If we can’t take useful means, we may not control this trend, and some undesirable result may come out unexpectedly, so what we should do is . 查看更多



Not long ago the movie 2012 came into screen. The people were threatened by those scenes of destroying flood, severe earthquake, terrifying hurricane and constructions representing human civilization being destroyed and even swallowed by disaster. Luckily, they are just the director’s imagination, but the present situation is not heading a positive direction, either.

Take my own experience in Alaska as an example. Once I took a trip to the glacier. Along the way there stood signposts marking the snow lines of different years. They started from the foot of the mountain, but it was at the top when I finally saw melting glaciers(融化的冰川). My heart ached seeing the beautiful blue ice melting at every second.

Sad but true, they are the effects of global warming and the result of our human impact. Furthermore, each year the rising sea level will kill 56 million people, and that's about the population of the en tire Italy. According to studies, if the temperature keeps on rising like this, by the year 2050, some islands and coastal cities including New York, Shanghai, Tokyo and Sydney will be drowned in water.

Our fortune is in our own hands. It depends on us to shape our future, to reduce future human impact and find ways to form a peaceful relationship with our environment. Therefore, it's time for actions to be taken right now. Contribute a little to energy saving by using more efficient light bulbs and less hot water. Let recycle become our habit by thinking twice before throwing something away. Let us take public transportation as our first choice when going to a certain place. It might cost more time for now, but it' s to the benefit of a permanent future. Take care of every tree and grass around us by watering them or simply just avoid destroying them.

In a word, small drops of water make a big ocean. The earth does not belong to us. On the contrary, we belong to the earth. Please bear in mind that the earth is our home. It is our responsibility to build a brighter and better future of our planet and prevent what happened in the movie 2012 from becoming reality.                

1.Why does the author talk about the movie 2012 in the passage ?     

A.To give example.                      B.To lead into the topic.

C.To make prediction.                    D.To provide the evidence.

2.How did the author feel when he took a trip to the glacier?

A.Worried.        B.Puzzled.         C.Scared.          D.Bored.

3.It can be inferred from the third paragraph that          .

A.56 million people in Italy have been killed owing to the rising sea level

B.Some islands and coastal cities will be drowned in water by the year of 2050

C.Human being will be in danger if we don't take actions to prevent the global warming

D.It is certain that what happened in the movie 2012 will come into reality

4.According to the passage, you are advised to             .

A.drive our own private cars instead of taking buses to some place

B.recycle everything that is used

C.go to see the movie 2012 at once

D.work together to take good care of our planet

5.What does the author mean by saying "small drops of water make a big ocean"?

A.Think twice before taking action,

B.It's our duty to protect the ocean.

C.Everyone together can make a difference.

D.It's important to save every drop of water.



Unless we spend money to spot and prevent asteroids now,one might crash into Earth and destroy life as we know it,say some scientists.
Asteroids are bigger versions of the meteoroids(流星)that race across the night sky. Most orbit the sun far from Earth and don't threaten us. But there are also thousands whose orbits put them on a collision course with Earth.
Buy $ 50 million worth of new telescopes right now. Then spend $ 10 million a year for the next 25 years to locate most of the space rocks. By the time we spot a fatal one,the scientists say,we'll have a way to change its course.
Some scientists favor pushing asteroids off course with nuclear weapons. But the cost wouldn't be cheap. Is it worth it? Two things experts consider when judging any risk are: 1) How likely the event is; and 2) How bad the consequences if the event occurs. Experts think an asteroid big enough to destroy lots of life might strike Earth once every 500,000 years. Sounds pretty rare-but if one did fall,it would be the end of the world. “If we don't take care of these big asteroids,they'll take care of us,” says one scientist. “It's that simple.”
The cure,though,might be worse than the disease. Do we really want fleets of nuclear weapons sitting around on Earth? “The world has less to fear from doomsday(毁灭性的) rocks than from a great nuclear fleet set against them,” said a New York Times article.
【小题1】What does the passage say about asteroids and meteoroids?

