Taking into account all of these factors, we may reach the conclusion that . 查看更多




A.     Try to know more about your child.

B.      Being a daddy is your top priority.

C.      Value your child for what he is.

D.     Let your child teach you.

E.      Time is of the essence.

F.      Look for the good and praise it.


Seven Simple Rules for Dad

My main object in life is to make sure I do the best possible job rais­ing Tommy, now aged ten. That means I have to be the best possible father I can be. I am no psychologist, but I do see what succeeds with my son and me. I also observe other fathers. Here is what I have found works best in the dad department.



The key to a happy child is having a dad who is there with him consis­tently, day in and day out. It is far better to spend evening after evening just sitting near him while he reads a book or plays on the computer than to spend a couple of hours every Saturday buying him toys or taking in a movie.

2. Share your strengths and fears.

You are your child's ally, not his adversary. The child who knows that his father was once afraid of the dark, and is still afraid of needles, gets to know that his own weaknesses are part of mankind, not a unique shame.



 Encouragement is the primary engine of human development. I have been telling Tommy for a year now that he is a whiz in math because I know he can calculate in a nanosecond the number of toys he can buy with his allowance. Now he's a whiz in math at school too. Consistent recognition of a child's strengths is more important by far than vitamins. You deny it to them at their peril and yours.

4. Do not allow your children to be rude.

My son is expected to share, answer others when they greet him and congratulate those who succeed. By teaching him about politeness, I make sure he realizes that others' feelings are worth taking into account. If he can get that into his little towhead, he will have learned the most basic foundation of human interaction.



A common misstatement about child development is that “kids don't come with instruction manuals(操作指南).” Not true—they do. They tell you when they’re hungry. They tell you when they're lonely or scared. They are like little guided tours of themselves. Children will tell you what they want, although not always with words. Fatigue, irritability and sadness are ways of telling Dad what they need. Look and listen.



When Tommy knows he is loved for himself, not for any particular accomplishment, he has a certain peace that allows him to learn better, sleep better, play better, be more helpful around the house. Whether he becomes a rocket scientist or a plumber, I want Tommy to know he's No. 1 with me.



If you decide your kids come before your sales quota or bridge game, you will find that all the other pieces of Daddyhood fall into place. When you put your kids first, you're getting the most value for every hour on earth. What’s more, you have made the rightest decision of your life.

—benjamin j. stein in The Washingtonian



Putting Movies on Mobiles

Movies in the theater get their recognition at awards ceremonies such as the Oscars.But how about movies for phones? They are getting their turn at MoFilm — the first mobile film festival.

The first MoFilm competition received 250 entries from more than 100 countries.Entries were restricted to films that were five minutes or less in length — ideal for viewing and sharing on mobile phones.An independent jury then selected a shortlist of five film-makers.The winner was chosen from the shortlist by an audience voting using their phones.

New Platforms

The awards highlight the increasing impact that mobile phones are making in the entertainment industry.Many grassroots filmmakers start out with short films.They are thwarted by the lack of opportunities to screen their work.Therefore, mobile phones are increasingly being seen as a new platform for these short works.  

It is a good place for anyone who wants to express themselves and find a way to have that expression be seen by a wide audience.Just think about how many people have mobile phones in the world!

New Technology Advances

MoFilm is pioneering content for mobile and online services that is a world away from Hollywood.The majority of films made for mobiles are now short in length, taking into account the screen size.However this could be overcome as technology advances.

In the near future, longer films will likely be seen on the mobile phone.And there are mobile companies creating phones where users can watch movies at higher quality.

Wherever you see movies, one thing is certain: the quality of work, the simple ability at story telling, and the thing that inspires someone to tell a story can really come from anywhere.

60.At the first MoFilm, ________.  

A.movies in the theater got their recognition

B.more than 100 countries took part in the competition

C.ideal films were five minutes or less in length

D.the winner was chosen by experts’ voting

61.They are thwarted by the lack of opportunities to screen their work.The underlined word means “________”.

A.disappointed             B.surprised                     C.frightened              D.encouraged

62.Nowadays the majority of films made for mobiles are short in length because of ________.

A.online services        B.the mobile phone           C.technology advances       D.the screen size                  



BEIJING - China's railway rates for freight and passenger transport will continue to be set by the government, announced a senior official with the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), China's top economic planner, on Friday.
Cao Changqing, head of the NDRC's department of price, said that the country will continue to implement government-set or government-guided prices for the railway sector after the China Railway Corporation (CRC), a State-owned company that takes over the commercial functions of the former Ministry of Railways (MOR), went into business on March 17.
Cao said the railway sector, constituting China's main public transport facilities, is a key basic industry. Its pricing scheme is concerned with both the sector's normal operation and development, as well as the daily traveling and vital interests of the general public.
The state will be very cautious in making any price adjustment in the railway sector, taking into account various factors including operation, construction, public acceptance and coordinated development with other modes of transport, according to the NDRC official.
Under Chinese law and regulations, hearings will be held before adjustments in the basic passenger train ticket fare, Cao said.
In China's latest railway reform, endorsed at the just-concluded annual session of the country's top legislature, the former MOR was dismantled into two parts, with the newly created CRC carrying out business functions and a state railways administration fulfilling administrative functions.
【小题1】What does this passage mainly talk about?

