"My computer is telling me a file is corrupted and it wants to fix itself, but I don't have the Windows Setup CD."
"So you're having a problem with your Windows Setup CD." She has apparently been dozing and, having come to just as the sentence ended, was attempting to cover for her inattention.
It quickly became clear that the woman was not a computer technician. Her job was to serve as a gatekeeper. Her only duty, as far as I could tell, was to raise global stress levels.
To make me disappear, the woman gave me the phone number for Windows' creator, Microsoft. This is like giving someone the phone number for, I don't know, North America. Besides, the CD worked; I just didn't have it. No matter how many times I repeated my story, we came back to the same place. She was calm and polite.
When my voice hit a certain decibel (分贝), I was passed along, like a hot, irritable potato, to a technician.
"You don't have the Windows Setup CD, ma'am, because you don't need it," he explained cheerfully.
"Windows came preinstalled on your computer!"
"But I do need it."
"Yes, but you don't have it." We went on like this for a while. Finally, he offered to walk me through the use of a different CD, one that would erase my entire system. "Of course, you'd lose all your e-mail, your documents, your photos." It was like offering to drop a safe on my head to cure my headache. "You might be able to recover them, but it would be expensive." He sounded delighted. "And it's not covered by the warranty (产品保证书)!"  The safe began to seem like a good idea, provided it was full.
I hung up the phone and drove my computer to a small, friendly repair place I'd heard about. A smart, helpful man dug out a Windows CD and told me it wouldn't be a problem. An hour later, he called to let me know it was ready. I thanked him, and we chatted about the weather, which was the same outside my window as it was outside his.
【小题1】Why did the author shut down her computer abruptly?

A.She had saved what she had written.
B.She couldn't move the cursor.
C.The computer refused to work.
D.The computer offered to repair itself.
【小题2】Which of the following is the author's opinion about the woman at the Global Support Centre?
A.She sounded helpful and knowledgeable.
B.She was there to make callers frustrated.
C.She was able to solve her computer problem.
D.She was quick to pass her along to a technician.
【小题3】According to the passage, the solution offered by the technician was_________________.
A.effectiveB.economical C.unpractical D.unsatisfied
【小题4】 "It was like offering to drop a safe on my head to cure my headache" in the last but one paragraph means that_____________________.
A.the technician's proposal would make things even worse
B.the technician's proposal could eventually solve the problem
C.files stored on her computer were like a safe
D.erasing the entire system was like curing a headache
【小题5】It can be inferred from the passage that the differences between the Global Support Centre and the local repair shop lie in all the followings except ________________.
A.efficiencyB.locationC.setup CDsD.attitude


It was late in the afternoon, and I was putting the final touch on a piece of writing that I was feeling pretty good about. I wanted to save it, but my cursor(光标) had frozen. I tried to shut the computer down, and it seized up altogether. Unsure of what else to do, I yanked (用力猛拉) the battery out.

Unfortunately, Windows had been in the midst of a crucial(紧要关头) undertaking. The next morning, when I turned my computer back on, it informed me that a file had been corrupted and Windows would not load. Then, it offered to repair itself by using the Windows Setup CD.

I opened the special drawer where I keep CDs. But no Windows CD in there. I was forced to call the computer company's Global Support Centre. My call was answered by a woman in some unnamed, far-off land. I find it annoying to make small talk with someone when I don't know what continent they're standing on. Suppose I were to comment on the beautiful weather we've been having when there was a monsoon(季风) at the other end of the phone? So I got right to the point.

"My computer is telling me a file is corrupted and it wants to fix itself, but I don't have the Windows Setup CD."

"So you're having a problem with your Windows Setup CD." She has apparently been dozing and, having come to just as the sentence ended, was attempting to cover for her inattention.

It quickly became clear that the woman was not a computer technician. Her job was to serve as a gatekeeper. Her only duty, as far as I could tell, was to raise global stress levels.

To make me disappear, the woman gave me the phone number for Windows' creator, Microsoft. This is like giving someone the phone number for, I don't know, North America. Besides, the CD worked; I just didn't have it. No matter how many times I repeated my story, we came back to the same place. She was calm and polite.

When my voice hit a certain decibel (分贝), I was passed along, like a hot, irritable potato, to a technician.

"You don't have the Windows Setup CD, ma'am, because you don't need it," he explained cheerfully.

"Windows came preinstalled on your computer!"

"But I do need it."

"Yes, but you don't have it." We went on like this for a while. Finally, he offered to walk me through the use of a different CD, one that would erase my entire system. "Of course, you'd lose all your e-mail, your documents, your photos." It was like offering to drop a safe on my head to cure my headache. "You might be able to recover them, but it would be expensive." He sounded delighted. "And it's not covered by the warranty (产品保证书)!"  The safe began to seem like a good idea, provided it was full.