A.They are heavenly bodies different in composition.
B.They are heavenly bodies similar in nature.
C.There are more asteroids than meteoroids.
D.Asteroids are more mysterious than meteoroids.
【小题2】 What do scientists say about the collision of an asteroid with Earth?
A.It is very unlikely but the danger exists.
B.Such a collision might occur once every 25 years.
C.Collisions of smaller asteroids with Earth occur more often than expected.
D.It's still too early to say whether such a collision might occur.
【小题3】 What do people think of the suggestion of using nuclear weapons to alter the course of asteroids?
A.It sounds practical but it may not solve the problem.
B.It may create more problems than it might solve.
C.It is a waste of money because a collision of asteroids with Earth is very unlikely.
D.Further research should be done before it is proved applicable.
【小题4】We can conclude from the passage that ________ .
A.while pushing asteroids off course nuclear weapons would destroy the world
B.asteroids racing across the night sky are likely to hit Earth in the near future
C.the worry about asteroids can be left to future generations since it is unlikely to happen in our lifetime
D.workable solutions still have to be found to prevent a collision of asteroids with Earth.
【小题5】Which of the following best describes the author's tone in this passage?


Are you single and dreaming of an exciting voyage vacation, but unsure of the next step? You’re not alone! Many single travelers wonder which voyage will have the most singles on board, how they’ll meet other singles, what the voyage will cost and whether they’ll enjoy themselves.
Our hosted singles voyage is ideal for singles of all ages. No other form of travel affords as many opportunities to meet people and make friends. In fact, our Singles Division can help you find a singles voyage on a ship that’s just right for you and make sure you meet many other singles on board.?
We’ve scheduled singles voyage on sailings throughout 2005, to all of the world’s greatest destinations. And we’ve selected popular itineraries(旅行路线)on large, newer ships for different audiences, so you can find one that suits your tastes.?
If you’re looking for a roommate to cut costs, our Match Program can pair you with a same?sex single in one stateroom(on hosted sailings only),enabling us to offer you the same per?person pricing that couples receive. We guarantee to find you a roommate, whenever you sign?up before the cut?off date. If we don’t, you only need pay the per?person, double?occupancy rate. If you prefer the privacy of your own stateroom, the single supplement rates will apply.?
Either way, we’ll provide our own onboard host to organize singles cocktail parties, mixers, games, single?mingle dining and more. Once you’ve booked your voyage, we’ll also give you private access to our singles chat site where you can get to know other singles before you depart.?
We expect our staterooms on these sailings will fill quickly, so please book early to avoid disappointment. To get started, click on any singles voyage in the calendar to the left. Hope to see you onboard!?
Note: If you can’t take advantage of one of our hosted singles cruises but still wish to travel as a single, click here for more information.?

  1. 1.

    The voyage which is strongly recommended in the text is for________

    1. A.
      young singles?
    2. B.
      singles of all ages who want to meet people and make friend?
    3. C.
      single travelers?
    4. D.
      singles who intend to go to the world’s greatest destinations?
  2. 2.

    What can Match Program do for travelers according to the text??

    1. A.
      To match a single man with a proper woman.?
    2. B.
      To match a single woman with a proper man.?
    3. C.
      To have a match between same?sex singles in one room.?
    4. D.
      To pair a willing person with a same?sex single in one room.
  3. 3.

    Which activity is NOT included in the voyage??

    1. A.
      Having singles cocktail parties.?
    2. B.
      Having private access to our singles chat site.?
    3. C.
      Mixers, games, single?mingle dining etc.?
    4. D.
      Finding a roommate.
  4. 4.

    The text probably comes from_____________.

    1. A.
      a guide book
    2. B.
      an ad on newspaper?
    3. C.
      a website
    4. D.
      a magazine


Not long ago the movie 2012 came into screen. The people were threatened by those scenes of destroying flood, severe earthquake, terrifying hurricane and constructions representing human civilization being destroyed and even swallowed by disaster.  Luckily, they are just the director' s imagination, but the present situation is not heading a positive direction, either.

Take my own experience in Alaska as an example. Once I took a trip to the glacier. Along the way there stood signposts marking the snow lines of different years.  They started from the foot of the mountain, but it was at the top when I finally saw melting glaciers(融化的冰川). My heart ached seeing the beautiful blue ice melting at every second.

