quality n. 数量 查看更多






2.参考词汇:quality n.素质 division n.分科 all-round adj.全面的


In recent days, a discussion is being carried on about whether we should be grouped as liberal arts or science in grade one.















2.参考词汇:quality n.素质division n.分科all-round adj.全面的


In recent days,a discussion is being carried on about whether We should be grouped as liberal ants or science in grade two.






Every decision is made within a decision environment, which is defined as the collection of information, alternatives, values. Many decision makers have a(n)  50  to seek more information than required to make a good decision. When too much information is sought and obtained, one or more of several   51  can arise.

﹡ A   52   in the decision occurs because of the time required to obtain and process the extra information.

  53   overload will occur. In this state, so much information is available that decision-making ability actually   54   because the information in its entirety can no longer be managed or assessed  55  . A major problem caused by information overload is  56  . When too much information is taken into memory, especially in a short period of time, some of the information (often that received early on) will be pushed out.

﹡Selective use of the information will occur.  57   , the decision maker will choose from among all the information available only those facts which support a preconceived(预先构想的) solution or position.

﹡Mental fatigue occurs, which  58   slower work or poor quality work.

  59    fatigue occurs, where the decision maker tires of making decisions. Often the result is fast, careless decisions or no decisions are made at all.

The quantity of information that can be processed by the human mind is limited. Unless information is  60  selected, processing will be biased toward the first part of the information received. After that, the mind tires and begins to  61  subsequent information or forget earlier information.

A common   62  about decision making is that decisions are made in isolation from each other: you gather information, explore alternatives, and  63  , without regard to anything that has gone before. The fact is, decisions are made in a context of other decisions.

We might say, then every decision  64   from previous decisions: enables many future decisions, and assists other future decisions.

A. ability                B. tendency         C. quality              D. strength

A. advantages         B. agreements       C. decisions         D. problems

A. delay                  B. possibility        C. solution          D. settlement

A. Labor                    B. Knowledge       C. Information          D. Intelligence

A. eliminates        B. declines           C. qualifies           D. promotes

A. relatively         B. objectively         C. appropriately      D. personally

A. forgetfulness          B. inconvenience    C. uselessness         D. disability

A. After all          B. In addition       C. In short             D. That is to say

A. suffers from       B. deals with       C. results in            D. applies to

A. Beauty               B. Memory         C. Sight             D. Decision

A. accidentally        B. consciously      C. occasionally        D. independently

A. ignore             B. select           C. store               D. process

A. interest             B. sense           C. conclusion          D. misunderstanding

A. draw a conclusion  B. made a choice    C. put it aside       D. try it out

A. prevents           B. decides             C. infers             D. follows


前不久,学校刚刚举办过校园十佳歌手大赛,该活动得到了学校领导的支持,并深受同学们的广泛欢迎。许多同学都亲自去聆听了歌手们的演唱,想必心中一定有了自己崇拜的偶像。请以The basic quality of a good singer为题,根据你对音乐及演唱技巧的理解,对此次歌手大赛做一个大体描述与总体评价。


提示词汇:Top Ten of singing competition  十佳歌手大赛 n.

Support 支持    n./v.

Be popular with 受……欢迎 v

Adore v. 崇拜

idol偶像    n.

technique/ skill 技巧 n.

Live show 现场秀

Emotion 感情n.

Melody n. 旋律

Rhythm n. 节奏



Attractions in Wisconsin
Wisconsin Historical Museum
30 N. Carroll Street on Madison’s Capital Square
Discover Wisconsin’s history and culture on four floors of exhibits. Open for public program.
Admission is free.
Open Tuesday through Saturday, 9:00am---4:00pm.
( 608 ) 264-6555  www.wisconsinhistory.org/museum
Swiss Historical Village
612 Seventh Ave., New Glares
The Swiss Historical Village offers a delightful look at pioneer life in America’s heartland.14 buildings in the village give a full picture of every day life in the nineteenth-century Midwest.
Tue.---Fri., May 1st ---October 31st , 10:00am---4:00pm. Admission is $20
( 608 ) 527-2317  www.swisshistoricalvillage.com
Artisan Gallery & Creamery Cafe`
6858 Paoli Rd., Paoli WI
One of the largest collections of fine arts and crafts in Wisconsin. Over 5000 sq. ft. of exhibition space in a historical creamery. While visiting enjoy a wonderful prepared lunch at our cafe` overlooking the Sugar River. Just minutes from Madison!
Gallery open Tue.—Sun.,10:00am—5:00 pm
Cafe` open Wed.—Sat, 11:00 am—3:00 pm
Sun. brunch with wine, 10:00---3:00 pm
( 608 ) 845-6600  www.artisangal.com
Christopher Columbus Museum
239 Whitney St., Columbus
World-class exhibit ---2000 quality souvenirs marking Chicago’s 1893 World Columbus Exhibition. Tour buses are always welcome.
Open daily, 8:15 am—4:00 pm
( 608 ) 623-1992  www.columbusantiquemall.com
【小题1】Where can you go for a visit on Monday?

A.Wisconsin Historical MuseumB.Swiss Historical Village
C.Artisan Gallery & Creamery Cafe`D.Christopher Columbus Museum
【小题2】Where can visitors have lunch?
A.At Wisconsin Historical MuseumB.At Swiss Historical Village
C.At Artisan Gallery & Creamery Cafe`D.At Christopher Columbus Museum
【小题3】We can learn from the text that_________.
A.Swiss Historical Village is open for half a year.
B.Christopher Columbus Museum overlooks a river.
C.Tickets are needed for Wisconsin Historical Museum
D.Artisan Gallery & Creamery Cafe are open daily for 4 hours.

