grasp vt. 抓住 查看更多



Success is____his grasp.
He____the____the arm.


A young woman was diagnosed with a terminal illness(不治之症)and given three months to live. So as she was getting her things “in order”, she asked her pastor(牧师)to come to her house to discuss her final wishes. With everything in order, the pastor was ready to leave when the young woman suddenly remembered something very important to her.

“What’s that?” asked the pastor.

“I want to be buried with a fork in my right hand.”

The pastor stood looking at the young woman, not knowing what to say.

“That surprises you, doesn’t it?” the young woman asked.

“Well, to be honest, I’m puzzled by the request,” said the pastor.

The young woman explained, “In all my years of going to church meetings and dinners, I remember that when the dishes of the main course were being cleared, someone would always lean over and say, ‘Keep your fork.’ It was my favorite part because I knew that something better was coming, like chocolate cake or apple pie,some dessert like that. Something wonderful! I just want people to see me there in that casket(棺材)with a fork so that when they ask you why I have a fork, you can tell them: ‘Keep your fork—the best is yet to come.’”

The pastor hugged the young woman good-bye. He knew that the young woman had a better grasp of heaven than he did. She had a better grasp of what heaven would be like than many people twice her age, with twice as much experience and knowledge.

At the funeral people were walking by the young woman’s casket and they saw the pretty dress she was wearing and the fork placed in her right hand. Over and over, the pastor heard the question “Why does she have a fork?” And over and over again he smiled.

So the next time you reach down for your fork, let it reminded you of this young woman gently. Send the message to everyone you consider a friend even if it means sending it back to the person who sent it to you.

And, keep your fork!!

1.In the author’s opinion, the woman in this passage is _______.





2.When enjoying a Western dinner, in the later part you have to “Keep your fork.” This usually mean “____________”

A.Watch out for your fork.

B.I wish you good luck with the fork

C.Prepare your fork so that you can enjoy the dessert

D.You can not take away your fork

3.Which of the following is WRONG about the young woman?

A.She is optimistic about life and diseases.

B.She loves sweet food.

C.She wants her friends to remember her forever.

D.She is a regular church-goer.

4.According to the passage, “Keep your fork”, the message may mean “__________”

A.Don’t be discouraged. Everything will be better.

B.What is the matter? I am worried.

C.Have you heard the story of a young woman?

D.Enjoy your dinner.




1.The non-profit organization made a project to help the poor children                  

                            (暴露在被污染的空气中) to live a healthier life. (expose)

2.The people in the demonstration in support of reoccupying Diao Yu Island are said        

                 (由……组成) a mainly part of angry college students.            (consist)

3.____________________________ (他一被抓住) for the terrible car accident, the rude driver shouted, “My father is Li Gang!”                                                            (instant)

4.Only one conclusion that your computer was attacked by virus                        

             (我们可以得出) according to the symptom.                               (draw)

5.The government                                (发现权力受到挑战) and the people demanding a more caring Party.                                                                           (challenge)

6.                             (是非常值得赞扬的) that Arthur gave back the money he found.                                                                                                        (credit)

7. So                                       (可怜的工人们被压榨) that they took up weapons to defend their rights.                                                                          (squeeze)

8.                              (把它分成几个部分), the movie Inception can hardly be well understood.                                                                                         (divide)

9.It was                               (直到我被告知) the lack of water that I realized the importance to value every drop of it in our life.                                               (inform)

10. Don’t be far too optimistic since                                  (你可能受到责备) had you not been assisted.                                                                                      (blame)



If you want to learn anything at school, you need to listen to your teachers. Unfortunately, millions of kids can’t hear what their teachers are saying. And it’s not because these students are goofing off. Often, it’s the room’s fault. Building architecture and building design can create echo(回声)-filled classrooms that make hearing difficult.

Children with hearing impairments(损伤)suffer most from noisy classrooms. They sometimes can’t hear questions that other students ask in class. Compared with kids with healthy hearing, they have a harder time picking up new vocabulary words by hearing them in talking.

Even kids with normal hearing have a harder time in the classroom when there’s too much noise. Younger children in particular have trouble separating important sounds – like a teacher’s voice – from background noise. Kids with learning disabilities and speech impediments(障碍)and kids for whom English is a second language also have a harder time learning in noisy situations.

In recent years, scientists who study sound have been asking schools to reduce background noise, which may include loud air-conditioners and pipes. They’re also targeting outdoor noises, such as highway traffic. Noise reduction is a big deal. Why? Because quieter classrooms might make you smarter by letting you hear your lessons better.

“It’s so obvious that we should have quiet rooms that allow for access to the lesson,” says Dan Ostergren, a hearing scientist. “Sometimes it surprises me that we spend so much time discussing this topic. I just want to go. Why is this hard for anyone to grasp?”

The underlined part “goofing off” in the first paragraph can be replaced by “      ”.

A. lazy                  B. intelligent                 C. sleepy               D. foolish

Who is most affected by noisy classrooms?

A. Children with learning disabilities.          B. Children with hearing impairments.

C. Children with speech impediments.         D. Children with normal hearing.

Why should noise be reduced in classrooms?

A. Quiet classrooms are suitable for kids to have discussions.

B. Quiet classrooms help kids recover from hearing impairments.

C. Kids can become smarter after hearing lessons better.

D. Kids can’t separate sounds of air-conditioners and pipes.

What would be the best title for the passage?

A. Noisy classrooms                                  B. Classroom design

C. The sense of hearing                              D. Disabled kids


You have nothing to___ by refusing to listen to our advice.

  A. catch        B. earn       C. gain            D. grasp


