What is the man doing? A. Inviting the woman to dinner. B. Inviting the woman to a cinema C. Cooking supper 查看更多




1. Where does the conversation take place?  
A. In the street.  
B. In the hotel.    
C. At the bus stop.  

2. What is the man probably going to do?  
A. He is going to work.  
B. He is going to give the woman a gift.  
C. He is going to pick up the woman.  

3. What are they doing now?  
A. Watching a movie.  
B. Travelling by train.  
C. Travelling by car.  

4. What do we know from the conversation?  
A. The man regretted inviting his wife’s boss to the dinner party.  
B. The two speakers enjoyed themselves at the dinner party.  
C. The boss of the man’s wife left the party earlier.  

5. What is the meaning of the last sentence?  
A. If one begins to play volleyball, one will like it at once.  
B. If one begins to play basketball, one will like it at once.  
C. If one begins to play basketball, one will find it boring.  









How much is the shirt?

A. £ 19.15   B. £ 9.15  C. £ 9.18



1.What is the man doing?

[  ]

A.He is inviting the woman to dinner.

B.He is cooking evening meal.

C.He is putting forward a good idea.

2.Where are the two speakers?

[  ]

A.In a hospital.

B.In a supermarket.

C.In a bar.

3.Whom are they talking about?

[  ]

A.A lady.

B.Cleaning ladies.

C.A teacher.

4.Why didn't the man buy some bread?

[  ]

A.The woman forgot to buy it.

B.The woman forgot to tell him to buy it.

C.The woman didn't remember to buy it.

5.How much money does the woman need?

[  ]

A.Five pounds.

B.Ten pounds.

C.Eight pounds.





6.Why is the man talking about the delayed bus?

[  ]

A.He is really angry about it.

B.He wants to talk to the woman.

C.He is eager to go to a film.

7.What is the woman's name?

[  ]





8.What are the two speakers talking about?

[  ]

A.Language teaching.

B.Radio programs.

C.Foreign languages.

9.What other languages besides English do we teach over the radio?

[  ]

A.German, Spanish and French.

B.Portuguese, Swedish and French.

C.Japanese, French and German.


10.What are they discussing about?

[  ]

A.How to spend the weekend.

B.Where to go this evening.

C.What to do on Sunday evening.

11.What aren't there that night according to the man?

[  ]




12.What do they finally decide to do?

[  ]

A.To see a comedy.

B.To watch a new play.

C.To go to a dance party.


13.Where does the woman plan to go?

[  ]

A.Up north.

B.Mary White's.


14.Where does Bob invite her to go?

[  ]

A.To a bar.

B.To a film.

C.To Mary White's.

15.Who do you think is Mary White?

[  ]

A.An experienced doctor.

B.Their friend.

C.Bob's sister.

16.How many people will go?

[  ]





17.What questions do the students of English always ask?

[  ]

A.Can I question Americans?

B.Can I communicate with Americans?

C.Can I speak to Americans?

18.Who says “in the hospital”?

[  ]




19.What is the main idea of this monologue?

[  ]

A.There are too many differences between American and British English.

B.British and American English are two different languages.

C.American and British speakers share the same language.

20.How many differences are there between the British and American English?

[  ]









1.How does the man suggest that the woman pay for the book?

A.In cash.

B.Not by check.

C.By credit card.

2.What conclusion can be drawn from this conversation?

A.Adrian went to the meeting.

B.Adrian didn't like all projects.

C.Adrian agreed with the projects.

3.What happened to the man?

A.Nobody would like to help him.

B.He had to take Jane to hospital.

C.He had to do other's jobs.

4.Where is Professor Green?

A.On the plane.

B.In the USA.

C.In Beijing.

5.What are they doing?

A.Watching TV.

B.Listening to the radio.

C.Swimming across the channel.




6.What is the woman doing?

A.Inviting Mark to her place for dinner.

B.Asking Mark to buy a bottle of wine for her.

C.Inviting Mark to her place for a party.

7.Which of the following is TRUE?

A.Mark will arrive between seven and seven thirty.

B.Mark doesn't accept the invitation.

C.Mark can’t buy the wine.


8.What does Cheryl do at her supermarket job?

A.She sells fruit and vegetables.

B.She puts groceries out on the shelves.

C.She helps customers to carry groceries.