I hung up the phone and drove my computer to a small, friendly repair place I'd heard about. A smart, helpful man dug out a Windows CD and told me it wouldn't be a problem. An hour later, he called to let me know it was ready. I thanked him, and we chatted about the weather, which was the same outside my window as it was outside his.

1.Why did the author shut down her computer abruptly?

A.She had saved what she had written.

B.She couldn't move the cursor.

C.The computer refused to work.

D.The computer offered to repair itself.

2.Which of the following is the author's opinion about the woman at the Global Support Centre?

A.She sounded helpful and knowledgeable.

B.She was there to make callers frustrated.

C.She was able to solve her computer problem.

D.She was quick to pass her along to a technician.

3.According to the passage, the solution offered by the technician was_________________.

A.effective          B.economical        C.unpractical        D.unsatisfied

4. "It was like offering to drop a safe on my head to cure my headache" in the last but one paragraph means that_____________________.

A.the technician's proposal would make things even worse

B.the technician's proposal could eventually solve the problem

C.files stored on her computer were like a safe

D.erasing the entire system was like curing a headache

5.It can be inferred from the passage that the differences between the Global Support Centre and the local repair shop lie in all the followings except ________________.

A.efficiency         B.location           C.setup CDs         D.attitude



Ghostwriters are widely used by celebrities or public figures who wish to publish their autobiographies (自传). The degree of involvement of the ghostwriter in nonfiction writing projects ranges from minor to significant. Various sources explain the role of the ghostwriter and how competent (能胜任的) writers can get this kind of work. In some cases, a ghostwriter may be called in just to clean up, edit, and polish a rough draft of an autobiography or a “how-to” book. In other cases, the ghostwriter will write an entire book or article based on information, stories, notes, and an outline, interviews with the celebrity or public figure. The credited authors also indicate to the ghostwriter what type of style, tone, or “voice” they want in the book.

Celebrity books are usually ghostwritten in the first person (I did this and that) or the third person (David Pardon asked the group to recommend someone etc.).

In some cases, such as with some “how-to” books, diet guides, or cookbooks, a book will be entirely written by a ghostwriter, and the celebrity (e.g., a well-known musician or sports star) will be credited as author. Publishing companies use this method to increase the marketability of a book by associating it with a celebrity or well-known figure. In several countries before elections, candidates employ ghostwriters to produce autobiographies for them so as to gain visibility and exposure. Two of John F. Kennedy’s books were almost entirely ghostwritten. Former President Ronald Reagan also released a ghostwritten autobiography.

A consultant or career-switcher may pay to have a book ghostwritten on a topic in their professional area, to establish or enhance their credibility as an “expert” in their field. For example, a successful salesperson hoping to become an inspiring speaker on selling may pay a ghostwriter to write a book on sales techniques. Often this type of book is published in the vanity press, which means that the author is paying to have the book published. This type of book is typically given away to potential clients (客户) as a promotional tool, rather than being sold in bookstores.


72. A ghostwriter does all the following EXCEPT ______ for his client, according to the passage.

A. correct a piece of writing                      B. write a complete book

C. improve a written article                       D. interview a celebrity

73. By using “this method” (paragraph 3), the writer means ______.

A. celebrities may help to increase sales

B. celebrities may shift into ghostwriters

C. authors may sometimes become celebrities

D. celebrities may pay publishers for promotion

74. It is implied in the passage that ______.

A. vanity presses are illegal

B. ghostwriters work behind the scene

C. books by ghostwriters don’t sell

D. celebrities can’t do without ghostwriters

75. Which of the following is NOT mentioned about ghostwriters?

A. People who employ them.                    B. Responsibilities they take on.

C. Challenges their work involves.             D. Reasons why they ghostwrite.


Ghostwriters are widely used by celebrities or public figures who wish to publish their autobiographies(自传).The degree of involvement of the ghostwriter in nonfiction writing projects ranges from minor to significant.Various sources explain the role of the ghostwriter and how competent(能胜任的)writers can get this kind of work.In some cases, a ghostwriter may be called in just to clean up, edit, and polish a rough draft of an autobiography or a “how-to” book.In other cases, the ghostwriter will write an entire book or article based on information, stories, notes, and an outline, interviews with the celebrity or public figure.The credited authors also indicate to the ghostwriter what type of style, tone, or “voice” they want in the book.

Celebrity books are usually ghostwritten in the first person(I did this and that) or the third person (David Pardon asked the group to recommend someone etc.).

In some cases, such as with some “how-to” books, diet guides, or cookbooks, a book will be entirely written by a ghostwriter, and the celebrity(e.g.a well-known musician or sports star) will be credited as author.Publishing companies use this method to increase the marketability of a book by associating it with a celebrity or well-known figure.In several countries before elections, candidates employ ghostwriters to produce autobiographies for them so as to gain visibility and exposure.Two of John F.Kennedy’s books were almost entirely ghostwritten.Former President Ronald Reagan also released a ghostwritten autobiography.