A.China’s railway pricing scheme unchanged
B.A State-owned company takes over the commercial functions of MOR.
C.China’s latest railway reform
D.The former MOR was divided into two parts
【小题2】What does Cao mean according to the passage?
A.There will be adjustment in the basic passenger train ticket
B.China’s railway rate for passenger will not be changed forever
C.Hearing will be held before adjustment of railway price
D.The price adjustment are being considered
【小题3】What can we infer from the fourth paragraph?
A.The public will be very curious about the price adjustment
B.Various factors are taken into account by the state before adjustment
C.Public acceptance is the most important factor
D.NDRC should coordinate railway development with other modes of transport
【小题4】Why will hearings be held before adjustments in the basic passenger train ticket fare?
A.The public request it
B.Under Chinese laws and regulations
C.According to the order from leaders
D.Because it will cause a lot of problem
【小题5】We would most probably read this passage on the newspaper about________


surging commodity (商品) prices could worsen poverty in many poor countries, the International Monetary Fund warned Tuesday.

A new IMF study, seeing the effect of soaring oil and food costs, said many poor and developing countries would likely have to change their economic policies in response to soaring commodity prices. “Some countries are at a dangerous point,” warned IMF managing director Dominique Strauss?Kahn.

“If food prices rise further and oil prices stay the same, some governments will no longer be able to feed their people and at the same time keep stability in their economies,” Strauss?Kahn said. The IMF chief called for a “broad cooperative approach” to help handle higher oil and food prices, and said the IMF stood ready to assist countries in need. Strauss?Kahn said the international community would also have to play a role in helping to reduce the effect of commodity price shocks which have caused protests in some countries. European truckers have blockaded major roads to protest fuel prices in recent weeks and food riots (骚乱) have occurred in Cameroon, Bangladesh, and Somalia among other countries in recent months. “Poor countries that are highly dependent on food imports are particularly vulnerable (易受影响的) to rising food prices,” the IMF report said.

Anti?poverty campaigners are concerned that rising commodity costs could roll back advances made through anti?poverty campaigns in recent years, particularly because poorer families tend to spend much more of their household income on food. The IMF report found that poor households are most affected by food price inflation and “warned that the share of undernourished people in developing countries could rise rapidly above the current 40 percent of total population”.

Energy and food values are still rising and the IMF said its research suggests “the problem is worsening”. The Washington?based fund said it is working closely with its member countries to help reduce inflationary (通货膨胀的) pressures taking into account countries' specific needs. The report said that global food markets “need to be kept open” and that “restrictive policies”, such as export taxes and bans, should be removed.

1.To reduce the effects of rising oil and food prices, the IMF suggests ________.

A.increasing export taxes

B.placing restrictions on export

C.global food markets shouldn't be kept open

D.taking different measures to cooperate with its member countries

2.Why could rising commodity costs roll back advances made through anti?poverty campaigns?

A.Because European truckers have blockaded major roads to protest fuel prices.

B.Because poorer families tend to spend much more of their household income on food.

C.Because energy and labor costs are still rising and the problem is worsening.

D.Because the IMF hasn't prepared well to assist countries in need.

3.According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true?

A.The problem of commodity price increase exists all over the world.

B.Some developing countries do better in controlling oil price increase.

C.IMF is going to help reduce the effect of commodity price shocks.

D.Food price increase affects poor households badly.

4.What's the main idea of the passage?

A.IMF takes measures to reduce the effect of commodity price shocks.

B.Surging commodity prices cause protests in some countries.

C.Rising oil and food prices may worsen poverty in developing countries.

D.Global food markets need to be kept open.



To send and to read email has quickly become one of the most common daily activities around the world, either for business or pleasure.    1.  

Several reasons why email has become a great tool is that it is fast, convenient, and affordable.  2.  In the past, teachers often organized pen friends project where their students would exchange letters with another group of students in another country   3.  And by that time, students might lose interest in the project or the class might and before a serious of meaningful exchanges can take place.   4.  With email, however, messages can be sent at a click of a button at school, home, or an Internet café, and if you are using a free email account, the cost is free(not taking into account any Internet Service Provider fees that you have to pay).

  5.  Email has a lot to offer, for language learners and teachers in the classroom.

A.In addition, students have to pay imitational postage to send the letters.

B.However, the turn-arcund time for sending and receiving traditional letters can take up months.

C.Now, more students are using this form of communication to improve their language skills.

D.Students can develop friendships with people from around the globe.

E.While chatting online, never give out personal information including your age.

F.One particular activity that takes advantage of these points is a key pal exchange.

G.Instead of waiting days or weeks for a response, students can receive a reply quickly.