9.What does Phil not like about his job?

A.He sometimes has to work in bad weather.

B.He has to work all day long.

C.He earns less than he should have earned.

10.What is Phil going to do next?

A.Quit his job.

B.Plant trees.

C.Clear the garden.


11.Why doesn't the mother give his son something to eat?

A.There isn't any food to eat.

B.The boy just ate something.

C.They are going to have dinner soon.

12.What snack does the boy want at the beginning of the conversation?

A.Potato chips.



13.Which one food does the mother NOT offer to his son for a snack?





14.Based on the girl's statements, how would you describe her English teacher?




15.How does she feel about her Spanish class?

A.She finds that the exams are quite confusing.

B.She says that the assignments require too much time.

C.She feels the teacher doesn't spend enough time explaining verbs.

16.How is she doing in her physics class?

A.She is getting excellent grades.

B.She is doing average work.

C.She is failing the class.

17.Why does the girl like her history class?

A.The teacher gives easy questions on tests.

B.The teacher rewards students who can handle his questions.

C.The teacher gives candy to all of the students.


18.What result has the research got on“What makes someone an interesting person”?

A.A sense of curiosity.

B.Great achievements.

C.Long education.

19.What should you do if you go to a party?

A.Talk about yourself as much as possible.

B.Sit in the corner alone all the time.

C.Listen to others as much as possible.

20.What can you get from this research?

A.To be a good listener and friendly to others.

B.To be a good talker but listener.

C.To be a learner but a listener.




1.What does the man want to do?

[  ]

A.He wants to know where the computers are.

B.He wants to sell computer disks.

C.He wants to buy computer disks.

2.What should the man do first to go to the Wooster Street?

[  ]

A.Walk two blocks.

B.Walk to the corner.

C.Make a left turn.

3.What time is it now?

[  ]

A.2:05.  B.2:30.  C.2:55.

4.What will the girl do tonight?

[  ]

A.She will go to ask Nancy for dinner.

B.She will stay at home alone.

C.She has to stay at home with her brother.

5.What is the woman most possibly?

[  ]

A.A clerk.   B.A librarian.  C.A waitress.




6.What kind of ticket did the man want to buy?

[  ]

A.One-way ticket to Edinburgh for children.

B.Two-way ticket to Liverpool for students.

C.Two-way ticket to Edinburgh for students.

7.How much did the man pay for his tickets?

[  ]

A.£158.  B.£52.65.  C.£105.30.

8.When did the dialogue most probably take place?

[  ]

A.At 11:50.  B.At 12:00.  C.At 12:10.


9.How about the weather that day?

[  ]

A.It was stormy.  B.It was cloudy.  C.It was rainy.

10.What did Mrs. Smith think when she saw Mr. White come and see her off?

[  ]

A.She thought Mr. White should come.

B.She didn't think it necessary that Mr. White should come.

C.She had never thought that Mr. White would come.

11.How did Mrs. Smith feel about traveling by air?

[  ]

A.She didn't enjoy flying very much.

B.She thought flying was often delayed by the weather.

C.She felt there was nothing like traveling by air.


12.What does the man suggest doing?

[  ]

A.Visiting their neighbour.

B.Spending the evening outside.

C.Inviting friends to dinner.

13.Where is the man now?

[  ]

A.At the dinner table.

B.Still at work.

C.In the kitchen.

14.On what day does Susan prefer to come if she agrees to baby-sit?

[  ]

A.Thursday.  B.Monday.  C.Saturday.


15.Where does Bob's father describe sports events?

[  ]

A.In a newspaper column.  B.On television.  C.On the radio.

16.What would the woman like to study at the university?

[  ]

A.English.  B.International relations.  C.She hasn't decided yet.

17.Why does the woman speak English well?

[  ]

A.It's easy for her.  B.She's worked hard.  C.She's almost a native.


18.Why did Mr. and Mrs. Alda go to a very expensive restaurant?

[  ]

A.To eat a meal.

B.To see movie stars.

C.To see fine pictures.

19.What kind of woman was Mrs. Alda?

[  ]

A.A proud woman.

B.An attractive woman.

C.A curious woman.

20.Who were the man and woman sitting next to the Aldas?

[  ]

A.Movie stars.

B.Famous people.

C.Other customers.