Sad but true, they are the effects of global warming and the result of our human impact. Furthermore, each year the rising sea level will kill 56 million people, and that’s about the population of the entire Italy. According to studies, if the temperature keeps on rising like this, by the year 2050, some islands and coastal cities including New York, Shanghai, Tokyo and Sydney will be drowned in water.

Our fortune is in our own hands. It depends on us to shape our future, to reduce future human impact and find ways to form a peaceful relationship with our environment. Therefore, it's time for actions to be taken right now. Contribute a little to energy saving by using more efficient light bulbs and less hot water. Let recycle become our habit by thinking twice before throwing something away. Let us take public transportation as our first choice when going to a certain place. It might cost more time for now, but it' s to the benefit of a permanent future. Take care of every tree and grass around us by watering them or simply just avoid destroying them.

In a word, small drops of water make a big ocean. The earth does not belong to us. On the contrary, we belong to the earth. Please bear in mind that the earth is our home. It is our responsibility to build a brighter and better future of our planet and prevent what happened in the movie 2012 from becoming reality.

1. Why does the author talk about the movie 2012 in the passage ?

A.To give example.

B.To lead into the topic.

C.To make prediction.

D.To provide the evidence.

2.How did the author feel when he took a trip to the glacier?





3.It can be inferred from the third paragraph that________  .

A.56 million people in Italy have been killed owing to the rising sea level

B.Some islands and coastal cities will be drowned in water by the year of 2050

C.Human being will be in danger if we don't take actions to prevent the global warming

D.It is certain that what happened in the movie 2012 will come into reality

4.According to the passage, you are advised to ________.

A.drive our own private cars instead of taking buses to some place

B.recycle everything that is used

C.go to see the movie 2012 at once

D.work together to take good care of our planet

5. What does the author mean by saying "small drops of water make a big ocean"?

A.Think twice before taking action.

B.It's our duty to protect the ocean.

C.Everyone together can make a difference.

D.It's important to save every drop of water.





Unless we spend money to spot and prevent asteroids (小行星) now,one might crash into Earth and destroy life as we know it,say some scientists.?

   Asteroids are bigger versions of the meteoroids(流星)that race across the night sky. Most orbit the sun far from Earth and don't threaten us. But there are also thousands whose orbits put them on a collision course with Earth.?

   Buy $ 50 million worth of new telescopes right now. Then spend $ 10 million a year for the next 25 years to locate most of the space rocks. By the time we spot a fatal one,the scientists say,we'll have a way to change its course.?

   Some scientists favor pushing asteroids off course with nuclear weapons. But the cost wouldn't be cheap.?

  Is it worth it? Two things experts consider when judging any risk are: 1) How likely the event is; and 2) How bad the consequences if the event occurs. Experts think an asteroid big enough to destroy lots of life might strike Earth once every 500,000 years. Sounds pretty rare-but if one did fall,it would be the end of the world. “If we don't take care of these big asteroids,they'll take care of us,”says one scientist. “It's that simple.”?

   The cure,though,might be worse than the disease. Do we really want fleets of nuclear weapons sitting around on Earth? “The world has less to fear from doomsday(毁灭性的) rocks than from a great nuclear fleet set against them,” said a New York Times article.

1. What does the passage say about asteroids and meteoroids?

  [ A ]. They are heavenly bodies different in composition.

  [ B ].They are heavenly bodies similar in nature.

  [ C ].There are more asteroids than meteoroids.

  [ D ].Asteroids are more mysterious than meteoroids.

2. We can conclude from the passage that_____ .

  [ A ].while pushing asteroids off course nuclear weapons would destroy the world

  [ B ].asteroids racing across the night sky are likely to hit Earth in the near future

  [ C ].the worry about asteroids can be left to future generations since it is unlikely to happen in our lifetime

  [ D ].workable solutions still have to be found to prevent a collision of asteroids with Earth.

3. Which of the following best describes the author's tone in this pass age?

  [ A ]. Optimistic.  [ B ]. Critical.  [ C ]. Objective.  [ D ]. Arbitrary.