A consultant or career-switcher may pay to have a book ghostwritten on a topic in their professional area, to establish or enhance their credibility as an “expert” in their field.For example, a successful salesperson hoping to become an inspiring speaker on selling may pay a ghostwriter to write a book on sales techniques.Often this type of book is published in the vanity press, which means that the author is paying to have the book published.This type of book is typically given away to potential clients(客户)as a promotional tool, rather than being sold in bookstores.

1.A ghostwriter does all the following EXCEPT ______ for his client, according to the passage.

       A.correct a piece of writing                     B.write a complete book

       C.improve a written article                      D.interview a celebrity

2.By using “this method” (paragraph 3), the writer means ______.

       A.celebrities may help to increase sales     

       B.celebrities may shift into ghostwriters

       C.authors may sometimes become celebrities

       D.celebrities may pay publishers for promotion

3.It is implied in the passage that ______.

       A.vanity presses are illegal                       B.ghostwriters work behind the scene

       C.books by ghostwriters don’t sell            D.celebrities can’t do without ghostwriters

4.Which of the following is NOT mentioned about ghostwriters?

       A.People who employ them.                  B.Responsibilities they take on.

       C.Challenges their work involves.           D.Reasons why they ghostwrite.


It was late in the afternoon, and I was putting the final touch on a piece of writing that I was feeling pretty good about. I wanted to save it, but my cursor(光标) had frozen. I tried to shut the computer down, and it seized up altogether. Unsure of what else to do, I yanked (用力猛拉) the battery out.
Unfortunately, Windows had been in the midst of a crucial(紧要关头) undertaking. The next morning, when I turned my computer back on, it informed me that a file had been corrupted and Windows would not load. Then, it offered to repair itself by using the Windows Setup CD.
I opened the special drawer where I keep CDs. But no Windows CD in there. I was forced to call the computer company's Global Support Centre. My call was answered by a woman in some unnamed, far-off land. I find it annoying to make small talk with someone when I don't know what continent they're standing on. Suppose I were to comment on the beautiful weather we've been having when there was a monsoon(季风) at the other end of the phone? So I got right to the point.
"My computer is telling me a file is corrupted and it wants to fix itself, but I don't have the Windows Setup CD."
"So you're having a problem with your Windows Setup CD." She has apparently been dozing and, having come to just as the sentence ended, was attempting to cover for her inattention.
It quickly became clear that the woman was not a computer technician. Her job was to serve as a gatekeeper. Her only duty, as far as I could tell, was to raise global stress levels.
To make me disappear, the woman gave me the phone number for Windows' creator, Microsoft. This is like giving someone the phone number for, I don't know, North America. Besides, the CD worked; I just didn't have it. No matter how many times I repeated my story, we came back to the same place. She was calm and polite.
When my voice hit a certain decibel (分贝), I was passed along, like a hot, irritable potato, to a technician.
"You don't have the Windows Setup CD, ma'am, because you don't need it," he explained cheerfully.
"Windows came preinstalled on your computer!"
"But I do need it."
"Yes, but you don't have it." We went on like this for a while. Finally, he offered to walk me through the use of a different CD, one that would erase my entire system. "Of course, you'd lose all your e-mail, your documents, your photos." It was like offering to drop a safe on my head to cure my headache. "You might be able to recover them, but it would be expensive." He sounded delighted. "And it's not covered by the warranty (产品保证书)!"  The safe began to seem like a good idea, provided it was full.
I hung up the phone and drove my computer to a small, friendly repair place I'd heard about. A smart, helpful man dug out a Windows CD and told me it wouldn't be a problem. An hour later, he called to let me know it was ready. I thanked him, and we chatted about the weather, which was the same outside my window as it was outside his

  1. 1.

    Why did the author shut down her computer abruptly?

    1. A.
      She had saved what she had written
    2. B.
      She couldn't move the cursor
    3. C.
      The computer refused to work
    4. D.
      The computer offered to repair itself
  2. 2.

    Which of the following is the author's opinion about the woman at the Global Support Centre?

    1. A.
      She sounded helpful and knowledgeable
    2. B.
      She was there to make callers frustrated
    3. C.
      She was able to solve her computer problem
    4. D.
      She was quick to pass her along to a technician
  3. 3.

    According to the passage, the solution offered by the technician was_________________

    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  4. 4.

    "It was like offering to drop a safe on my head to cure my headache" in the last but one paragraph means that_____________________

    1. A.
      the technician's proposal would make things even worse
    2. B.
      the technician's proposal could eventually solve the problem
    3. C.
      files stored on her computer were like a safe
    4. D.
      erasing the entire system was like curing a headache
  5. 5.

    It can be inferred from the passage that the differences between the Global Support Centre and the local repair shop lie in all the followings except ________________

    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
      setup CDs
    4. D.

